This One Basic Mistake Is Blowing Up Biden’s Presidency


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Let's hope his approval rating continues to crater, it's the only hope for this country. :clap:

"Yogi Berra was right. “It gets late early out here.” Just nine months into his presidency, Biden’s support is collapsing.
This isn’t just me saying so, although I’ve been warning about it for months. According to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, Biden’s approval rating is just 42 percent, with 50 percent of Americans disapproving of how he’s handling his job. Amazingly, that’s good news compared with the Quinnipiac poll, which shows his approval rating at just 38 percent. It should come as no surprise, especially when you consider the policies that have dominated the headlines these last few months."

"Speaking of Donald Trump, I’ve continued to emphasize that Biden’s only real mandate was to not be Trump. This meant a return to normalcy. This meant calming things down, bringing people together, and creating a more tranquil nation. This meant being more honest and empathetic. This meant being competent. Unfortunately, none of those things materialized"
Maybe if he hadn't told the third-world to "surge the border", and maybe if he hadn't stuck his little hand in the air when asked whose healthcare plan would pay for the healthcare of illegals, his ratings wouldn't be so pathetic!
Let's hope his approval rating continues to crater, it's the only hope for this country. :clap:

"Yogi Berra was right. “It gets late early out here.” Just nine months into his presidency, Biden’s support is collapsing.
This isn’t just me saying so, although I’ve been warning about it for months. According to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, Biden’s approval rating is just 42 percent, with 50 percent of Americans disapproving of how he’s handling his job. Amazingly, that’s good news compared with the Quinnipiac poll, which shows his approval rating at just 38 percent. It should come as no surprise, especially when you consider the policies that have dominated the headlines these last few months."

Biden v. Trump is a Newsom v. Elder situation.

I hope neither of them is the winner in 2024
By 2024 I believe that it will be Trump's turn to be too old for the presidency.
The minimum age for eligibility for the presidency is 35 years of age. We need some younger blood in there, a candidate that is actually pro-U.S. Constitution and its current Amendments and anti-Communism.
Let's hope his approval rating continues to crater, it's the only hope for this country. :clap:

"Yogi Berra was right. “It gets late early out here.” Just nine months into his presidency, Biden’s support is collapsing.
This isn’t just me saying so, although I’ve been warning about it for months. According to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, Biden’s approval rating is just 42 percent, with 50 percent of Americans disapproving of how he’s handling his job. Amazingly, that’s good news compared with the Quinnipiac poll, which shows his approval rating at just 38 percent. It should come as no surprise, especially when you consider the policies that have dominated the headlines these last few months."

What support? He wasn’t even elected in the first place.
Let's hope his approval rating continues to crater, it's the only hope for this country. :clap:

"Yogi Berra was right. “It gets late early out here.” Just nine months into his presidency, Biden’s support is collapsing.
This isn’t just me saying so, although I’ve been warning about it for months. According to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, Biden’s approval rating is just 42 percent, with 50 percent of Americans disapproving of how he’s handling his job. Amazingly, that’s good news compared with the Quinnipiac poll, which shows his approval rating at just 38 percent. It should come as no surprise, especially when you consider the policies that have dominated the headlines these last few months."

“Biden is about as unpopular as Trump was at this stage in his presidency.”
“Biden is about as unpopular as Trump was at this stage in his presidency.”
Jill Biden is the wild card in this. For she could have stopped this special needs ass from being put into power. There is most likely more to her then we are told. If not the one who controls this mongolian idiot, one of the conduits among others who pushes their agendas on all of us. The Constitution died in 1913.
Jill Biden is the wild card in this. For she could have stopped this special needs ass from being put into power. There is most likely more to her then we are told. If not the one who controls this mongolian idiot, one of the conduits among others who pushes their agendas on all of us. The Constitution died in 1913.
In the op article. Biden is head over heals better than tramp.
“Biden is about as unpopular as Trump was at this stage in his presidency.”

Contrary to your statement.....

As of late October, 43.4 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance while 50.7 percent disapprove, according to FiveThirtyEight’s polling average. A Trafalgar poll conducted October 19-21 came up with the bleakest number for Biden, with just 39 percent of respondents approving of his performance. Fox News, meanwhile, placed the president at a more optimistic 46 percent in its poll conducted October 16-19.
In the wake of the migrant fiasco in Del Rio, Texas, which saw over ten thousand Haitians flood the border, overwhelming agents and personnel, 66 percent of Americans are not happy with Biden’s conduct of immigration.
The data suggests that independents, and also Hispanics, are driving the autumn of discontent for Biden, with 56 percent of independents reporting that they believe the country is worse off today than it was a year ago, according to the most recent Quinnipiac poll.

Just continue to keep your ideological Biased head deep in the sand.
"Speaking of Donald Trump, I’ve continued to emphasize that Biden’s only real mandate was to not be Trump. This meant a return to normalcy. This meant calming things down, bringing people together, and creating a more tranquil nation. This meant being more honest and empathetic. This meant being competent. Unfortunately, none of those things materialized"

Things were fine when trump was in office. Well until covid came around but that wasn't his fault and a lot of leaders in a lot of other countries fucked it up way worse than he handled it, infact few countries faired better than us.

Back up 2 years and things were actually improving little by little gradually. Then covid threw a monkey wrench in everything, then Biden came along and royally fucked the whole country in the ass and hasn't stopped.
Actually his one mistake is trying to be bi-partisan with the Trumplican Party. Mitch McConnell is trying to act like he has got a shell, but he is the same coward ass turtle that has been controlled by Trump for the last 4yrs.

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