This claim about Biden having dementia feels desperate

Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
Agreed.its a tired tactic. Remember when Hillary fainted and she was suddenly on her death bed? Grow up people. Fight on policy and personality and use a little intellect please

When does Biden produce any policy.

He can't fucking remember his wife.
He has been talking about policy constantly. If you listened to something other than conservative sound bites you’d know that. Try stepping out of your bubble

Oh....and let's not forget....he's tied up with Bernie Sanders...who I actually like in many ways (but his policy goals are simply stupid)....which means Biden has adopted some of the most ridiculous bullshit in the poltical arena.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

It's all part of Trump's strategy to trash Biden. If Biden has dementia - then Trump is totally batshit insane.

The economy was rocking under Trump.

Biden was VP to one of the slowest recoveries we've ever experienced.

Everyone claims Obama/Biden did such a great funny.

The economy generally comes back to a baseline.

Reagan had it there in months after the crash of 1987.

Obama rode this thing like a good little lefty and almost turned it into a depression.

Funny. You're a really stupid little troll. The Great Bush Recession was much worse than anything Reagan dealt with.

Joey's proposed Shovel Ready Jobs will be the second Democrat Jobs swindle.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

It's all part of Trump's strategy to trash Biden. If Biden has dementia - then Trump is totally batshit insane.

The economy was rocking under Trump.

Biden was VP to one of the slowest recoveries we've ever experienced.

Everyone claims Obama/Biden did such a great funny.

The economy generally comes back to a baseline.

Reagan had it there in months after the crash of 1987.

Obama rode this thing like a good little lefty and almost turned it into a depression.

Funny. You're a really stupid little troll. The Great Bush Recession was much worse than anything Reagan dealt with.

Joey's proposed Shovel Ready Jobs will be the second Democrat Jobs swindle.

He probably does not remember this. It's his Bernieaides that are doing this.

Biden's mind is mush.

Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

It's all part of Trump's strategy to trash Biden. If Biden has dementia - then Trump is totally batshit insane.
Lakhota, former Vice President Biden has episodes that are clear signs of Dementia. I prayed for him today, but not in a political way. There are some dietary regimens that could help the former Vice-President if he takes them. but he'd need a very, very gifted dietician to watch and monitor his needs and produce meals accordingly. My prayer is that he will not get worse. Unfortunately, campaigning for President is a very stressful time for people who have 100% good mental health, and for Joe Biden and his family, there will be good and bad days.

A medical approach to the disease is here:

Nutritional help for Dementia patients is here: The Best Foods For Dementia Patients

Physical Exercises that improves the quality of life for one who has dementia: Healthfully

Cards and good wishes from those who care for the dementia victim can help restore his confidence.

There's help out there.

Nearly four-out-of-10 voters believe Joe Biden has dementia. Most voters, including just over half of Democrats, feel it is important for the likely Democratic presidential nominee to publicly address the issue.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 38% of Likely U.S. Voters think Biden is suffering from some form of dementia. Based on what they have seen and read, 48% disagree, but 14% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Twenty percent (20%) of voters in his own party think Biden has dementia. But that compares to 66% of Republicans and 30% of voters not affiliated with either major party.
..The question is: Is Joe Biden dealing with onset dementia ?

The answer is yes ?

Eh, the answer is no

The onset happened years ago and the senile Biden clown has long forgotten how to deal with it... his handlers don't seem to have a clue either, other than to make sure he doesn't leave the basement and hope no one will notice..

Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
Agreed.its a tired tactic. Remember when Hillary fainted and she was suddenly on her death bed? Grow up people. Fight on policy and personality and use a little intellect please

When does Biden produce any policy.

He can't fucking remember his wife.
He has been talking about policy constantly. If you listened to something other than conservative sound bites you’d know that. Try stepping out of your bubble

I do watch him.

What you call policy, I call wishful thinking.

And doubletalk.

He lost the support of the police union over his policy (which was more an asskissing of BLM) doing something (which he can't really do since police are pretty much a local affair).
It’s not wishful thinking it’s just different than the way you think. Of course the police Unions are with Trump. Biden is on the side of reforming them. No mystery there
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
Agreed.its a tired tactic. Remember when Hillary fainted and she was suddenly on her death bed? Grow up people. Fight on policy and personality and use a little intellect please

When does Biden produce any policy.

