This child was mutilated by his parents, his doctors and the democrat party.....pushing for mutilating and sterilizing children...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This sad case is why we are fighting against the left and their grooming of children politically, and sexually.......

Instead of helping this boy with his mental health, they mutilated him......

There are a lot of deeply disturbing and unlikeable members of the trans cult. Jazz Jennings is not one of them. Transitioned by his mother at the tender age of five. By the age of eleven, Jazz was on puberty blockers. At 17, even though a minor, Jazz underwent multiple genital surgeries to remove his penis and have it inverted. This process was botched and several attempts were made to remedy it, but the reduced size of Jazz’s penis due to years on puberty blockers made an already brutal surgery even worse.
Jazz has now broken down (on camera, of course) and spilled his heart to his mother that, despite it all, he doesn’t feel like himself. It is a moment many of us saw coming but hoped for the sake of this severely traumatized and abused child wouldn’t.

God help everyone involved in this unspeakable crime that was done to this innocent person who is suffering in front of us all.

“I really want to understand myself and be able to read my own soul… I just want to feel like myself. All I want is to be happy and feel like me and I don’t feel like me ever!” Jazz cried.

Jazz didn’t make any of these decisions. Nothing that was done to him — from living his entire life on a reality show for the entertainment of the mob to being rushed into irreversible surgery — was done in private. Every fight with siblings, every argument with parents, and every embarrassing moment have been broadcast for the world to gape at. He can’t even go out with friends at age 21 without his mother tracking him down to check on him. Jazz missed his first semester at college because he was so mentally unwell.

I have watched this show off and on for years. It has been clear for years that this child had some serious issues. The problem with transition is that it purports to solve a problem without even knowing what the problem is. How can she know what it feels like to be himself when he has never been allowed to feel at all.
This sad case is why we are fighting against the left and their grooming of children politically, and sexually.......

Instead of helping this boy with his mental health, they mutilated him......

There are a lot of deeply disturbing and unlikeable members of the trans cult. Jazz Jennings is not one of them. Transitioned by his mother at the tender age of five. By the age of eleven, Jazz was on puberty blockers. At 17, even though a minor, Jazz underwent multiple genital surgeries to remove his penis and have it inverted. This process was botched and several attempts were made to remedy it, but the reduced size of Jazz’s penis due to years on puberty blockers made an already brutal surgery even worse.
Jazz has now broken down (on camera, of course) and spilled his heart to his mother that, despite it all, he doesn’t feel like himself. It is a moment many of us saw coming but hoped for the sake of this severely traumatized and abused child wouldn’t.

God help everyone involved in this unspeakable crime that was done to this innocent person who is suffering in front of us all.

“I really want to understand myself and be able to read my own soul… I just want to feel like myself. All I want is to be happy and feel like me and I don’t feel like me ever!” Jazz cried.

Jazz didn’t make any of these decisions. Nothing that was done to him — from living his entire life on a reality show for the entertainment of the mob to being rushed into irreversible surgery — was done in private. Every fight with siblings, every argument with parents, and every embarrassing moment have been broadcast for the world to gape at. He can’t even go out with friends at age 21 without his mother tracking him down to check on him. Jazz missed his first semester at college because he was so mentally unwell.

The left is getting away with publicly grooming and abusing children. It's despicable.
This sad case is why we are fighting against the left and their grooming of children politically, and sexually.......

Instead of helping this boy with his mental health, they mutilated him......

There are a lot of deeply disturbing and unlikeable members of the trans cult. Jazz Jennings is not one of them. Transitioned by his mother at the tender age of five. By the age of eleven, Jazz was on puberty blockers. At 17, even though a minor, Jazz underwent multiple genital surgeries to remove his penis and have it inverted. This process was botched and several attempts were made to remedy it, but the reduced size of Jazz’s penis due to years on puberty blockers made an already brutal surgery even worse.
Jazz has now broken down (on camera, of course) and spilled his heart to his mother that, despite it all, he doesn’t feel like himself. It is a moment many of us saw coming but hoped for the sake of this severely traumatized and abused child wouldn’t.

God help everyone involved in this unspeakable crime that was done to this innocent person who is suffering in front of us all.

