The worlds largest glacier...... is getting bigger not shrinking.. climate hoax

I do. But at least mine is backed up by a tremendous amount of hard science.

Glaciers are melting because temperatures are rising.
Ice sheets are destabilizing because of rising temperatures in deep ocean water.
Sea levels are rising both from meltwater and by expansion from increasing temperatures.

Note a common thread?
Models are not hard science. They change their parameters consistently.
“Other models are intended to describe an abstract or hypothetical behaviour or phenomenon. For example, predictive models, such as those employed in weather forecasting or in projecting health outcomes of disease epidemics, generally are based on knowledge and data of phenomena from the past and rely on mathematical analyses of this information to forecast future, hypothetical occurrences of similar phenomena. Predictive models hold significant value for society because of their potential role in warning systems, such as in the case of earthquakes, tsunamis, epidemics, and similar large-scale disasters. However, because no single predictive model can account for all the variables that may affect an outcome, scientists must make assumptions, which can compromise the reliability of a predictive model and lead to incorrect conclusions.”
Scientific modeling | science
NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

Sorry liberals
From your link:

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland ice and climate scientist Jason Box asserted, “That was kind of a surprise. We kind of got used to a runaway system. The good news is that it’s a reminder that it’s not necessarily going that fast. But it is going.”

University of Washington ice scientist Ian Joughin echoed that it would be “grave mistake” to assume from the study that global warming wasn’t real, adding that what the scientists found was “to a large extent, a temporary blip. Downturns do occur in the stock market, but overall the long term trajectory is up. This is really the same thing.”

Sounds like the narrative that failed is yours.
Go find the other threads on this. Their assertion all due to agw, by actual research is blown out of the water.
Try again. This time use complete sentences.
What didn’t you understand? There is another thread on this very topic, which has research posted, showing these natural cycles have occurred throughout time.
A separate tidbit for you. Have you ever read about the WWII plane that went down in 1942 was recovered in Greenland, back in the 1990’s, under 260 feet of ice? Look it up.
So post up that research son! Let's see it!
NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

Sorry liberals
From your link:

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland ice and climate scientist Jason Box asserted, “That was kind of a surprise. We kind of got used to a runaway system. The good news is that it’s a reminder that it’s not necessarily going that fast. But it is going.”

University of Washington ice scientist Ian Joughin echoed that it would be “grave mistake” to assume from the study that global warming wasn’t real, adding that what the scientists found was “to a large extent, a temporary blip. Downturns do occur in the stock market, but overall the long term trajectory is up. This is really the same thing.”

Sounds like the narrative that failed is yours.
It sounds like another lefty just trying to get a grant lol

It’s growing
You do realize nobody gets rich from research grants, right?
NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

Sorry liberals
From your link:

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland ice and climate scientist Jason Box asserted, “That was kind of a surprise. We kind of got used to a runaway system. The good news is that it’s a reminder that it’s not necessarily going that fast. But it is going.”

University of Washington ice scientist Ian Joughin echoed that it would be “grave mistake” to assume from the study that global warming wasn’t real, adding that what the scientists found was “to a large extent, a temporary blip. Downturns do occur in the stock market, but overall the long term trajectory is up. This is really the same thing.”

Sounds like the narrative that failed is yours.
It sounds like another lefty just trying to get a grant lol

It’s growing
You do realize nobody gets rich from research grants, right?
If you give your self a salary I think you would profit some how
NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

Sorry liberals
From your link:

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland ice and climate scientist Jason Box asserted, “That was kind of a surprise. We kind of got used to a runaway system. The good news is that it’s a reminder that it’s not necessarily going that fast. But it is going.”

University of Washington ice scientist Ian Joughin echoed that it would be “grave mistake” to assume from the study that global warming wasn’t real, adding that what the scientists found was “to a large extent, a temporary blip. Downturns do occur in the stock market, but overall the long term trajectory is up. This is really the same thing.”

Sounds like the narrative that failed is yours.
It sounds like another lefty just trying to get a grant lol

It’s growing
You do realize nobody gets rich from research grants, right?
If you give your self a salary I think you would profit some how
I didn't say they didn't get a salary, I said they didn't get rich.

I actually know some guys who got a research grants. Some kinda special coating for aircraft parts. It was a $1.25 million dollar grant.

Sounds like a lot of money I know, but it isn't really. First it's a 5 year grant, so it's $250k a year. Second, it's a team of three people so that's a bit under $85k yearly.

