This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
I think you hit the nail right on the head, Political Chic! :thup:
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.
We elected Trump because he is a leader. Obama followed the dollar, and the dollar told him to sell uranium to Putin, so he sold out America for money to the Russians.

Americans deserve better than that.
The courts, especially SCOTUS, is one reason why party always trumps person when deciding for whom you vote. For all the things a president does, nothing has a more significant and enduring effect than the appointment of Supreme Court Justices. When people say they can’t vote for Trump because they don’t like the person, and instead vote for a democrat, they are implicit in advancing the democrats socialist agenda.
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.
We elected Trump because he is a leader. Obama followed the dollar, and the dollar told him to sell uranium to Putin, so he sold out America for money to the Russians.

Americans deserve better than that.

I could understand it if it was only money.

I believe that an ideology, and a disastrous one for American and Western Civilization, was behind Obama's efforts.
It's the explanation for is guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.
Trump and his tribe will need the courts to destroy American democracy, that is clear, even as his administration loses a few rulings. Should he win in 2020 then Americans will need to worry as his crimes of collusion with foreign entities will seem minor. Fox today is a tool of the state, when the judiciary becomes a tool of the state, American exceptionalism is lost. Americans seem to fail to understand that state power is often for those who pay and when tax policy supports them they are happy regardless of consequences.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

The German example.

First Letter to All Judges

"From 1942 until the end of the war in 1945, the Nazi court system became more and more a state vehicle for injustice and persecution. A series of "Letters to all Judges" presented the state's position on political questions and on the legal interpretation of Nazi laws. The first of these "letters" concerned the application of the death penalty."
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.

This thread is going to be about the judiciary, specifically the Supreme might have gleaned that from the OP if you read it carefully.

It will be, largely, over your may want to stick to your 24-Hour All-Cartoon Network today.
Trump and his tribe will need the courts to destroy American democracy, that is clear, even as his administration loses a few rulings. Should he win in 2020 then Americans will need to worry as his crimes of collusion with foreign entities will seem minor. Fox today is a tool of the state, when the judiciary becomes a tool of the state, American exceptionalism is lost. Americans seem to fail to understand that state power is often for those who pay and when tax policy supports them they are happy regardless of consequences.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

The German example.

First Letter to All Judges

"From 1942 until the end of the war in 1945, the Nazi court system became more and more a state vehicle for injustice and persecution. A series of "Letters to all Judges" presented the state's position on political questions and on the legal interpretation of Nazi laws. The first of these "letters" concerned the application of the death penalty."

"Trump and his tribe will need the courts to destroy American democracy,..."

Trump is applying originalism to the Court.

It appears you miss the connection of the Constitution to American democracy.

This will help:


I found it informative and interesting.
Trump and his tribe will need the courts to destroy American democracy, that is clear, even as his administration loses a few rulings. Should he win in 2020 then Americans will need to worry as his crimes of collusion with foreign entities will seem minor. Fox today is a tool of the state, when the judiciary becomes a tool of the state, American exceptionalism is lost. Americans seem to fail to understand that state power is often for those who pay and when tax policy supports them they are happy regardless of consequences.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

The German example.

First Letter to All Judges

"From 1942 until the end of the war in 1945, the Nazi court system became more and more a state vehicle for injustice and persecution. A series of "Letters to all Judges" presented the state's position on political questions and on the legal interpretation of Nazi laws. The first of these "letters" concerned the application of the death penalty."

"From 1942 until the end of the war in 1945, the Nazi court system became more and more a state vehicle for injustice and persecution. A series of "Letters to all Judges" presented the state's position on political questions and on the legal interpretation of Nazi laws. The first of these "letters" concerned the application of the death penalty."

Did you know that the Nazis used Democrat jurisprudence as their model?

