This just in: Massive Protests erupt against calling Trump mentally ill... Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Transgender is not a mental illness.
Yes it is, just like homosexuality.
White nationalism is a strong symptom indicating mental illness.
White Nationalism is what the founders used to create this nation.

On the backs of slaves. Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Transgender is not a mental illness.
Yes it is, just like homosexuality.

No its not homosexuality. Of course some Trans as some non trans are homosexual.
Trump is both mentally ill and an asshole. Not a good combination.
Weird. Maxine Waters is both.....yet they gave her an MTV award last night. I guess it was an award for being an asshole. She thinks Russia invaded Korea and that Trump must be impeached without any basis for an impeachment.
Nancy Pelosi at times thinks Bush is still president. She thinks that Natural Gas isn’t a fossil-fuel. She thinks that repealing Obamacare will cause Republicans to glow in the dark.
So, as usual, the defense for trump not being a mentally ill asshole is to deflect and find others who might also be mentally ill assholes according to your standards. That of course, does nothing to deny that trump is a mentally ill asshole. It just claims that according to you, others are mentally ill assholes also. Trump is the President. Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Good question. The transgender question needs to be settled by anatomy; you got outdoor plumbing; use the Gents. If not, use the women's restroom. It really is that simple. If you're not "comfortable" with that societal ruling...I'm sure mama told you there would be days like this and society has no obligation to make you comfortable--no obligation to provide you a place to defecate either by the way so be happy you have a restroom to use, mmmmkay?

As for Trump, illness of repeating his last thought 3 times is an early sign of Alzheimer's. There is little debate that he does that quite often.
Wow! You "sound" like a conservative.
Trump is both mentally ill and an asshole. Not a good combination.
If Trump is mentally ill then why couldn't Hillary beat him to become president?

Better question is why couldn't the other Republicans beat him. He played dirty, some would not get down in the mud.
That's hilarious. First JEB got down in the mud. When he went down Marco Rubio got nasty. When Marco blew it Ted Cruiz became the attack dog. Fringe players were losers like Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Scott Walker, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, and John Kasich. It's easier to name the folks who didn't sling mud at Trump (Ben Carson, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee) than those that did. It was like they were taking turns. At times they were double-teaming him. Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Transgender is not a mental illness.
Yes it is, just like homosexuality.
White nationalism is a strong symptom indicating mental illness.
White Nationalism is what the founders used to create this nation.

On the backs of slaves.
Slavery is what created the Democratic & Republican Parties. Democrats were for it. Republicans were against it.
Trump is both mentally ill and an asshole. Not a good combination.
Weird. Maxine Waters is both.....yet they gave her an MTV award last night. I guess it was an award for being an asshole. She thinks Russia invaded Korea and that Trump must be impeached without any basis for an impeachment.
Nancy Pelosi at times thinks Bush is still president. She thinks that Natural Gas isn’t a fossil-fuel. She thinks that repealing Obamacare will cause Republicans to glow in the dark.
So, as usual, the defense for trump not being a mentally ill asshole is to deflect and find others who might also be mentally ill assholes according to your standards. That of course, does nothing to deny that trump is a mentally ill asshole. It just claims that according to you, others are mentally ill assholes also. Trump is the President.
So you're saying it's okay to be mentally Ill if you're a member of congress?

I don't feel the need to prove Trump is sane. The idea is ludicrous. Especially when the idea originated among criminal sociopaths in Congress and their corrupt media. The idea is insane to start with. It is a product of hatred and a demented mindset. Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Good question. The transgender question needs to be settled by anatomy; you got outdoor plumbing; use the Gents. If not, use the women's restroom. It really is that simple. If you're not "comfortable" with that societal ruling...I'm sure mama told you there would be days like this and society has no obligation to make you comfortable--no obligation to provide you a place to defecate either by the way so be happy you have a restroom to use, mmmmkay?

As for Trump, illness of repeating his last thought 3 times is an early sign of Alzheimer's. There is little debate that he does that quite often.
I guess every politician on the campaign trail has Alzheimers then. Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Transgender is not a mental illness.
Yes, it is.

No its not, but that of course is not saying no transsexuals are MI. MI can attack anyone, rich, male, female, poor, black, white, anyone.
Yes. It is. Believing that you are something that is demonstrably false is delusional, and absolutely constitutes mental illness.
look at the mentally ill fags, who maintain it's perfectly sane to switch sex and pass sons off as daughters, whining that trump is crazy because they claim he isn't what he claims to be.

Irony. Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Transgender is not a mental illness.
Yes, it is.

No its not, but that of course is not saying no transsexuals are MI. MI can attack anyone, rich, male, female, poor, black, white, anyone.
Yes. It is. Believing that you are something that is demonstrably false is delusional, and absolutely constitutes mental illness.

