There is NO RISK in privatizing SS and investing in stock market!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many times have we heard so many times by extremely ignorant people including I just heard Robert Gibbs of Obama campaign "privatizing SS and investing in risky stock market"!
and From Obama:
".. including privatization, which essentially is going to put people’s retirement at the whim of the stock market.."

BUT is there a risk? The following article describes in more detail and the essence of the whole question really revolves around do Democrats think Americans are idiots?
The Democrats evidently don't think Americans approaching retirement would evidently be as stupid as Obama/Gibbs and others that make that statement!
MOST Americans approaching retirement age WOULD NOT be in the "risky stock market"!
BECAUSE privatization means the individual has the choice of where the SS payments will be put.
ALL financial advisers and most intelligent people know that from age 25 to 45 the investments would be in the "risky equity market" MOST likely! Doesn't have to be! Depends on the individual.
THEN most advisers and intelligent people would be at 45 moving accumulations from 25 into more secure assets with less in "risky stock market".
AND the point is as the worker approaches 65 MOST if not ALL is in the exact same investments that SS is in.. i.e. Treasuries!

So does this mean Democrats/Obama/ that complain about the "risky stock market" are IDIOTS? YES because evidently they don't know how financial planning works... grow while young as grow older move to more secure! It is that simple but these idiots don't seem to realize it!

As the following article shows a worker at 25 starting salary of $42,569 ( College graduates of 2012: More jobs, bigger paychecks - Apr. 3, 2012)
From age 25 to age 65 salary 20% every 10 years.
Starting age 25 with putting $5,862 per year 10 years at historical appreciation rate of New York Stock Exchange of 6.5%
Age 35 salary $51,083 putting $7,034 per year 10 years at 6.5%
and so forth until age 65 when salary is $73,559 and over time rate of return decreased as moving more from equity to interest generating.
Total Accumulation at age 65 which is then totally in secured NON RISKY stock market.. $941,417

Private Investment Is More Risky than Social Security? | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty
There's no risk in letting me keep my money in my pocket to start with.

Of course!

But again prove my thread wrong i.e. ONLY IDIOTS/ i.e. Obama/Gibbs/Democrats that insist on the MEME.. "privatizing will have seniors investing in risky stock market... and look what would have happened to them in 2008!"

ANY SENIOR who had their TOTAL portfolios in the "RISKY MARKET" probably were SENILE!

So again TeLL me where the RISKY market would be if as I have a lot of confidence in MOST Americans to be smart enough to follow this very simple investment principal for retirement: Age 25 to 45 high growth investments.. Age 45 to 65 split the difference... Age 65 total secured investments...NO HIGH RISKY STOCK MARKET !!!
Would the management fees be considered a tax by the right?

You still gonna tax me with an SS tax and then force me to invest it in private enterprise?
Sounds like forcing mer to buy insurance.
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Yes there is. There is lots of risk.

NO THERE ISN"T if you are NOT a dummy and would put ALL your retirement funds in the "risky stock market" at retirement!

YOU still don't get it do you?? YOU evidently have NO idea of what compound interest is!

EVEN EVEN if the 25 year old puts all his SS payments into a savings account yielding 1% he would have $400,000 accumulated.. at no risk! ALL in totally secured NON RISKY stock market!!!
Yes there is. There is lots of risk.
Not to you.

Butt out of my wallet, do-gooder.

Prior to social security, 50% of our elderly lived below the poverty line. Not a world I'd like to live in. And if you don't want to be part of society I'm sure there is a randian paradise for you to live in.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc, counselor....Your lame-assed cry of "Randian" is irrelevant.
Yes there is. There is lots of risk.

NO THERE ISN"T if you are NOT a dummy and would put ALL your retirement funds in the "risky stock market" at retirement!

YOU still don't get it do you?? YOU evidently have NO idea of what compound interest is!

EVEN EVEN if the 25 year old puts all his SS payments into a savings account yielding 1% he would have $400,000 accumulated.. at no risk! ALL in totally secured NON RISKY stock market!!!

So, you are saying the stock market if guaranteed?

If it's so guaranteed, then why isn't everyone a millionaire?

You are wrong. There is ALWAYS risk in the stock market.
Yes there is. There is lots of risk.

NO THERE ISN"T if you are NOT a dummy and would put ALL your retirement funds in the "risky stock market" at retirement!

YOU still don't get it do you?? YOU evidently have NO idea of what compound interest is!

EVEN EVEN if the 25 year old puts all his SS payments into a savings account yielding 1% he would have $400,000 accumulated.. at no risk! ALL in totally secured NON RISKY stock market!!!

Many people out there cannot even balance their check book.
Yes it would be risky and people would be misled as well.
Yes there is. There is lots of risk.

NO THERE ISN"T if you are NOT a dummy and would put ALL your retirement funds in the "risky stock market" at retirement!

YOU still don't get it do you?? YOU evidently have NO idea of what compound interest is!

EVEN EVEN if the 25 year old puts all his SS payments into a savings account yielding 1% he would have $400,000 accumulated.. at no risk! ALL in totally secured NON RISKY stock market!!!

Surely, even a paid shill can't believe that nonsense
Yes there is. There is lots of risk.

NO THERE ISN"T if you are NOT a dummy and would put ALL your retirement funds in the "risky stock market" at retirement!

YOU still don't get it do you?? YOU evidently have NO idea of what compound interest is!

EVEN EVEN if the 25 year old puts all his SS payments into a savings account yielding 1% he would have $400,000 accumulated.. at no risk! ALL in totally secured NON RISKY stock market!!!

Many people out there cannot even balance their check book.
Yes it would be risky and people would be misled as well.
How could they not balance their checkbooks, when the same gubmint running Socialist Insecurity is in charge of edumacation?
NO THERE ISN"T if you are NOT a dummy and would put ALL your retirement funds in the "risky stock market" at retirement!

YOU still don't get it do you?? YOU evidently have NO idea of what compound interest is!

EVEN EVEN if the 25 year old puts all his SS payments into a savings account yielding 1% he would have $400,000 accumulated.. at no risk! ALL in totally secured NON RISKY stock market!!!

Many people out there cannot even balance their check book.
Yes it would be risky and people would be misled as well.
How could they not balance their checkbooks, when the same gubmint running Socialist Insecurity is in charge of edumacation?

Pithy diversion attempt noted.

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