"There is no Black or White America, there is the Untied States of America"

What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

I am so happy that we always have a permanent guilty for every problem today. It doesn't make sense however.
Obama didn't divide us we did ourselves. Yup race and social relations are tough and intricate.
So do accept the fact that there are black and white among us as well as bad and good, healthy and ill, positive and negative...
Well, thanks for the links. So, OK, 50 years have gone by with both GOP and democrat administrations at the helm... Why are you blaming Obama? Why didn't Reagan or the Bushes eliminate it on their watches? Oh, I forgot, you conservatives don't care about poverty except as a tool to use against the Democrats. When your guys are in the WH poverty becomes a non issue.

Now where did all that money go? Who profited from the War on Poverty? I suspect the rich got richer and the poor got poorer because of the War on Poverty. That money just didn't disappear. The poor got stiffed and the people who gained (republicans) get to point the finger at democrats for the spending that benefitted Republicans. Its not as simple s that but that is the way it is broadcast for the general gullible public to digest.

So, while laughing all the way to the banks they own, the republicans don't thank Johnson for initiating their cash cow ( the war on poverty] No! Now they want to win back the presidency and Congress so they can legislate more ways to keep all that dough and not have to share it in any way form or fashion.

Obama is building on it tremendously. Republicans are also big spenders. Conservatives need to take over the Republican party, then win elections or eventually or all the big spenders will collapsed the economy.The problem is, too much demagoguery by the leftist, hate mongers and race baiters like Obama and his leftist buddies. He should be ashamed at what has happened to race relations in this country since he became president. He's not though, hate, jealously and crises help the leftist...

Nice Dodge. Did you miss the part of my narrative pertaining to Republicans profiting
from the War on Poverty? No comment?

Are you ready for the truth? Here it comes, ready or not.

Were you even born when Reagan was president? if you were alive then you were very young and you probably weren't into politics at all. I was alive then and I remember the divide and conquer strategy used by the Republicans, specifically Reagan Republicans. That attempt to divide and conquer went on for 40 years; and, judging by your commentary, that timeworn outdated GOP strategy is still working to divide. The conquering portion though, has been somewhat problematic. Yes you won the majority of Congress seats back by using the same divisive strategy but I think that tactic just might have run it's course. And now the twist is to shift the blame on to Obama as being the great divider. Well, good luck with that.

Were you even born when Reagan was president? if you were alive then you were very young and you probably weren't into politics at all. I was alive then and I remember the divide and conquer strategy used by the Republicans, specifically Reagan Republicans. That attempt to divide and conquer went on for 40 years; and, judging by your commentary, that timeworn outdated GOP strategy is still working to divide. The conquering portion though, has been somewhat problematic. Yes you won the majority of Congress seats back by using the same divisive strategy but I think that tactic just might have run it's course. And now the twist is to shift the blame on to Obama as being the great divider. Well, good luck with that.

almost forty years Republicans have pursued a divide-and-conquer strategy intended to convince working-class whites that the poor were their enemies. The Republicans told the working class that its hard-earned tax dollars were being siphoned off to pay for “welfare queens” (as Ronald Reagan decorously dubbed a black single woman on welfare) and other nefarious loafers

The poor were “them” — lazy, dependent on government handouts and overwhelmingly black — in sharp contrast to “us,” who were working ever harder, proudly independent (even sending wives and mothers to work, in order to prop up family incomes dragged down by shrinking male paychecks) and white. [ /quote ]

Blacks did far better under Reagan genius, and no I'm not too young to remember. I remember in "84 going around my neighborhood in Detroit ask my friends who they where going to vote for. Everyone who was going to vote said Reagan. Reagan made people feel good about the country unlike the pathetic Obama who tears us down. These were younger people, people who just turned voting age people of all races.....

Real income for a median African-American family had dropped 11 percent from 1977-82; from 1982-89, coming out of the recession, it rose by 17 percent. In the 1980s, there was a 40 percent jump in the number of black households earning $50,000 or more. Black unemployment under Reagan in the 1980s actually fell faster than white unemployment. The number of black-owned businesses increased by almost 40 percent, while the number of blacks who enrolled in college increased by almost 30 percent (white college enrollment increased by only 6 percent).

There were likewise impressive numbers for Hispanics, who saw similar to higher increases in family income, employment, and college enrollment. The number of Hispanic-owned businesses in the 1980s grew by an astounding 81 percent, and the number of Hispanics enrolled in college jumped 45 percent.

Liberals often decry the income gap between men and women. Well, under Reagan, women went from earning 60 cents for every dollar a man earned to 71 cents, and their employment and median earnings outpaced their male counterparts. Women enrolled in college in record numbers.

Of course, these are the constituencies that twice elected Barack Obama, thereby giving the green light to policies that are the antithesis of what Ronald Reagan pursued to their advantage.

