This is a Repeat of the 2004 Election

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
In 2000 it was obvious to most of us that GWB was going to be a disaster, and he was from day 1. A balanced budget with a projected surplus flushed down the crapper with massive spending bills and tax give aways. Then the 2 failed wars. It was obvous GWB was a terrible president...

YET people (republicans) were too stupid to see how failed Bush was and they re-elected him for some insane reason. Then Bush failed even more and crashed the economy in epic fashion. Bush has gone down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. AND IT WAS SOOOOO OBVIOUS.....

Now we have the identical situation. It is excedingly obvious that Trump is a terrible president. Trump has failed miserably in his response to this virus with US deaths and cases substantially higher than Europe and Canada. US budget deficits are in scary territory threatening our way of life.
It is very obvious that trump is another failed president, I don't think people will be this stupid the 2nd time around... This is why I think Trump will lose the election.

In 2000 it was obvious to most of us that GWB was going to be a disaster, and he was from day 1. A balanced budget with a projected surplus flushed down the crapper with massive spending bills and tax give aways. Then the 2 failed wars. It was obvous GWB was a terrible president...

YET people (republicans) were too stupid to see how failed Bush was and they re-elected him for some insane reason. Then Bush failed even more and crashed the economy in epic fashion. Bush has gone down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. AND IT WAS SOOOOO OBVIOUS.....

Now we have the identical situation. It is excedingly obvious that Trump is a terrible president. Trump has failed miserably in his response to this virus with US deaths and cases substantially higher than Europe and Canada. US budget deficits are in scary territory threatening our way of life.
It is very obvious that trump is another failed president, I don't think people will be this stupid the 2nd time around... This is why I think Trump will lose the election.

Two failed wars? How can you consider those wars a failure? Have you seen any Al Qaeda attacks recently? Of course you havent because, Bush decimated their organization after their attacks our nation.
In 2000 it was obvious to most of us that GWB was going to be a disaster, and he was from day 1. A balanced budget with a projected surplus flushed down the crapper with massive spending bills and tax give aways. Then the 2 failed wars. It was obvous GWB was a terrible president...

YET people (republicans) were too stupid to see how failed Bush was and they re-elected him for some insane reason. Then Bush failed even more and crashed the economy in epic fashion. Bush has gone down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. AND IT WAS SOOOOO OBVIOUS.....

Now we have the identical situation. It is excedingly obvious that Trump is a terrible president. Trump has failed miserably in his response to this virus with US deaths and cases substantially higher than Europe and Canada. US budget deficits are in scary territory threatening our way of life.
It is very obvious that trump is another failed president, I don't think people will be this stupid the 2nd time around... This is why I think Trump will lose the election.

You're obviously refering to what you believe to be Clinton's balanced budget. Please tell the readers of this forum what Clinton did to balance the budget and create the so called surplus. You cant so you wont. You just heard it happened and have know idea if its true or not.
In 2000 it was obvious to most of us that GWB was going to be a disaster, and he was from day 1. A balanced budget with a projected surplus flushed down the crapper with massive spending bills and tax give aways. Then the 2 failed wars. It was obvous GWB was a terrible president...

YET people (republicans) were too stupid to see how failed Bush was and they re-elected him for some insane reason. Then Bush failed even more and crashed the economy in epic fashion. Bush has gone down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. AND IT WAS SOOOOO OBVIOUS.....

Now we have the identical situation. It is excedingly obvious that Trump is a terrible president. Trump has failed miserably in his response to this virus with US deaths and cases substantially higher than Europe and Canada. US budget deficits are in scary territory threatening our way of life.
It is very obvious that trump is another failed president, I don't think people will be this stupid the 2nd time around... This is why I think Trump will lose the election.

You're next task is explain what George Bush did to crash the economy. You can't so you won't. You have no idea what happened you just heard it somewhere.
In 2000 it was obvious to most of us that GWB was going to be a disaster, and he was from day 1. A balanced budget with a projected surplus flushed down the crapper with massive spending bills and tax give aways. Then the 2 failed wars. It was obvous GWB was a terrible president...

YET people (republicans) were too stupid to see how failed Bush was and they re-elected him for some insane reason. Then Bush failed even more and crashed the economy in epic fashion. Bush has gone down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. AND IT WAS SOOOOO OBVIOUS.....

Now we have the identical situation. It is excedingly obvious that Trump is a terrible president. Trump has failed miserably in his response to this virus with US deaths and cases substantially higher than Europe and Canada. US budget deficits are in scary territory threatening our way of life.
It is very obvious that trump is another failed president, I don't think people will be this stupid the 2nd time around... This is why I think Trump will lose the election.

