This Makes Me Angry

It wasn't a protest either. It was more like a leftist riot, melee, rampage, chaos, anarchy, and insurrection.

Ah, I still don't think it matters where he was though. He still is the victim in this situation.
Lol I meant related to this case. All I know about it is that Kyle was some place and then I think there were a couple of people involved that started shooting at him. I haven't been following this story that closely since I sort of took a break from news like that.
"I haven't been following this story that closely"........................:heehee:
I agree.

Way too many who were rotten and/or not smart, but the one guy who seems like a pretty decent kid got the book thrown at him while others committed felonies and will walk.

I am glad the jury came back with the right verdict.
  • The gas station where KR was standing until the mob started attacking his is owned by his grandparents. So the mob came on his property to attack him;
  • Before that KR had put out a dumpster fire that was being rolled into the aforementioned gas station to blow it up and the people around it;
  • The Police were told to stand down and allow the businesses to be destroyed as the mayor is a leftist coward;
  • KR's dad and grandparents live in Kenosha. KR lives with his mom in IL about 20 miles away;
  • KR was knocked down twice and a leftist asshole attempted to kick him in the head before KR retaliated;
  • Huber the dead leftist moron hit KR with a skateboard twice before being shot;
  • Gaige Grosskreutz another leftist moron aimed his gun at KR first and admitted as such on the witness stand;
  • In the State of Wisconsin it is legal for a 17-yr old to own an AR-15. So why was there even an attempt at a gun charge?;
  • KR did not cross state lines with the aforementioned AR-15. He had it legally in Wisconsin where his dad and grandparents live;
  • Rosenbaum the dead leftist scumbag was a 5-time convicted child rapist and Huber the other dead scumbag was a 2-time convicted woman beater. BOTH ARE WHITE (were). Grosskreutz is a convicted burglar with an assault record, WHY DID HE HAVE A FIREARM?;
This is what happened. Tell Mac1958 to fuck off for me.
So he was a fool for defending his right to defend himself? You're an idiot.

Normally I can't stand BLM, but I looked it up and apparently they were protesting the life of a police officer and a black man being lost,.. however, that doesn't really matter though when all is said and done. What does matter is that the people Kyle shot weren't the victims, he was because he was the one being shot at and his life could have been lost if he didn't do something. The jury came to the proper verdict whether you like it or not.
I thought you weren't following this story closely.
I thought you weren't following this story closely.
  • The gas station where KR was standing until the mob started attacking his is owned by his grandparents. So the mob came on his property to attack him;
  • Before that KR had put out a dumpster fire that was being rolled into the aforementioned gas station to blow it up and the people around it;
  • The Police were told to stand down and allow the businesses to be destroyed as the mayor is a leftist coward;
  • KR's dad and grandparents live in Kenosha. KR lives with his mom in IL about 20 miles away;
  • KR was knocked down twice and a leftist asshole attempted to kick him in the head before KR retaliated;
  • Huber the dead leftist moron hit KR with a skateboard twice before being shot;
  • Gaige Grosskreutz another leftist moron aimed his gun at KR first and admitted as such on the witness stand;
  • In the State of Wisconsin it is legal for a 17-yr old to own an AR-15. So why was there even an attempt at a gun charge?;
  • KR did not cross state lines with the aforementioned AR-15. He had it legally in Wisconsin where his dad and grandparents live;
  • Rosenbaum the dead leftist scumbag was a 5-time convicted child rapist and Huber the other dead scumbag was a 2-time convicted woman beater. BOTH ARE WHITE (were). Grosskreutz is a convicted burglar with an assault record, WHY DID HE HAVE A FIREARM?;
How is this you old witch? Spells it out pretty vividly....
Because you run away from anything that doesn't fit your fantasy world.
Unlike Azog who simply gets ignored on a regular basis by pretty much everyone because he's ya know....a Jewish Nazi
His family were idiots for letting a 17 year old kid go out of state to a BLM demonstration. You didn't see the rest of his high school class there, did you? Better parenting, tells the story, sooner or later.
I agree that it was not a wise place for a 17 year old to be, just like it is not wise for an attractive young woman to wear suggestive attire into a place where she is likely to be raped. Still, being unwise is not valid excuse for being attacked and having to defend yourself.
So he was a fool for defending his right to defend himself? You're an idiot.

Normally I can't stand BLM, but I looked it up and apparently they were protesting the life of a police officer and a black man being lost,.. however, that doesn't really matter though when all is said and done. What does matter is that the people Kyle shot weren't the victims, he was because he was the one being shot at and his life could have been lost if he didn't do something. The jury came to the proper verdict whether you like it or not. The BLM "protests" started when the Kenosha cops responded to a sexual assault and kidnaping call. The black guy was shot trying to take 3 kids from his baby mama and steal her car. He was shot in the back when he wouldn't drop his knife and tried to leave. He survived but is paralyzed from the waste down.
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I agree that it was not a wise place for a 17 year old to be, just like it is not wise for an attractive young woman to wear suggestive attire into a place where she is likely to be raped. Still, being unwise is not valid excuse for being attacked and having to defend yourself.

Thank you, that's the point I've been trying to make. I don't care if he was in an alley at midnight, his life was in danger so he reacted. Case closed he's officially legally innocent now.
"Rosenbaum was a convicted sex offender, and Snopes reported that the then-19-year-old was sentenced in Arizona in 2002 for sexually abusing five boys — between the ages of 9 and 11 — while he lived with the boys’ parents."

"Kenosha News reported that Huber has two domestic violence convictions for incidents involving his siblings. In the 2012 case, Huber was originally charged with strangulation and suffocation and false imprisonment — which are felonies — but he took a plea deal. According to The Washington Post, Huber was imprisoned in 2017 for violating the terms of his probation. He went back to prison in 2018 after kicking his sister and being charged with disorderly conduct."

"Gaige Grosskreutz: The sole surviving victim, who testified that he was armed when he approached Rittenhouse, said he was at the protest to provide medical aid. Unlike Huber and Rosenbaum, there is no evidence that Grosskreutz was a convicted felon, which is supported by the fact that he had a conceal-carry permit, though it was expired at the time of the shooting, according to NPR. Snopes reported that Grozzkreutz had been charged with minor offenses, including noise violations and disobeying police. Public records indicate that he was suspected of committing felony burglary in 2012, but the charges were dropped. Heavy reported that Grosskreutz has an expunged felony conviction, but the nature of that charge was undisclosed."

What We Know About the 3 Protesters Shot by Kyle Rittenhouse
Gaige had numerous DUI's and gun charges from driving drunk shooting his hand gun from his car.

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