of the problems in America
With all the more important things going on in America right now I'd think you people would have something better to talk about than homosexuals.
Gay issues would have to be very low on my priority list
Yet. This isn't much different from real life.
The republican controlled congress, senate, and white house have gotten drunk with power and are running this country like a bunch of stupid liberals. Meanwhile they'll probably still get elected just because "Hey, at least they still stand up for traditional marriage!"
So stupid...who gives a shit about traditional marriage right now?
Of course the libs wouldn't be doing any better and in all probability probably slightly(and only slightly) worse.
Our president has passed 2 of the worst pieces of legislation I can ever remember and we've got people worried about gays.
Give me a break. Get over yourselves and your trivial religious beliefs concerning gays and start worrying about the real issues facing this country.
With all the more important things going on in America right now I'd think you people would have something better to talk about than homosexuals.
Gay issues would have to be very low on my priority list
Yet. This isn't much different from real life.
The republican controlled congress, senate, and white house have gotten drunk with power and are running this country like a bunch of stupid liberals. Meanwhile they'll probably still get elected just because "Hey, at least they still stand up for traditional marriage!"
So stupid...who gives a shit about traditional marriage right now?
Of course the libs wouldn't be doing any better and in all probability probably slightly(and only slightly) worse.
Our president has passed 2 of the worst pieces of legislation I can ever remember and we've got people worried about gays.
Give me a break. Get over yourselves and your trivial religious beliefs concerning gays and start worrying about the real issues facing this country.