1 in 2000 infants are intersex, some studies say 1 in 1000, its biological. It may even be more prevalent today, due to the hormones in meat. Its not new, its just come out of the closet so to speak. Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Transgender is not a mental illness.
Yes it is, just like homosexuality.
White nationalism is a strong symptom indicating mental illness.
So is someone who claims they're a Republican yet sounds like a Democrat.
You, unsurprisingly, are confused as usual. I am not a Democrat, you are not a patriot or a Republican. Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Transgender is not a mental illness.
Yes it is, just like homosexuality.
White nationalism is a strong symptom indicating mental illness.
So is someone who claims they're a Republican yet sounds like a Democrat.
You, unsurprisingly, are confused as usual. I am not a Democrat, you are not a patriot or a Republican.
"Denial" of reality is another symptom of insanity....along with "projection". Both are classic indicators of possible mental Illness.

I studied Psychology in Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Transgender is not a mental illness.
Yes, it is.

No its not, but that of course is not saying no transsexuals are MI. MI can attack anyone, rich, male, female, poor, black, white, anyone.
Yes. It is. Believing that you are something that is demonstrably false is delusional, and absolutely constitutes mental illness.

1 in 2000 infants are intersex, some studies say 1 in 1000, its biological. It may even be more prevalent today, due to the hormones in meat. Its not new, its just come out of the closet so to speak.
What you contend is pointless without offering links for the board to scrutinize. Further more your claim is as absurd as , going to Africa, and claiming AIDS isn't an illness simply because it's so prevalent...
Transgender is not a mental illness.
Yes, it is.

No its not, but that of course is not saying no transsexuals are MI. MI can attack anyone, rich, male, female, poor, black, white, anyone.
Yes. It is. Believing that you are something that is demonstrably false is delusional, and absolutely constitutes mental illness.

1 in 2000 infants are intersex, some studies say 1 in 1000, its biological. It may even be more prevalent today, due to the hormones in meat. Its not new, its just come out of the closet so to speak.
What you contend is pointless without offering links for the board to scrutinize. Further more your claim is as absurd as , going to Africa, and claiming AIDS isn't an illness simply because it's so prevalent...

Google intersex.
Random Fact: Slavery in the America's was started in S. America over rice. AKA not the US's fault, but rather the Portugese and Spanish who plundered Brazil and enslaved the Mexican's/S. American's to run their paddies. In 1685 the Portuguese brought rice, and their slaves, to what is now South Carolina, presumably they ran out of slaves - no doubt beat the shit out of them as the Spanish were most unfriendly toward those they conquered - one has to presume that Native American's were not good slaves or at least they ran through them right quick, so they, the Portuguese, started bringing in African slaves. I suppose rice has always been a slavers crop; one can easily consider the Chinese cultivation were picked by "slaves" to their government. In India we had similar, and down into Africa as well. Blame the plant really, tis very labor intensive and until just recently the muddy paddy was a barrier to machinery.
I'm sure mama told you there would be days like this and society has no obligation to make you comfortable--no obligation to provide you a place to defecate either by the way so be happy you have a restroom to use, mmmmkay?
Society as a feeding frenzy, the American dream.

I'd say that society, when it prohibits defecating in public, certainly has an obligation to provide a 'private' place. 'Cause when you gotta go you gotta go.

This is part of the “code” I was speaking about that the nation no longer has. Do we have to legislate everything? Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Good question. The transgender question needs to be settled by anatomy; you got outdoor plumbing; use the Gents. If not, use the women's restroom. It really is that simple. If you're not "comfortable" with that societal ruling...I'm sure mama told you there would be days like this and society has no obligation to make you comfortable--no obligation to provide you a place to defecate either by the way so be happy you have a restroom to use, mmmmkay?

As for Trump, illness of repeating his last thought 3 times is an early sign of Alzheimer's. There is little debate that he does that quite often.
Wow! You "sound" like a conservative.

Conservatives have cogent thoughts at times. They have to be cultivated in almost every case though. Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Good question. The transgender question needs to be settled by anatomy; you got outdoor plumbing; use the Gents. If not, use the women's restroom. It really is that simple. If you're not "comfortable" with that societal ruling...I'm sure mama told you there would be days like this and society has no obligation to make you comfortable--no obligation to provide you a place to defecate either by the way so be happy you have a restroom to use, mmmmkay?

As for Trump, illness of repeating his last thought 3 times is an early sign of Alzheimer's. There is little debate that he does that quite often.
I guess every politician on the campaign trail has Alzheimers then.

The usual vapid commentary we’ve come to expect…. Mentally ill people who found this completely insulting

But I did find it "crazy making" that many of the same people who denounce
calling Transgendered people "mentally ill" would jump to judge Trump as such.

If Transgender orientation isn't to be judged socially as a "disorder"
why pick and choose which people to denounce as having a "personality or behavioral" disorder?

What is the criteria anymore? Is it all subjective/relative?
Is it politically correct when to call something a social or mental disorder?


Good question. The transgender question needs to be settled by anatomy; you got outdoor plumbing; use the Gents. If not, use the women's restroom. It really is that simple. If you're not "comfortable" with that societal ruling...I'm sure mama told you there would be days like this and society has no obligation to make you comfortable--no obligation to provide you a place to defecate either by the way so be happy you have a restroom to use, mmmmkay?

As for Trump, illness of repeating his last thought 3 times is an early sign of Alzheimer's. There is little debate that he does that quite often.
I guess every politician on the campaign trail has Alzheimers then.

The usual vapid commentary we’ve come to expect….
From you, yes....

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