The Beaver
According to Fresno's mayor, Mr Audry says the recent murder of 9 people shot to their death is: "an aberration" and does not represent Fresno, California. What? Fresno (for it's size) has more murders in one year then New Zealand has in ten. There's more violent crime in and around Fresno then practically anywhere eles in Califonia, save San Quentin prison. Between the crack addicts and now crack babies/teenagers, meth-labs, bikers, farm-workers, hillbillies, drifters, homeless, white, black and brown trash and red-neck farmers who like to shoot at trespassers, and you can get a clearer picture of Fresno.
This is no aberration, this is Fresno. The one and only.
The Beaver
This is no aberration, this is Fresno. The one and only.
The Beaver