The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’

“Let’s remember that every segregation law in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials. The Nuremberg team carefully studied these laws that were mainly aimed at blacks and used them to formulate their own racist legislation mainly aimed at Jews.”
Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

From the LATimes:

“At a crucial 1934 planning meeting for the Nuremberg system, the Minister of Justice presented a memorandum on American law. According to a transcript, he led a detailed discussion of miscegenation statutes from all over the United States. Moreover it is clear that the most radical Nazis were the most eager advocates of American practices. Roland Freisler, who would become president of the Nazi People's Court, declared that American jurisprudence "would suit us perfectly."
When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes
4. This will come as a surprise to government school grads: The only document by which Americans have agreed to be governed is the United States Constitution. In fact, it is known as 'the law of the land.'
It is written in English, so as to be able to be understood by all citizens.

Hence, it is more than a stretch to claim it need be ‘interpreted’ by some special individuals in black robes.

Progressives have altered the role of the Supreme Court in a dramatic way: no longer should its role be to apply law as written. Instead, it was the application of German social science to American law.

... law must leave "conceptions" and open itself up to social realities of the modern world.”…[endng] the backwardness of law in meeting social ends,…”

Social justice in place of law.

While the Constitution is spotlit by the first amendment, Obama managed to place on the court a Justice who believes that the government can decide what speech is allowed.
If Trump succeeds in putting textualists on the court, it will be a rejuvenation of the Constitution and fulfillment of our Founder’s wishes……and there will be hope for America.
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.
We elected Trump because he is a leader. Obama followed the dollar, and the dollar told him to sell uranium to Putin, so he sold out America for money to the Russians.

Americans deserve better than that.
Trump's not a leader, he's a salesman and his only product is himself. He puts his name on all his properties and now the White House. Don't get me wrong, I think he's a genius at sales since he is completely amoral. He knows exactly what we want to hear and that is what he'll tell us. Think back to his campaign promise of a healthcare plan we'd all love. Or a wall Mexico will pay for.

As for selling uranium to Russia, that is laughable. Russia has plenty of uranium, they didn't need or want ours. They only took it as part of a larger deal.
Trump and his tribe will need the courts to destroy American democracy, that is clear, even as his administration loses a few rulings. Should he win in 2020 then Americans will need to worry as his crimes of collusion with foreign entities will seem minor. Fox today is a tool of the state, when the judiciary becomes a tool of the state, American exceptionalism is lost. Americans seem to fail to understand that state power is often for those who pay and when tax policy supports them they are happy regardless of consequences.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

The German example.

First Letter to All Judges

"From 1942 until the end of the war in 1945, the Nazi court system became more and more a state vehicle for injustice and persecution. A series of "Letters to all Judges" presented the state's position on political questions and on the legal interpretation of Nazi laws. The first of these "letters" concerned the application of the death penalty."

No he does not need the courts

He has got all that he needs to stop this crooked govt

He has the men

He has the most powerful of all in a landslide white men

He has the military

He has the law enforcement

Trump has planned all this before he ran

If he has too to he will declare martial law to set up logic tests for voting to stop the electing of crooks
Last edited:
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.

This thread is going to be about the judiciary, specifically the Supreme might have gleaned that from the OP if you read it carefully.

It will be, largely, over your may want to stick to your 24-Hour All-Cartoon Network today.
Trump is not smart, he is clever and bold though. He has no real interest in and certainly no most important secret plan for the judiciary. He wanted to shore up his conservative credentials so he farmed out his nominations to the Federalist Society.
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.
We elected Trump because he is a leader. Obama followed the dollar, and the dollar told him to sell uranium to Putin, so he sold out America for money to the Russians.

Americans deserve better than that.

I could understand it if it was only money.

I believe that an ideology, and a disastrous one for American and Western Civilization, was behind Obama's efforts.
It's the explanation for is guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.
Again, you're right on. :thup:
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.
We elected Trump because he is a leader. Obama followed the dollar, and the dollar told him to sell uranium to Putin, so he sold out America for money to the Russians.