“I really want to understand myself and be able to read my own soul… I just want to feel like myself. All I want is to be happy and feel like me and I don’t feel like me ever!” Jazz cried.

Jazz didn’t make any of these decisions. Nothing that was done to him — from living his entire life on a reality show for the entertainment of the mob to being rushed into irreversible surgery — was done in private. Every fight with siblings, every argument with parents, and every embarrassing moment have been broadcast for the world to gape at. He can’t even go out with friends at age 21 without his mother tracking him down to check on him. Jazz missed his first semester at college because he was so mentally unwell.

Sounds like there will be less of this in the next generation, as parents such as these insure their genes of those of their damaged kids will not be passed on.
Sounds like there will be less of this in the next generation, as parents such as these insure their genes of those of their damaged kids will not be passed on.
True. Maybe just as well --- neither the parents nor these VERY mixed-up kids if they aren't forced into it like this one may have been --- are strong genetic material. Just as well to have that sort of person out of the gene pool.

This whole tranny thing is just ONE MORE anti-natalist push. There have been so many in the last hundred years, all over the world. I think it's an incoherent species attempt to stop overpopulation.
I have watched this show off and on for years. It has been clear for years that this child had some serious issues. The problem with transition is that it purports to solve a problem without even knowing what the problem is. How can she know what it feels like to be himself when he has never been allowed to feel at all.

This probably isn't going to end well for this person, and when it happens, this show goes down the Memory Hole.
This probably isn't going to end well for this person, and when it happens, this show goes down the Memory Hole.

Yep........I think it is sadly a matter of time..........unless they find a way to find peace with what has happened......and forgiveness for the ones who did that to a 5 year old child......

This is why this madness needs to stop........
True. Maybe just as well --- neither the parents nor these VERY mixed-up kids if they aren't forced into it like this one may have been --- are strong genetic material. Just as well to have that sort of person out of the gene pool.

This whole tranny thing is just ONE MORE anti-natalist push. There have been so many in the last hundred years, all over the world. I think it's an incoherent species attempt to stop overpopulation.
That genetic Darwinian thing is what I was thinking also.
I had not thought of the around the world aspect of people opting out so to speak. I think I read somewhere, China stopping it's state ordered population control, as a result of Covid.
That genetic Darwinian thing is what I was thinking also.
I had not thought of the around the world aspect of people opting out so to speak. I think I read somewhere, China stopping it's state ordered population control, as a result of Covid.
True, but I read that they are having a problem stopping the one-child thing, people turned out to like it after all. The government of China trying to stop the decline may be one of the only examples of pro-natalist policy I can think of. A thread below is titled "Biden administration says the nation will soon embrace child transitioning." That's anti-natalist and if there is any truth in that idea that the Biden administration plans to promote it, that would sure be anti-birth government policy. I doubt it's true, however. NOT politic as things change rapidly.
if all the men are women and all the women are crazy leftists...there will be no military in this country worth a nickel.
Have you seen the LATEST on Jazz Jennings. The kid is so overweight, depressed and now seems to be questioning who he is!!! The mom...there's video....of her sitting with this terribly confused and now UNHEALTHY child...from the surgeries.... and telling her mtf son that he is his own worst enemy. (no...this kid's worst enemy is this fruit cake mother).

I'll post the link. Back shortly.
Here it is: Video at link.

Someone should smack the silly out of this woman. It won't be the mister...i suspect he is wearing his wife's sunday panties himself.

Jazz's mama is CRAZEE to the Nth degree. She'll not brook this kid getting off track. Mama is toooo invested in this. WATCH this silly bicth try to talk Jazz down. JAZZ is getting it what mama has done to her/him. It is FINALLY dawning on him.

Two things....this kid is going to transition BACK and mama might be in for a pummelling of somekind. OR...this kid is going to kill himself....especially if he feels he has let down his crazy mama... and mama did let him down and mama is Crazy too. Maybe both. What a royal mess.

Jeanette is scared.
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Have you seen the LATEST on Jazz Jennings. The kid is so overweight, depressed and now seems to be questioning who he is!!! The mom...there's video....of her sitting with this terribly confused and now UNHEALTHY child...from the surgeries.... and telling her mtf son that he is his own worst enemy. (no...this kid's worst enemy is this fruit cake mother).