You're obviously refering to what you believe to be Clinton's balanced budget. Please tell the readers of this forum what Clinton did to balance the budget and create the so called surplus. You cant so you wont. You just heard it happened and have know idea if its true or not.

Slick Willy's budget was a myth.... something tells me The Banker is no banker.

They teach it in university economic classes now

Ask the toad about Clinton's disastrous housing program that led directly to crashing the economy under Bush..... who's administration warned it was happening.
I take it this twit does not understand that requiring almost no money down and allowing the down to be in the form of a loan was the Democratic wet dream. Many people fell into that crazy insanity. Then they found they were upside down the minute they signed the paperwork. They had no money. They could not continue to buy anything. Every bit of cash they had was going into paying the house payment. When they tried to sell and get out from under the house they found they still owed money. It was still taking every cent.
Looks like this will be a repeat of the 2016 election. Only with Democrats loosing their minds even worse.
people had better be prepared for the violence the crazy left will be more then happy to supply.
I take it this twit does not understand that requiring almost no money down and allowing the down to be in the form of a loan was the Democratic wet dream. Many people fell into that crazy insanity. Then they found they were upside down the minute they signed the paperwork. They had no money. They could not continue to buy anything. Every bit of cash they had was going into paying the house payment. When they tried to sell and get out from under the house they found they still owed money. It was still taking every cent.

A real banker would know this
The replay is the truly dreadful candidate libs fielded.....and now they've outdone that pratfall
I don't think people will be this stupid the 2nd time around... This is why I think Trump will lose the election.

I wasn't really a fan of Bush... But I did like him more than anyone who ran against him that was in the Democrat party.

So... Yes. In your words we absolutely will be stupid enough the 2nd time around because the Democrat party still has it's head in it's ass and put Biden and Kamala against him.
YET people (republicans) were too stupid to see how failed Bush was and they re-elected him for some insane reason

LMAO a 'BOOOOOOSH' thread. Look it's not our fault you communist lying lowlife filth bastard liberals can't convince the American people to vote for your turd candidates, got it.
In 2000 it was obvious to most of us that GWB was going to be a disaster, and he was from day 1. A balanced budget with a projected surplus flushed down the crapper with massive spending bills and tax give aways. Then the 2 failed wars. It was obvous GWB was a terrible president...

YET people (republicans) were too stupid to see how failed Bush was and they re-elected him for some insane reason. Then Bush failed even more and crashed the economy in epic fashion. Bush has gone down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. AND IT WAS SOOOOO OBVIOUS.....

Now we have the identical situation. It is excedingly obvious that Trump is a terrible president. Trump has failed miserably in his response to this virus with US deaths and cases substantially higher than Europe and Canada. US budget deficits are in scary territory threatening our way of life.
It is very obvious that trump is another failed president, I don't think people will be this stupid the 2nd time around... This is why I think Trump will lose the election.

You are a moron.....
Get your hand off of your penis..
That's disgusting.

I take it this twit does not understand that requiring almost no money down and allowing the down to be in the form of a loan was the Democratic wet dream. Many people fell into that crazy insanity. Then they found they were upside down the minute they signed the paperwork. They had no money. They could not continue to buy anything. Every bit of cash they had was going into paying the house payment. When they tried to sell and get out from under the house they found they still owed money. It was still taking every cent.

No! Because ....Bush Cheney Haliburton Blood for Oil Revenge for daddy n stuff.
The fact is Democrats could not muster the support of the American people to defeat Bush or Trump. A clear reflection of voter opinion of Democrats proposed policies and positions on the issues. Rather than learning their lesson the liberal controlled Democrat party chose :lalala:
Islamic terrorism appears to be licked and we should give W the credit for that. He had to do unpopular things to get it done but he made that sacrifice for the greater good.
In 2000 it was obvious to most of us that GWB was going to be a disaster, and he was from day 1. A balanced budget with a projected surplus flushed down the crapper with massive spending bills and tax give aways. Then the 2 failed wars. It was obvous GWB was a terrible president...

YET people (republicans) were too stupid to see how failed Bush was and they re-elected him for some insane reason. Then Bush failed even more and crashed the economy in epic fashion. Bush has gone down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. AND IT WAS SOOOOO OBVIOUS.....

Now we have the identical situation. It is excedingly obvious that Trump is a terrible president. Trump has failed miserably in his response to this virus with US deaths and cases substantially higher than Europe and Canada. US budget deficits are in scary territory threatening our way of life.
It is very obvious that trump is another failed president, I don't think people will be this stupid the 2nd time around... This is why I think Trump will lose the election.

There seems to be plenty of people here planning on being just that stupid.

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