'They say we're too old to care for our grandchildren': Children adopted by gay men

Angel Heart

Conservative Hippie
Jul 6, 2007
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Couple forced to give grandchildren up for adoption by gay men because 'they're too old' - at 46 and 59 | Mail Online
'They say we're too old to care for our grandchildren': Social workers hand brother and sister to gay men for adoption
By Graham Grant and Marcello Mega

Two young children are to be adopted by a gay couple, despite the protests of their grandparents.
The devastated grandparents were told they would never see the youngsters again unless they dropped their opposition.
The couple, who cannot be named, wanted to give the five-year-old boy and his four-year-old sister a loving home themselves. But they were ruled to be too old - at 46 and 59.
For two years they fought for their rights to care for the children, whose 26-year- old mother is a recovering heroin addict.
They agreed to an adoption only after they faced being financially crippled by legal bills.
I'm almost 45 and my youngest is 5.

I wonder if the Homo Patrol will march into my home and remove my kids?

Have a clue what I'd do if they tried?
I can see why they didn't want the child to be raised by the grandparents. Look what a great job they did with their daughter.
Shouldn't this go in the Europe discussion forum? Oh and the British people I've met think the Daily Mail is a joke (and from the articles I've seen I think they're right).
The final blow came when they were told the children were going to a gay household, even though several heterosexual couples wanted them.
When the grandfather protested, he was told: 'You can either accept it, and there's a chance you'll see the children twice a year, or you can take that stance and never see them again.'
The man said last night: 'It breaks my heart to think that our grandchildren are being forced to grow up in an environment without a mother figure. We are not prejudiced, but I defy anyone to explain to us how this can be in their best interests

Because the kids have been just fine living up in a heterosexual couple household thus far with the mother right? :cuckoo:

Just because they're gay, doesn't make them any less of parents.

Though I'd assume there is more of a reason behind just their age they didn't receive the children. Such as either financial and or health issues.
file an age descrimination claim......i am 49 my youngest is six.......i hope they bring guns when the come for mine...they will need them....
Meh ... at least the kids will be raised good. Of course no one cares about them but focus instead on the lifestyle choices of the couples more or their ages.
This just sad, i don't hate gays, but gays should not raise children. I've known much older people that raise kids. Not to gay bash, but gays should have limited rights and go back in the closest.
This just sad, i don't hate gays, but gays should not raise children. I've known much older people that raise kids. Not to gay bash, but gays should have limited rights and go back in the closest.

:lol: That's gay bashing.
Funny ... it's also hatred. Just by saying you don't hate something doesn't mean you actually don't hate it. It's how you treat it that shows hatred or lack of. Forcing people to live one way or the other and limiting their rights IS hateful.
file an age descrimination claim......i am 49 my youngest is six.......i hope they bring guns when the come for mine...they will need them....

are you a heroin addict? do you abuse or neglect your children? if not then STFU about them storming your home to take your kids away.

People act as if they took these children out of Beaver Cleavers house and placed them with Charles Manson.

Who knows what kind of neglect these children suffered at the hands of their druggie mother. and sorry, but it's clear the grandparents didn't do a bang up job with their own child so why should they get two more chances to fuck someone else up?

and all this "gays shouldn't raise kids" bullshit is just that, bullshit.
file an age descrimination claim......i am 49 my youngest is six.......i hope they bring guns when the come for mine...they will need them....

are you a heroin addict? do you abuse or neglect your children? if not then STFU about them storming your home to take your kids away.

People act as if they took these children out of Beaver Cleavers house and placed them with Charles Manson.

Who knows what kind of neglect these children suffered at the hands of their druggie mother. and sorry, but it's clear the grandparents didn't do a bang up job with their own child so why should they get two more chances to fuck someone else up?

and all this "gays shouldn't raise kids" bullshit is just that, bullshit.

I agree, the gay couple will more likely do a better job since they haven't raised a junky themselves, I wouldn't want any kids in a household that produces a junky. Give the gay couple a chance, though I doubt they will do worse and most likely will do better than the straight couple.
couple forced to give grandchildren up for adoption by gay men because 'they're too old' - at 46 and 59 | mail online
'they say we're too old to care for our grandchildren': Social workers hand brother and sister to gay men for adoption
by graham grant and marcello mega

two young children are to be adopted by a gay couple, despite the protests of their grandparents.
The devastated grandparents were told they would never see the youngsters again unless they dropped their opposition.
The couple, who cannot be named, wanted to give the five-year-old boy and his four-year-old sister a loving home themselves. But they were ruled to be too old - at 46 and 59.
For two years they fought for their rights to care for the children, whose 26-year- old mother is a recovering heroin addict.
They agreed to an adoption only after they faced being financially crippled by legal bills.

the horror..if i had a rocket launcher...
Fact of the matter: most children raised by gay parents are more likely to excel in school and have healthier social lives. Most the children remain straight but are more confident in who they are and stronger mentally. Also most children raised by gay parents are less likely to contract STDs or become pregnant before being in a comited relationship as well as do drugs. While there are too few statistics to show whether these cases are just flukes in the data or the commonality, that's because too few are allowed to adopt to compile anything against these facts yet.

This straight couple raised one junky, why risk having them turn more kids to drugs? Give them to a home made of love, gay or not, so they have a better chance.
Found an update to this article on the Edinburgh Evening News website that gives a lot more back story and an update to the situation.

PLANS for a gay couple to adopt two Edinburgh children against their grandparents' wishes could fall through because of the furore over the decision.
The adoption of the boy, five, and the girl, four, is in the process of being finalised, despite the vehement opposition of the grandparents.

But now uproar over the decision has raised concerns it could result in the arrangement becoming unworkable.

Social workers fear that the children and the gay couple will face abuse should their identities become known in their local communities..

Gay adoption set to be blocked - Edinburgh Evening News
Meh ... at least the kids will be raised good. Of course no one cares about them but focus instead on the lifestyle choices of the couples more or their ages.

And you think that ..... why? Because all homos are better parents than heteros who actually give birth?
This I thought was the most important point of the entire article though...

In a passionate letter to the court, the grandfather wrote: "We feel that, due to the time involved in the process and the various objections raised by the social work department, that it would be in the best interest of the children that we gracefully back out of the proceedings and give up all rights to our grandchildren.

Both the grandparents and the daughter decided to give up their rights to the children and agreed to the adoption of them by adoptive parents. The problem only came when they were informed it was a gay couple adopting the kids. Per the article, the grandparents were also the ones who asked social services to intervene over two years ago because they were having difficulty taking care of them. They had the children put in foster care for the past two years.

So the situation is certainly not what the daily mail makes it out to be. From this article it sounds like the entire situation is probably made harder on the children because over the past several months they have had frequent contact with the couple that is supposed to adopt them. Now they may have to go through the entire process all over again.
Meh ... at least the kids will be raised good. Of course no one cares about them but focus instead on the lifestyle choices of the couples more or their ages.

And you think that ..... why? Because all homos are better parents than heteros who actually give birth?

You're arguing against someone else being a better parent than a heroin addict? Did you read what these kids had to go through with having their "hetero" mother as a birth parent? Hopefully they will have better luck with adoptive parents whether they are gay or straight.
However it's their grandparents who wanted to adopt them.

Any idiot who thinks that an addict can't occur in the most functional, normal home obviously hasn't been around many homo addicts.

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