This is why you don’t elect Democrats

Well duh...$24.5 million of that has to go right back to the Dumbocrat Party in the form of "political campaign donations". What an incredible scheme Nancy Pelosi and the rest have put together to finance their criminal organization...
This is why you don’t elect Dumbocrats. This is the ignorant “leadership” they provide. It always ends in poverty, misery, and death.

Dumbocrats hate it when they don’t get a softball from the media...

Hear that? Nancy Pelosi, who all this time we thought was an individual person, is now "Democrats".

Morons are hilarious.

This is why you don’t elect Dumbocrats. This is the ignorant “leadership” they provide. It always ends in poverty, misery, and death.

View attachment 328649

Whoops. Apparently just one minute earlier, Bill deBlasio was "Democrats".

They must have some kind of human meld machine. Wonder whose body they're occupying now.

Buttsoiler --- such a tool.,
I would ask "when will Dumbocrats learn" but that's exactly why they are called Dumbocrats! They don't learn. It's just a bad idea to attempt to unconstitutionally assume powers you don't have or strip real Americans of liberty.

Buttsoiler soils hisself yet again.

Tell the class, Buttsoiler, what the fuck the Constitution has to say about the governor of freaking Michigan.

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