The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Well now we can take a look at how obama's economy is doing. Now we can actually show who is to blame.

“From 2009 through 2012, the Obama cabal, and their allegiance to statist policies, has been in charge for four years. The global financial crisis took place in the previous year, 2008 [remember the Democrat majority Congress was elected in 2006], and based on the historical pattern of American economic recovery since the depression years, the United States should have been experiencing broad and significant economic and job growth by year three at the latest.”

Instead what America got by year five was fewer jobs than before. Even though the employment age population has increased by nearly 12 million since January, 2008, there are now 3 million fewer Americans working, with employment declining from 146.3 million in January, 2008 to 143.3 million in December, 2012. If America enjoyed the same labor force participation rate as in 2008, the unemployment rate in December, 2012 would have been 11.4%, compared to 4.9% in December, 2007, under President George Bush and his “failed” economic policies of the past. We won’t see 4.9% unemployment in America again until the statest takeover of America is purged.
The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression - Forbes
If what obama was supposed to have done the last four years did work we should have seen some proof of it by now.
5 years? Obama has just been president for 4.1 years or so.

Well you seem to forget democrats including a junior senator obama have controlled the senate since 2007

And Bush vetoed how many things?
the senate is powerless without the presidential signature.

And democrats planned the economical collapse what better way too get a democrat elected in the white house.

But now they must blame bush to keep the welfare class from revolting
I agree

These are the worst five years since the Depression

When does it start? Seems January 2008 is a good starting point. GDP went negative for five quarters, Stock Market lost half its value, employers shedding 750,000 jobs a month. Not many periods like it in the last 75 years

President Obama took office in Jan 2009. He enacted stimulus, TARP, auto bailouts and the Stock Market and GDP reversed. The loss of jobs stopped and has slowly rebounded.

This was a major economic collapse that carried over to the rest of the world

The American People looked at the economy in the last election. The evidently didn't put the blame on the Obama administration. All anyone has to do is ask what Republicans have done over the last five years to help us through these tough times?

Evidently, not enough

Fortunately, there is only small group of goofy people who are pretending that widest, deepest and most complex domestic and international financial meltdown in history -- and its after-effects -- can be blamed on Barack Obama.

Sure, these people are amusing, I must admit. But it does make one respect the power of denial, and influence of radio talk show hosts on the subconscious.

We wouldn't be in this mess had the Racist, Terrorist, Slave Owning Founding Fathers not signed the Declaration of Independence.
I agree

These are the worst five years since the Depression

When does it start? Seems January 2008 is a good starting point. GDP went negative for five quarters, Stock Market lost half its value, employers shedding 750,000 jobs a month. Not many periods like it in the last 75 years

President Obama took office in Jan 2009. He enacted stimulus, TARP, auto bailouts and the Stock Market and GDP reversed. The loss of jobs stopped and has slowly rebounded.

This was a major economic collapse that carried over to the rest of the world

The American People looked at the economy in the last election. The evidently didn't put the blame on the Obama administration. All anyone has to do is ask what Republicans have done over the last five years to help us through these tough times?

Evidently, not enough

2007 democrats controlled congress. That also includes a junior senator obama.

Fortunately, there is only small group of goofy people who are pretending that widest, deepest and most complex domestic and international financial meltdown in history -- and its after-effects -- can be blamed on Barack Obama.

Sure, these people are amusing, I must admit. But it does make one respect the power of denial, and influence of radio talk show hosts on the subconscious.


And of course only a small group of goofy people who are pretending that widest, deepest and most complex domestic and international financial meltdown in history -- and its after-effects would forget about whom controlled the house and senate with a junior senator obama when it all began
I agree

These are the worst five years since the Depression

When does it start? Seems January 2008 is a good starting point. GDP went negative for five quarters, Stock Market lost half its value, employers shedding 750,000 jobs a month. Not many periods like it in the last 75 years

President Obama took office in Jan 2009. He enacted stimulus, TARP, auto bailouts and the Stock Market and GDP reversed. The loss of jobs stopped and has slowly rebounded.

This was a major economic collapse that carried over to the rest of the world

The American People looked at the economy in the last election. The evidently didn't put the blame on the Obama administration. All anyone has to do is ask what Republicans have done over the last five years to help us through these tough times?

Evidently, not enough

2007 democrats controlled congress. That also includes a junior senator obama.

And which legislation they passed led to a recession?
I agree

These are the worst five years since the Depression

When does it start? Seems January 2008 is a good starting point. GDP went negative for five quarters, Stock Market lost half its value, employers shedding 750,000 jobs a month. Not many periods like it in the last 75 years

President Obama took office in Jan 2009. He enacted stimulus, TARP, auto bailouts and the Stock Market and GDP reversed. The loss of jobs stopped and has slowly rebounded.

This was a major economic collapse that carried over to the rest of the world

The American People looked at the economy in the last election. The evidently didn't put the blame on the Obama administration. All anyone has to do is ask what Republicans have done over the last five years to help us through these tough times?

Evidently, not enough

2007 democrats controlled congress. That also includes a junior senator obama.

And which legislation they passed led to a recession?

By refusing to regulate freddie and fannie thank you very much.

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