I'll post the link. Back shortly.
Here it is: Video at link.

Someone should smack the silly out of this woman. It won't be the mister...i suspect he is wearing his wife's sunday panties himself.

Jazz's mama is CRAZEE to the Nth degree. She'll not brook this kid getting off track. Mama is toooo invested in this. WATCH this silly bicth try to talk Jazz down. JAZZ is getting it what mama has done to her/him. It is FINALLY dawning on him.

Two things....this kid is going to transition BACK and mama might be in for a pummelling of somekind. OR...this kid is going to kill himself....especially if he feels he has let down his crazy mama... and mama did let him down and mama is Crazy too. Maybe both. What a royal mess.

Jeanette is scared.

If the kid does decide to attempt suicide it will be blamed on societies non acceptance of him/her, not on the early transition and its side effects that actually made a full surgical transition HARDER, not easier.
it's worse.

I've said from the beginning...this mother is insane....and now you get to see just HOW insane. How is this not child (jazz is 23 now) abuse. FORCING this kid to dilate this slash wound every day..something that needs to be done from now to kingdom come on a daily basis to keep a wound open. I cannot imagine the discomfort..the PAIN...well i sorta must be horrendous. it is not something a normal human can conceive. There are wound healing floors at hospitals but with trans...the idea is to keep that wound OPEN!!!!

This kid is not happy. He wants to stop the dilating process. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't kill her. And just where is this smiling cowardly insipid dad? WHERE ARE YOU YOU COWARD!!!

THis kid has been ruined because of this crazy damn woman and the father just stood there going along with the destruction of his youngest son. bastard.
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I see the left has nothing to say about this. Well...if they ignore it, stick their heads in the sand, well didn't happen.
This sad case is why we are fighting against the left and their grooming of children politically, and sexually.......

Instead of helping this boy with his mental health, they mutilated him......

There are a lot of deeply disturbing and unlikeable members of the trans cult. Jazz Jennings is not one of them. Transitioned by his mother at the tender age of five. By the age of eleven, Jazz was on puberty blockers. At 17, even though a minor, Jazz underwent multiple genital surgeries to remove his penis and have it inverted. This process was botched and several attempts were made to remedy it, but the reduced size of Jazz’s penis due to years on puberty blockers made an already brutal surgery even worse.
Jazz has now broken down (on camera, of course) and spilled his heart to his mother that, despite it all, he doesn’t feel like himself. It is a moment many of us saw coming but hoped for the sake of this severely traumatized and abused child wouldn’t.

God help everyone involved in this unspeakable crime that was done to this innocent person who is suffering in front of us all.

“I really want to understand myself and be able to read my own soul… I just want to feel like myself. All I want is to be happy and feel like me and I don’t feel like me ever!” Jazz cried.

Jazz didn’t make any of these decisions. Nothing that was done to him — from living his entire life on a reality show for the entertainment of the mob to being rushed into irreversible surgery — was done in private. Every fight with siblings, every argument with parents, and every embarrassing moment have been broadcast for the world to gape at. He can’t even go out with friends at age 21 without his mother tracking him down to check on him. Jazz missed his first semester at college because he was so mentally unwell.

Fake news as in making shit up ..........

video at link of Jeanette taking it personally when questioned about Jazz's depression. This woman is a liar.

It needs to be classified as a form of Munchausen by Proxy....

Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) -- or Munchausen by proxy -- is a psychological disorder marked by attention-seeking behavior by a caregiver through those who are in their care.

MSP is a relatively rare behavioral disorder. It affects a primary caretaker, often the mother. The person with MSP gains attention by seeking medical help for exaggerated or made-up symptoms of a child in their care. As health care providers strive to identify what's causing the child's symptoms, the deliberate actions of the parent or caretaker can often make the symptoms worse.

It used to be that doctors would diagnose that and the police and law did the rest. Now the doctor and parents are one and the law has no controlling authority nor wants it.

mothers of boys with gender issues have their own sets of mental problems.

noi. kidding.

That goes for mothers pushing this insanity on their kids and moms taking their kids to drag queen story hours.

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