“This Could be—Afghanistan—Another Dunkirk Situation!” – …Update: So Does Gen. Petraeus


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

“This Could be—Afghanistan—Another Dunkirk Situation!” – President Trump Compares Afghanistan to the World War II Nightmare …Update: So Does Gen. Petraeus​

18 Aug 2021
Former CIA Director and top US General David Petraeus also compared Afghanistan to Dunkirk.
It’s America’s “Dunkirk moment.”​
At least that’s how former top US General David Petraeus described the US operation to airlift its citizens and desperate Afghan comrades from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, comparing it to the British retreat from Nazi-occupied Europe in 1940. Petraeus, who once commanded US forces in Afghanistan, also branded President Joe Biden’s chaotic withdrawal a disaster.​
US military brass hope to eventually be able to evacuate 5,000 to 9,000 people per day, and according to Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, the Taliban earlier promised “safe passage” to civilians who want to join the US airlift. But on Wednesday, the Pentagon and State Department issued conflicting statements about the ability of US citizens and Afghans to reach the Kabul airport.​
The Pentagon said the Taliban is “guaranteeing safe passage” for US citizens. But State has said it cannot ensure safe transit to the airfield; a few hours later, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman told reporters that, “we have seen reports that the Taliban, contrary to their public statements and their commitments to our government are blocking Afghans who wish to leave the country from reaching the airport.”​

This situation in Afghanistan is a political and national nightmare.

It's not just the situation in Afghanistan that's a national and political nightmare, the entire Biden administration has created a national and political nightmare. Bai Dung a total incompetent that is dragging America down with him.
I keep thinking back about how honored I felt, when I raised my hand and swore to serve and protect my Country. I was so proud to wear that uniform, for nearly 6 years. I always regretted not staying on active duty, but things happen. Now? All I can say is that I am honored to have served when I did. What a huge dishonor to America and those that have served Joey Xi has created in his incompetency.
I'll post this again because it's so true.


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