Still seems like quite a bit right? But imI not done. They need lab space, equipment, materiels, at least a couple of assistants, and none of that is cheap. These fellas ain't driving BMWs and living in mansions.
NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

Sorry liberals
From your link:

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland ice and climate scientist Jason Box asserted, “That was kind of a surprise. We kind of got used to a runaway system. The good news is that it’s a reminder that it’s not necessarily going that fast. But it is going.”

University of Washington ice scientist Ian Joughin echoed that it would be “grave mistake” to assume from the study that global warming wasn’t real, adding that what the scientists found was “to a large extent, a temporary blip. Downturns do occur in the stock market, but overall the long term trajectory is up. This is really the same thing.”

Sounds like the narrative that failed is yours.
It sounds like another lefty just trying to get a grant lol

It’s growing
You do realize nobody gets rich from research grants, right?
Straw man argument.

Nobody said they were getting rich....Just that living cloistered in the academy and living off of handouts is a lot easier than working out in the real world.
NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

Sorry liberals
From your link:

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland ice and climate scientist Jason Box asserted, “That was kind of a surprise. We kind of got used to a runaway system. The good news is that it’s a reminder that it’s not necessarily going that fast. But it is going.”

University of Washington ice scientist Ian Joughin echoed that it would be “grave mistake” to assume from the study that global warming wasn’t real, adding that what the scientists found was “to a large extent, a temporary blip. Downturns do occur in the stock market, but overall the long term trajectory is up. This is really the same thing.”

Sounds like the narrative that failed is yours.
It sounds like another lefty just trying to get a grant lol

It’s growing
You do realize nobody gets rich from research grants, right?
If you give your self a salary I think you would profit some how
I didn't say they didn't get a salary, I said they didn't get rich.

I actually know some guys who got a research grants. Some kinda special coating for aircraft parts. It was a $1.25 million dollar grant.

Sounds like a lot of money I know, but it isn't really. First it's a 5 year grant, so it's $250k a year. Second, it's a team of three people so that's a bit under $85k yearly.

Still seems like quite a bit right? But imI not done. They need lab space, equipment, materiels, at least a couple of assistants, and none of that is cheap. These fellas ain't driving BMWs and living in mansions.
What are you talking about! I don’t care what they do with the money.. it’s going in to someone’s pocket ..
Jakobshavn is not the world's largest glacier. That honor falls to Lambert is Glacier in Antarctica. Lambert is 40,000 square kilometers and 2500 meters deep
NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

NARRATIVE FAIL: One Of Largest Glaciers On Earth That Shrank Is Growing Again

Sorry liberals
From your link:

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland ice and climate scientist Jason Box asserted, “That was kind of a surprise. We kind of got used to a runaway system. The good news is that it’s a reminder that it’s not necessarily going that fast. But it is going.”

University of Washington ice scientist Ian Joughin echoed that it would be “grave mistake” to assume from the study that global warming wasn’t real, adding that what the scientists found was “to a large extent, a temporary blip. Downturns do occur in the stock market, but overall the long term trajectory is up. This is really the same thing.”

Sounds like the narrative that failed is yours.
It sounds like another lefty just trying to get a grant lol

It’s growing
You do realize nobody gets rich from research grants, right?
Straw man argument.

Nobody said they were getting rich....Just that living cloistered in the academy and living off of handouts is a lot easier than working out in the real world.
These guys aren't "cloistered in the acadamy", they have apartments (in one case a house), wives, and kids. They pay a substantial sum to WSU for lab space and computer time. That's hardly "cloistered".
From your link:

Sounds like the narrative that failed is yours.
It sounds like another lefty just trying to get a grant lol

It’s growing
You do realize nobody gets rich from research grants, right?
If you give your self a salary I think you would profit some how
I didn't say they didn't get a salary, I said they didn't get rich.

I actually know some guys who got a research grants. Some kinda special coating for aircraft parts. It was a $1.25 million dollar grant.

Sounds like a lot of money I know, but it isn't really. First it's a 5 year grant, so it's $250k a year. Second, it's a team of three people so that's a bit under $85k yearly.

Still seems like quite a bit right? But imI not done. They need lab space, equipment, materiels, at least a couple of assistants, and none of that is cheap. These fellas ain't driving BMWs and living in mansions.
What are you talking about! I don’t care what they do with the money.. it’s going in to someone’s pocket ..
My bad, forgot we aren't supposed to bore you conservitards with facts.
Why Asia's Glaciers Are Mysteriously Expanding, Not Melting
By Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor

For years the dogma was that all the glaciers were melting. As the level of climate skepticism began to soar, the climate crusaders pivoted on global warming and went with the climate change fakery to better fit the narrative, one of which was, "well not all the glaciers are melting, but most are melting".

