This is how LBJ dismantled the poor Black family in order to control the votes of poor Black people.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
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The Southwestern Desert
It is not a coincidence that beginning in the 60s, Black marriages began failing at an alarming rate. LBJ created the welfare state and then used it to provide incentives for single Black women to have children without a husband. Just read the law and the effect of the law. Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger. LBJ was the architect.

Nothing good comes from Texas....They don't even put beans in chili and think it's a real good idea to try to pass-off beef as BBQ. ;)
Nothing good comes from Texas....They don't even put beans in chili and think it's a real good idea to try to pass-off beef as BBQ. ;)
You're free to put all the beans in your chili that you want, but then it won't be chili any more. NO BEANS!! the way GOD intended.
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It is not a coincidence that beginning in the 60s, Black marriages began failing at an alarming rate. LBJ created the welfare state and then used it to provide incentives for single Black women to have children without a husband. Just read the law and the effect of the law. Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger. LBJ was the architect.


Welfare started in 1935. It was called Aid to Dependent children and it was only given to white women who had childrem with no man at home. It was that way for 30 years and during all those good old days whites like you talk about.

Do us a favor white man. Shut the hell up trying to talk about what causes things for blacks.

I'm black and the root cause of every motherfucking problem we have is white racism.

“As late as 1950, only 18% of black households were single parent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11% instead of today’s 75%. In 1925, 85% of black households in New York City were two-parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past."
Walter Williams

In 1938 during this time of great black 2 parent families, the poverty rate for blacks was 80 percent. In 1959, it was 55 percent. These sky-high rates of poverty occurred during the time “conservatives” rant about. Today due to the " liberal welfare state breaking up the black family by giving them welfare" black poverty is half of what it was in 1959 and more than 1/3 of what it was in those imaginary grand old glorious days of the two-parent black family. Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the cause of problems in black communities.

I know this a an expert since I am black, live as a black person, faced the problems white racism can cause. l lived and worked in the black community and have seen what white racism causes on a macro level. I don't need to read some article from somebody looking like this:


telling me about what has happened to black people and why.

Welfare started in 1935. It was called Aid to Dependent children and it was only given to white women who had childrem with no man at home. It was that way for 30 years and during all those good old days whites like you talk about.

Do us a favor white man. Shut the hell up trying to talk about what causes things for blacks.

I'm black and the root cause of every motherfucking problem we have is white racism.

“As late as 1950, only 18% of black households were single parent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11% instead of today’s 75%. In 1925, 85% of black households in New York City were two-parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past."
Walter Williams

In 1938 during this time of great black 2 parent families, the poverty rate for blacks was 80 percent. In 1959, it was 55 percent. These sky-high rates of poverty occurred during the time “conservatives” rant about. Today due to the " liberal welfare state breaking up the black family by giving them welfare" black poverty is half of what it was in 1959 and more than 1/3 of what it was in those imaginary grand old glorious days of the two-parent black family. Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the cause of problems in black communities.

I know this a an expert since I am black, live as a black person, faced the problems white racism can cause. l lived and worked in the black community and have seen what white racism causes on a macro level. I don't need to read some article from somebody looking like this:

View attachment 585180
telling me about what has happened to black people and why.
Just trying to educate you on what REAL systemic racism is, and who architected it against Black people. You can and will ignore it of course. As an American, that is your choice.
Just trying to educate you on what REAL systemic racism is, and who architected it against Black people. You can and will ignore it of course. As an American, that is your choice.
I know what systemic racism is. Don't need it to be whitesplaned to me. Your opinion is totally inaccurate and you have been shown this numerous times.
It is not a coincidence that beginning in the 60s, Black marriages began failing at an alarming rate. LBJ created the welfare state and then used it to provide incentives for single Black women to have children without a husband. Just read the law and the effect of the law. Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger. LBJ was the architect.

