There Are Two Kinds of People in This World: “Sorry” People and “Thank You” People


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
by Haley Nahman

....Let’s break these phrases down. An apology, in its simplest form, is about the apologizer and what they did wrong. A thank you, in contrast, is about the recipient and what they did right. Whereas an apologizer seeks forgiveness, a thanker seeks celebration of another. Both are appropriate in different situations, but I’m convinced that, counter to its sugary aftertaste, chronic apologizing can actually be a smoke signal for self-involvement. Maybe that’s a Juul metaphor, maybe it’s not. Either way, I’ve been the over-apologizer many times, and only in the last year have I finally gone to great lengths to quit. Or more pressingly, examine how I got into the habit in the first place.

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There are three kinds of people in this world.

Those who can count and those who can't

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