For that matter, the youth vote also twice elected Barack Obama. And here, too, the data is quite eye-opening.

The peak period of youth unemployment for 16-24 year olds under Reagan was 1982, when it was 17.3%. Reagan reduced it to 10.9% by 1988. Under Obama, the peak for that same group was 19.1%. By 2013, the number was 16.3%.

The unemployment data for 16-19 year olds is even more pronounced. Under Reagan, it fell from 24% in 1982 to 14.8% in 1988. Under Obama, it declined from a high of 25.9% in 2010 to only 22.9% in 2013. The numbers for black Americans aged 16-19 are even stronger in Reagan’s favor. They fell from 49.4% in 1982 to 31.9% in 1988—a vast improvement. Under Obama, they declined from 43.0% in 2010 to only 38.8% in 2013.

Economist Stephen Moore has examined the change in household income for the four primary demographic groups that carried the electoral day for Obama in 2008 and 2012: African-Americans, Hispanics, single women, and young voters. These groups, shows Moore, have experienced the worst declines in household incomes from 2009-13.

Even then, those numbers don’t convey the current catastrophe. Many of today’s unemployed have simply become wards of the welfare state. There are an astounding 48 million Americans on food stamps under Barack Obama, far higher than under Reagan (and under George W. Bush). Reagan had reduced the number of Americans on food stamps to 18 million. The number of Americans on food stamps under Obama has jumped by 43% since his first year as president.

10 years after Reagan s death How does Obama s record compare to Reagan s Fox News
The US population was much smaller under Reagan than it is today under Obama.

Reagan didn't ascend to the presidency in the wake of a near financial catastrophe
He inherited a Democrat president's surplus and spent it wildly and with reckless abandon.

Reagan gave terrorists weapons. Obama killed terrorists

Reagan cut and ran when 243 marines were killed by Hezbollah giving Bin Laden inspiration to plan and attack the "paper Tiger" image created by Reagan's withdrawal.

Obama came into office and increased troop strength in Afghanistan to 68,000 after out troops were repeatedly attacked

I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally.
-Ronald Reagan 10/28/1984

No matter how decent they are, no matter their reasons, the 11 million who broke these law should be held accountable.
-Barack Obama July 2010

Here is a video of those and even more shocking comparisons. ENJOY!:lol:


You didn't even respond to the points in my post, instead you go all off into some stupid talking points fed to you. You're a moron, Reagan negotiated with the Soviets from a position of strength, which is how we ultimately defeated them. He also agreed to amnesty, which he later admitted was a mistake, because he was betrayed by congress on boarded security. That passed through congress unlike Obama. Your talking points are so idiotic, they are barely worth responding to. So what does all that crap you posted have to do with the fact that black Americans ,all Americans in general did much better under Reagan than Obama?
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

I am so happy that we always have a permanent guilty for every problem today. It doesn't make sense however.
Obama didn't divide us we did ourselves. Yup race and social relations are tough and intricate.
So do accept the fact that there are black and white among us as well as bad and good, healthy and ill, positive and negative...

Obama could have brought us closer together, instead he went the Al Sharpton route

Why are Obama and the liberals afraid of vouchers? teacher's union cronyism

I agree with here with this Obama he used to know that unlimited immigration hurts Blue collar workers and Black Americans... Now? :wtf:

Whatever obumble did, it isn't going to be undone. Divide the nation and go on from there.
Somebody tried to mess up this video link but I don't give up so easy. Here is the Reagan/Obama comparison in a nutshell...

Once you stop trying to sound intelligent, you're nothing more than a brainwashed fool:uhoh3:

Well, gee Woolly boolly, most of the Asian and Jewish populations voted like I did so this fool is
in good company. I guess the majority of the electorate are fools too. You sore loser.
Somebody tried to mess up this video link but I don't give up so easy. Here is the Reagan/Obama comparison in a nutshell...

Once you stop trying to sound intelligent, you're nothing more than a brainwashed fool:uhoh3:

Well, gee Woolly boolly, most of the Asian and Jewish populations voted like I did so this fool is
in good company. I guess the majority of the electorate are fools too. You sore loser.

Ummm..Ok...People like you are reason. blind ideologues who only know what they've been fed. Not too much there with you...disappointing actually.
Yes, Righties are still bellyaching that, no matter what they do, they cannot attact the minority vote.

Well, duh.

When you spend 50+ years demonizing minorites, what the fuck do you expect?


Stay in Egypt clown. You're comfortable there:slap:
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I agree with here with this Obama he used to know that unlimited immigration hurts Blue collar workers and Black Americans... Now? :wtf:

Obama has proven again and again that he's nothing more than a slum lord. He wants to keep his people in slums cause those are democrat voters. If they got out of his slums the slum lord is out of business.

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