This is why we need Cruz as president

Republicans have a choice!!Either go through the process with Garland, or risk Hillary's pick!!

You have been warned!
We know Cruz would pick the best judges. No rational argument can be made otherwise.

No one can say for sure what sort Dump will pick, and we know Hitlery will pick a fellow criminally insane totalitarian sociopath like herself.

Obama on SCOTUS??

Obama Forever!!
Question--What is the judicial equivalent of an executive order?:FIREdevil:
Can someone supporting Lyin' Ted actually explain how Hillary could overturn the Second Amendment? Ya see folks, Lyin' Ted relies on ignorance, superstition and rational thought for support.

Oh yes...........out of everyone who ran for President he's the ONLY ONE WHO CAN SAVE US.....Help us Obi CRUZ.............

We know Cruz would pick the best judges. No rational argument can be made otherwise.

No one can say for sure what sort Dump will pick, and we know Hitlery will pick a fellow criminally insane totalitarian sociopath like herself.

So appoint Obama's nominee

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