Americans deserve better than that.
Trump's not a leader, he's a salesman and his only product is himself. He puts his name on all his properties and now the White House. Don't get me wrong, I think he's a genius at sales since he is completely amoral. He knows exactly what we want to hear and that is what he'll tell us. Think back to his campaign promise of a healthcare plan we'd all love. Or a wall Mexico will pay for.

As for selling uranium to Russia, that is laughable. Russia has plenty of uranium, they didn't need or want ours. They only took it as part of a larger deal.

"Trump's not a leader"'re back for a vocabulary lesson? Not a moment too soon...

Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    the elected head of a republican state.
    "the Irish president"

Learn to pronounce
  1. having the power to put plans, actions, or laws into effect.
    "an executive chairman"



    • 2.
  1. the person or branch of a government responsible for putting policies or laws into effect.

Appears, then, that 'leader' is appropriate.
4. This will come as a surprise to government school grads: The only document by which Americans have agreed to be governed is the United States Constitution. In fact, it is known as 'the law of the land.'
It is written in English, so as to be able to be understood by all citizens.

Hence, it is more than a stretch to claim it need be ‘interpreted’ by some special individuals in black robes.
The Constitution has always required interpretation. The first Chief Justice of the United States was one of the founding fathers and the first case was decided in 1791, just 3 years after the Constitution was ratified.
Trump and his tribe will need the courts to destroy American democracy, that is clear, even as his administration loses a few rulings. Should he win in 2020 then Americans will need to worry as his crimes of collusion with foreign entities will seem minor. Fox today is a tool of the state, when the judiciary becomes a tool of the state, American exceptionalism is lost. Americans seem to fail to understand that state power is often for those who pay and when tax policy supports them they are happy regardless of consequences.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

The German example.

First Letter to All Judges

"From 1942 until the end of the war in 1945, the Nazi court system became more and more a state vehicle for injustice and persecution. A series of "Letters to all Judges" presented the state's position on political questions and on the legal interpretation of Nazi laws. The first of these "letters" concerned the application of the death penalty."

No he does not need the courts

He has got all that he needs to stop this crooked govt

He has the men

He has the most powerful of all in a landslide white men

He has the military

He has the law enforcement

Trump has planned all this before he ran

If he has too to he will declare martial law to set up logic tests for voting to stop the electing of crooks

The thread specifies the importance of the Court, and Trump's alteration of its Leftward direction.
Trump and his tribe will need the courts to destroy American democracy, that is clear, even as his administration loses a few rulings. Should he win in 2020 then Americans will need to worry as his crimes of collusion with foreign entities will seem minor. Fox today is a tool of the state, when the judiciary becomes a tool of the state, American exceptionalism is lost. Americans seem to fail to understand that state power is often for those who pay and when tax policy supports them they are happy regardless of consequences.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

The German example.

First Letter to All Judges

"From 1942 until the end of the war in 1945, the Nazi court system became more and more a state vehicle for injustice and persecution. A series of "Letters to all Judges" presented the state's position on political questions and on the legal interpretation of Nazi laws. The first of these "letters" concerned the application of the death penalty."

No he does not need the courts

He has got all that he needs to stop this crooked govt

He has the men

He has the most powerful of all in a landslide white men

He has the military

He has the law enforcement

Trump has planned all this before he ran

If he has too to he will declare martial law to set up logic tests for voting to stop the electing of crooks
Sounds a lot like you're describing Putin?
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.

This thread is going to be about the judiciary, specifically the Supreme might have gleaned that from the OP if you read it carefully.

It will be, largely, over your may want to stick to your 24-Hour All-Cartoon Network today.
Trump is not smart, he is clever and bold though. He has no real interest in and certainly no most important secret plan for the judiciary. He wanted to shore up his conservative credentials so he farmed out his nominations to the Federalist Society.

You should read more carefully.

The OP pointed out that 'smart' may be secondary to this:

This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!

That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

"He has no real interest in and certainly no most important secret plan for the judiciary."

Another thing you seem to have missed:

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

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