Patrick Moynihan warned that fatherless households were the biggest threat to the black family. LBJ made replacing the father with a government check the centerpiece of the "Great Society"

Malcolm X warned about these white liberals pretending to be friends and helpers
Patrick Moynihan warned that fatherless households were the biggest threat to the black family. LBJ made replacing the father with a government check the centerpiece of the "Great Society"

Malcolm X warned about these white liberals pretending to be friends and helpers
Probably the most evil example of a modern day White Racist, LBJ gets a pass. :confused-84:
Probably the most evil example of a modern day White Racist, LBJ gets a pass. :confused-84:

“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X
“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X
And yet here they are 50 years later, still pinning their hopes and dreams on a drooling White race baiting idiot.
It is not a coincidence that beginning in the 60s, Black marriages began failing at an alarming rate. LBJ created the welfare state and then used it to provide incentives for single Black women to have children without a husband. Just read the law and the effect of the law. Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger. LBJ was the architect.

Yep......single mothers are the without fathers create the crime and generational poverty that destroys the lives of children.

Welfare started in 1935. It was called Aid to Dependent children and it was only given to white women who had childrem with no man at home. It was that way for 30 years and during all those good old days whites like you talk about.

Do us a favor white man. Shut the hell up trying to talk about what causes things for blacks.

I'm black and the root cause of every motherfucking problem we have is white racism.

“As late as 1950, only 18% of black households were single parent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11% instead of today’s 75%. In 1925, 85% of black households in New York City were two-parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past."
Walter Williams

In 1938 during this time of great black 2 parent families, the poverty rate for blacks was 80 percent. In 1959, it was 55 percent. These sky-high rates of poverty occurred during the time “conservatives” rant about. Today due to the " liberal welfare state breaking up the black family by giving them welfare" black poverty is half of what it was in 1959 and more than 1/3 of what it was in those imaginary grand old glorious days of the two-parent black family. Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the cause of problems in black communities.

I know this a an expert since I am black, live as a black person, faced the problems white racism can cause. l lived and worked in the black community and have seen what white racism causes on a macro level. I don't need to read some article from somebody looking like this:

View attachment 585180
telling me about what has happened to black people and why.

You quote Walter Williams and still can't understand the problem.....

Notice, dipshit....Walter Willams points out the fail to finish what he goes on to say.........when LBJ began the the Great Society attack on families, blacks were on the way up......after LBJ initiated the Great Society attack on black families, that is when the out of wedlock birth rates started to go where it is now at over 75% in democrat party controlled cities.. more Walter will actually learn something......throw in Thomas Sowell as well.......learn something true and factual for once....

Racism isn't the problem....left wing policies are the problem.

Welfare started in 1935. It was called Aid to Dependent children and it was only given to white women who had childrem with no man at home. It was that way for 30 years and during all those good old days whites like you talk about.

Do us a favor white man. Shut the hell up trying to talk about what causes things for blacks.

I'm black and the root cause of every motherfucking problem we have is white racism.

“As late as 1950, only 18% of black households were single parent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11% instead of today’s 75%. In 1925, 85% of black households in New York City were two-parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past."
Walter Williams

In 1938 during this time of great black 2 parent families, the poverty rate for blacks was 80 percent. In 1959, it was 55 percent. These sky-high rates of poverty occurred during the time “conservatives” rant about. Today due to the " liberal welfare state breaking up the black family by giving them welfare" black poverty is half of what it was in 1959 and more than 1/3 of what it was in those imaginary grand old glorious days of the two-parent black family. Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the cause of problems in black communities.

I know this a an expert since I am black, live as a black person, faced the problems white racism can cause. l lived and worked in the black community and have seen what white racism causes on a macro level. I don't need to read some article from somebody looking like this:

View attachment 585180
telling me about what has happened to black people and why.

What you fail to understand, and what Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell point out.....85% to 55% is a decrease, and the rate was going down...not reversed when LBJ implemented the Great Society attack on American families......

Fatherless homes create crime and poverty....but you just see skin doofus.

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