These are the people we feed and arm, on both sides, and it's like the focking 30 years war in Europe, only longer


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Tribe v. tribe with both justifying killing children with their gods

Weiss was blunt in her wishes for Gaza when CNN interviewed her at her home in the West Bank settlement of Kedumim, where she was once mayor.

“No Arab, I’m speaking about more than two million Arabs. They will not stay there,” Weiss said. “We Jews will be in Gaza.”

We said that sounded like ethnic cleansing.

Weiss responded: “The Arabs want to annihilate the state of Israel so you can call them monsters. You can call tThhem cleansing of Jews. We are not doing to them; they are doing to us.”
Stop spending our money on their food water and guns. Just let them kill each other rocks, and starve ..... or coexist. Our money just enables the dumb focks on both sides.
If you know any American providing material support for Hamas, you need to contact the FBI and report them ... it's a felony to do this for any foreign terrorist organization ... we're only allow to fund domestic terrorism ...
Tribe v. tribe with both justifying killing children with their gods

Weiss was blunt in her wishes for Gaza when CNN interviewed her at her home in the West Bank settlement of Kedumim, where she was once mayor.

“No Arab, I’m speaking about more than two million Arabs. They will not stay there,” Weiss said. “We Jews will be in Gaza.”

We said that sounded like ethnic cleansing.

Weiss responded: “The Arabs want to annihilate the state of Israel so you can call them monsters. You can call tThhem cleansing of Jews. We are not doing to them; they are doing to us.”
Stop spending our money on their food water and guns. Just let them kill each other rocks, and starve ..... or coexist. Our money just enables the dumb focks on both sides.

more americans should study the 30 years war. many of our col9onists were escaping that conflict, trapped with religion and actually dynastic and economics

while i do not think the treaty of westphalia is particularly useful in the solution of gaza,. the truth is that a negotiated settlement is the best result of that war, or this one.
more americans should study the 30 years war. many of our col9onists were escaping that conflict, trapped with religion and actually dynastic and economics

while i do not think the treaty of westphalia is particularly useful in the solution of gaza,. the truth is that a negotiated settlement is the best result of that war, or this one.

the faux 'Palestinians' have zero record of keeping their word and abiding by any agreements and treaties.

Fuck them. they're animals who make their living by terrorism and extortion.
the faux 'Palestinians' have zero record of keeping their word and abiding by any agreements and treaties.

Fuck them. they're animals who make their living by terrorism and extortion.
keeping their word? the usa, exceptional as we are, has as bad a record of abiding by any agreements or anyone.
keeping their word? the usa, exceptional as we are, has as bad a record of abiding by any agreements or anyone.

We do now thanks to Obama and Biden's foreign policy of catering to our enemies and screwing and abandoning our allies and agreements. Before that our focus was on propping up our allies and keeping our word even when it was inconvenient. Democrats started the trend of fecklessly abandoning treaties and defense agreements when they abruptly dropped South Viet Nam and left it to be plundered by North Viet Nam which still had Red China and the Soviets supplying it. The decline in morals and character these days of course made us a banana republic nobody can trust any more, and both left and right wingers are fine with that these days. They think it will cut their taxes and allow them to spend more on porn and dope.

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