He can't fucking remember his wife.
He has been talking about policy constantly. If you listened to something other than conservative sound bites you’d know that. Try stepping out of your bubble

Oh....and let's not forget....he's tied up with Bernie Sanders...who I actually like in many ways (but his policy goals are simply stupid)....which means Biden has adopted some of the most ridiculous bullshit in the poltical arena.
Thats your opinion. Many people like what Bernie has to say.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
Agreed.its a tired tactic. Remember when Hillary fainted and she was suddenly on her death bed? Grow up people. Fight on policy and personality and use a little intellect please

When does Biden produce any policy.

He can't fucking remember his wife.
He has been talking about policy constantly. If you listened to something other than conservative sound bites you’d know that. Try stepping out of your bubble

Oh....and let's not forget....he's tied up with Bernie Sanders...who I actually like in many ways (but his policy goals are simply stupid)....which means Biden has adopted some of the most ridiculous bullshit in the poltical arena.
Thats your opinion. Many people like what Bernie has to say.

Anti Bernie democrats were pissed he got some much air because his policies were simply bankruptcy in another form.

I liked him because he was bringing up the issues (I don't hear a lot about health care these days in terms of policy...but Obamacare has done little to help....we still have huge issues). But his answers don't do well at all. With me or many others. Including a lot of democrats.

Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
Agreed.its a tired tactic. Remember when Hillary fainted and she was suddenly on her death bed? Grow up people. Fight on policy and personality and use a little intellect please

When does Biden produce any policy.

He can't fucking remember his wife.
He has been talking about policy constantly. If you listened to something other than conservative sound bites you’d know that. Try stepping out of your bubble

Oh....and let's not forget....he's tied up with Bernie Sanders...who I actually like in many ways (but his policy goals are simply stupid)....which means Biden has adopted some of the most ridiculous bullshit in the poltical arena.
Thats your opinion. Many people like what Bernie has to say.

Anti Bernie democrats were pissed he got some much air because his policies were simply bankruptcy in another form.

I liked him because he was bringing up the issues (I don't hear a lot about health care these days in terms of policy...but Obamacare has done little to help....we still have huge issues). But his answers don't do well at all. With me or many others. Including a lot of democrats.

Good points.. I agree about Bernie brought up great issues didn’t have economic luck sensible solutions. We’ve also never had a real effort to get Obamacare done right. It been fought be over half our legislature for over 7 years
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
Agreed.its a tired tactic. Remember when Hillary fainted and she was suddenly on her death bed? Grow up people. Fight on policy and personality and use a little intellect please

When does Biden produce any policy.

He can't fucking remember his wife.
He has been talking about policy constantly. If you listened to something other than conservative sound bites you’d know that. Try stepping out of your bubble

Oh....and let's not forget....he's tied up with Bernie Sanders...who I actually like in many ways (but his policy goals are simply stupid)....which means Biden has adopted some of the most ridiculous bullshit in the poltical arena.
Thats your opinion. Many people like what Bernie has to say.

Anti Bernie democrats were pissed he got some much air because his policies were simply bankruptcy in another form.

I liked him because he was bringing up the issues (I don't hear a lot about health care these days in terms of policy...but Obamacare has done little to help....we still have huge issues). But his answers don't do well at all. With me or many others. Including a lot of democrats.

Good points.. I agree about Bernie brought up great issues didn’t have economic luck sensible solutions. We’ve also never had a real effort to get Obamacare done right. It been fought be over half our legislature for over 7 years

But Hillary blamed the Bernie Bros for staying home.

Since Biden (who has never had an original thought his entire career) needs them....he just latched right on.
This claim about Biden having dementia feels desperate

Biden, "the nurses at Walter Reed hospital would lean down and whisper in my ear...then they would blow air into my nostrils to revive me" :cuckoo:
You cherry pick all this shit all you want. You know, deep down, Trump’s stupidity is far worse than Biden’s. You just don’t have the balls to admit it.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

Biden is just fine.
Well, I wouldn't mind beating the shit out of him, if that's what you mean.
Why would you even expend the energy, Sun? He's not worth the bother. The greatest contribution Billy000 will ever make to the world is if someone feeds him feet first into a tree shredder up to the neck, then freeze-dries his head and turns it into a pencil sharpener where you stick the pencil in his ear and the shavings come out of his mouth.
Is that a quote from a movie? Fargo?

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