Zone1 Thinking The Unthinkable......Democrats Really Want To Change America By Getting Rid Of Whites

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts


They figure whites did it to Native-Americans after the Civil why not do it to whites.

Every day I see videos on Twitter showing blacks staging attacks and flash-mobbing convenience stores ransacking everything that isn't nailed down.

This is all sponsored by the Democrat Party.

They've gone from rioting to outright attempted murder and theft.
When Democrats are in power they can't be blamed for setting the stage for a general lawlessness by blacks in our blue cities.
The people that are paid to enforce the law refuse to do so.
And when it happens....all everybody does is just take out their cell phones and record it.....because doing otherwise only means you will be arrested for attacking an attacker.


The plan is put as many worthless politicians in office (like John Fetterman) who believe in legalizing Heroin and letting out millions of criminals from prison to rape and raise havoc in our cities.

John Fetterman.....the most useless sort of human-being...lived off of his parents till he was 50 and now he's supposedly leading in the Senate race in PA.

*What are these people thinking*

He wants to encourage lawlessness....and if you look at him...he is what he appears to be. A useless hood wearing imbecile. Do you want to know what kind of Senator John Fetterman will be? He'll be anti-American and anti-morality to the max. He'll do whatever the Democrat Party tells him to do, no matter what it is. Voting for this guy is like cutting your own throat.

What do most blacks think? Many are born and raised stone cold racists.....but some actually have some sense about them. Some of them can still think for themselves. Here's a good example of what they have to deal with every day:


This is the mindset of the Democrat Party. They would vote for anyone other than a Republican....even if that means voting for an axe-murderer.

But all they're doing is setting up their own demise......but do they care? Heck no.

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A more objective report..and yes, it's bullshit---the policy change--but not quite what is being inferred by the OP.

But yeah..the Brits jumped the shark on this one--the backlash is already gathering

The head of RAF recruitment has resigned in protest at an "effective pause" on offering jobs to white male recruits in favour of women and ethnic minorities, defence sources have claimed.
The senior female officer apparently handed in her notice in recent days amid concerns that any such restrictions on hiring, however temporary and limited, could undermine the fighting strength of the Royal Air Force (RAF), the sources said.
They said the service was attempting to hit "impossible" diversity targets.
The defence sources accused Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston, the head of the RAF, of appearing willing to compromise UK security at a time of growing threats from Russia and China in pursuit of albeit important goals such as improving diversity and inclusion.
One of the defence sources noted how General Sir Patrick Sanders, the head of the army, has likened today's security challenges to those in the build-up to the Second World War, warning that the UK is facing its "1937 moment".
"Then you look at the head of the RAF and he's prepared to break the operational requirement of the air force just to meet diversity [targets]," the source said.

"I think he needs to be hauled up by the Ministry of Defence and told: This is the defence agenda, get on it."
Seems most of USMB is too gutless to talk about this.

This is the most grave threat to us in the country....and you're all too scared to talk about it.

Seems most of USMB is too gutless to talk about this.

This is the most grave threat to us in the country....and you're all too scared to talk about it.

When does your replacement get here? I do hope they are less of a coward when posting the sum of their fears.

It comes from a Winston Churchill quote serving as the first of the novel's two epigraphs: Why, you may take the most gallant sailor, the most intrepid airman or the most audacious soldier, put them at a table together—what do you get? The sum of their fears.
Most rational people think that the authorities are inherently well intention-ed.....but those days are long gone.

"British historian and author Neil Oliver recently wrote:

It’s hard to think of the unthinkable, but there comes a time when there’s nothing else for it. People raised to trust the powers that be, assumed as I once did, that the state regardless of its political flavor at any given moment is essentially benevolent and well-meaning, will naturally try and keep that benign sense of benevolence in mind in order to make sense of what is going on around them. People like us, you and me, raised with the understanding that we are free, that we have inalienable rights. Institutions of this country have our best interests at heart, we will tend to tie ourselves in knots rather than contemplate the idea that those authorities will actually be working against us now.

You mean like what happened when leaders in Zimbabwe discovered there were too many white men in their country? Zimbabwe passed laws that stripped white men of their citizenship and ability to own property -- much as the Nazis did when passing the Nuremberg Laws -- and many of the white men of Zimbabwe, primarily farmers and landowners, were hunted down and summarily executed by mobs. While the UK raced to resettle British citizens to the United States and the UK, new government regulations stipulated that all white business owners had to sign over a 51% majority share of their business to black Zimbabweans. What the mobs couldn’t achieve, regulations chased most of the whites out of the country. Could the Zimbabwe model be a roadmap of the left’s plan for America?

Discrimination based on race has been unconstitutional for a long time, but the Left’s racists seem to think they can get around or ignore the law. "
We see this same hatred towards white people spewed in this forum on a daily basis. Those who deny the hatred are part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

Racial hatred is tolerated in one direction while the targets of the racial hatred are assailed lest they object in even the tiniest way in the other.
I always say that you have plenty of yer own problems without picking on other people for thiers.
- Or... you have plenty of your own problems without appropriating other peoples problems that you, yourself and others like you created in the first place so you can hate on others while trying to lift yourself.
We see this same violent hatred towards white people spewed in this forum on a daily basis. Those who deny the hatred are part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

Racial hatred is tolerated in one direction while the targets of the racial are assailed lest they object in even the tiniest way.
Is it wrong to dislike a person because of their character and not their color?
- Or... you have plenty of your own problem without appropriating other peoples problems that you, yourself and others like you created in the first place.
The only problems I have created have never affected anyone on USMB, or do you have proof of other actions I took that affected your life?
What does that have to do with anything I said?

The knockout "game" violent black racists play has nothing to do with people's character.
They played that shit in my all-white school in the 1970s. Ever had a white bully shoot you with a BB gun or been attacked by gangs of whites to beat you down? I have. We had fights on the playgrounds in the 1960-1970s.
The only problems I have created have never affected anyone on USMB, or do you have proof of other actions I took that affected your life?
I wasn't speaking of you specifically, but the virtue signaling liberal.
What this thread is about.
White liberals creating massive problems based on division and hatred of others, all just so they can virtue signal about it and make themselves feel better.
It is the new religion. And it is equally destructive.
Anyone... and right off the bat several people, like you and Mac - immediately attack the message as "crazy" and Trumpy... but all the while ignoring that in these major cities... rape up as much as 15% in a single year, violent crime up over 20%.... theft doubled.
That is real. And why would you want to say it isn't by marginalizing the person pointing it out??
The teachers union in this country is extremely proud of the plan to lay off white teachers.

Is this going far enough? If they had a prohibition on hiring whites at all wouldn't that be something to be proud of?
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