The reason, she said, is that the IPCC and other climate models are lower-resolution, capturing climate change over areas no finer than about 17,027 square miles (44,100 square km). The coarser resolution "smoothes out" variations in elevation, which works fine for the central Himalayas and southeast Himalayas. However, the Karakoram region has more elevation variability than the other two regions. Ultimately, the result is that the IPCC and other models overestimate the amount of warmth in this region, Kapnick said.

Fake :2up:

We can let the readers decide!!:abgg2q.jpg:
Wow. That's high tech.

Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor

Stephanie Pappas is a contributing writer for Live Science. She covers the world of human and animal behavior, as well as paleontology and other science topics. Stephanie has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of South Carolina and a graduate certificate in science communication from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She has ducked under a glacier in Switzerland and poked hot lava with a stick in Hawaii. Stephanie hails from East Tennessee, the global center for salamander diversity. Follow Stephanie on Google+.
Wow. That's high tech.

Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor

Stephanie Pappas is a contributing writer for Live Science. She covers the world of human and animal behavior, as well as paleontology and other science topics. Stephanie has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of South Carolina and a graduate certificate in science communication from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She has ducked under a glacier in Switzerland and poked hot lava with a stick in Hawaii. Stephanie hails from East Tennessee, the global center for salamander diversity. Follow Stephanie on Google+.


Progressives always with the fakery!:2up:

Pappas is quoting a scientist.....doy. The scientist is stating hard evidence ( see link above ). Of course, for members of the religion, you are a fake scientist if you're not in the club.

Only weenies pull those kinds of stunts in here.....misrepresentation bullcrap, yuk.....yuk!:2up:. Progressive men who never competed against other men in their lives.:gay: Who does the limpwristed fakery work with? The zombies of the world only, like people who watch NBC News at 6pm every night and dont vote.

As we found out in 2016, misrepresentation and fakery doesnt work except on the hopelessly duped.
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Pappas is quoting a scientist.....doy. The scientist is stating hard evidence ( see link above ). Of course, for members of the religion, you are a fake scientist if you're not in the club.

Only weenies pull those kinds of stunts in here.....misrepresentation bullcrap, yuk.....yuk!:2up:. Progressive men who never competed against other men in their lives.:gay: Who does the limpwristed fakery work with? The zombies of the world only, like people who watch NBC News at 6pm every night and dont vote.

As we found out in 2016, misrepresentation and fakery doesnt work except on the hopelessly duped.


What is the scientist's name?

What is the name of the study?

The only link in that post goes to Pappas' Live Science article and the only links in that article go to other staff-written Live Science articles. I see no scientist. I see no study.
Pappas is quoting a scientist.....doy. The scientist is stating hard evidence ( see link above ). Of course, for members of the religion, you are a fake scientist if you're not in the club.

Only weenies pull those kinds of stunts in here.....misrepresentation bullcrap, yuk.....yuk!:2up:. Progressive men who never competed against other men in their lives.:gay: Who does the limpwristed fakery work with? The zombies of the world only, like people who watch NBC News at 6pm every night and dont vote.

As we found out in 2016, misrepresentation and fakery doesnt work except on the hopelessly duped.


What is the scientist's name?

What is the name of the study?

The only link in that post goes to Pappas' Live Science article and the only links in that article go to other staff-written Live Science articles. I see no scientist. I see no study.

Try to follow along s0n....the name Sarah Kapnick is right there in the narrative ( bold lettering ). Heres another writer referencing Kapnick......who is part of GlacierHub:abgg2q.jpg:. I mean....what would she know about shrinking glaciers?:aug08_031::aug08_031::aug08_031:

karakoram glacier Archives - GlacierHub

Google it....4 billion links pop up!

What I think is, you saw the name of the scientist very clearly but did the faggoty progressive limpwristed stunt of misrepresenting the content as if was never posted. Pseudo-men do that kind of thing....because in the real world around other men, you do that and you get your ass knocked out.:113::113:

I've known this type for years! Never quite figured out that plugs go into know instantly when you're around this type like a boa knows when it comes across a field rat.

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I see her name. What I do not see is a link to any study by any scientist. EVERY link in that article simply leads to another Livescience article.

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