What a bunch of crap from most of the men here: misogynists, incels, losers and jerks. Zero empathy with real ordinary women who sometimes do “get into trouble.”

Perhaps some of these commenters are now older bastards who just get off ridiculing the majority of Americans — and majority of women especially — who defend a woman’s right to have an abortion in situations where it most often occurs.

Most Americans are not fanatics who equate the “rights” of an embryo or first or second trimester fetus with those of a grown woman. We support convenient “abortion pills” and early abortions without restrictions. They — we — support the right of women to end unwanted pregnancies as conveniently and as quickly as possible, without authoritarian religious politicians or a the state throwing up obstacles that delay or make the procedure much worse. We defend women against the real, growing, now national “ban-abortion” war on women.

Half the men who talk a “moralistic” anti-abortion line would urge their own out-of-marriage lovers to have an abortion in a split second … to save their marriage or even just their reputation and alimony. But they still talk their shit.

You would think these men never really learned how to listen to others. It is as if they have no sisters, no daughters, no real women friends. Whether “Moral Majority” hypocrites or religious nuts or just cynical political trolls, they all have their own “wise guy” excuses for participating in this immoral and politically reactionary “war on women.”

I’m sure there are really some religious people who do have a “deep moral commitment” to preserving life — in other people’s wombs — but frankly I don’t see any sign of them here in this thread.
This thread isn't about abortion dummy. TRY to use some reading comprehension skills and stay on topic.

I bet you can't!
See, this is where you feel being an ignorant troll is called for....It's not....
I am not trolling bitch boi I am telling you my feelings on the matter. Now ask another stupid question that you are trying to load for that zinger comeback. If you don't know what a woman is get a biology textbook and read it.
You actually think that is worse than denying women control over their bodies and healthcare decisions?

No wonder you guys are losing the support of women voters. You are out of touch and plowing full steam ahead.
Are you sure you hate America folks are considered to be credible on matters such as these?

In light of recent controversy over the notion of “toxic masculinity” it’s tempting to choose “toxic” as our first word for 2019. However, seems more fitting to begin our year with the focus of one of the most significant non-toxic social justice movements of 2019: #metoo and #believe women. This consciousness raising movement began in order to bring attention to the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault and to stand in solidarity with victims who speak out against it. Because women are disproportionally targets of gender-based harassment and assault, it may be helpful to take a closer look at the word “woman.”

It’s notable that so few words in the English language refer to women without making etymological reference to men. There is the male, and there is the fe-male; the man and there is the wo-man.

Whenever we as women talk about ourselves, the man seems to be lurking in the etymological background, so to speak. The origin of the word “Female” is the Latin word “Femina,” meaning ‘woman,’ while the Latin word for man is “Vir.” So, while the words “Male” and “Female” were not originally linked etymologically, the spelling of Femina was changed in the 14th century in order to associate the idea of the female with the male.

‘Woman,’ similarly, is from the the Old English word for “wife”—“wiffman”—which, as you hear, is also related to “man.” But because of significant influence of Christianity (and particularly the King James Version of the Bible) on the English language and American culture, many mistakenly believe that the “wo” in “woman” is a prefix, meaning “out of.”

In the Hebrew Bible’s books of Genesis, the Hebrew the Hebrew for “man” is ish and “woman” is ishah because Eve was “taken out of” the man’s side:

“This is now bone of my bones

and flesh of my flesh;

she shall be called ‘woman,’

for she was taken out of man.”

So even where there is no etymological reference to women’s dependence, there is often a conceptual or theological one.
I am not trolling bitch boi I am telling you my feelings on the matter. Now ask another stupid question that you are trying to load for that zinger comeback. If you don't know what a woman is get a biology textbook and read it.
I would say that is exactly what the Democrat party should do at this point, however, they won't....It wasn't a stupid question, it was trying to understand where you come from, and have you explain yourself more, you know, discussion? Something of which I am becoming convinced you know nothing about.
I would say that is exactly what the Democrat party should do at this point, however, they won't....It wasn't a stupid question, it was trying to understand where you come from, and have you explain yourself more, you know, discussion? Something of which I am becoming convinced you know nothing about.
The Democrat party is not in power, derpa, there is however a Democratic Party in power.
In light of recent controversy over the notion of “toxic masculinity” it’s tempting to choose “toxic” as our first word for 2019. However, seems more fitting to begin our year with the focus of one of the most significant non-toxic social justice movements of 2019: #metoo and #believe women. This consciousness raising movement began in order to bring attention to the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault and to stand in solidarity with victims who speak out against it. Because women are disproportionally targets of gender-based harassment and assault, it may be helpful to take a closer look at the word “woman.”

It’s notable that so few words in the English language refer to women without making etymological reference to men. There is the male, and there is the fe-male; the man and there is the wo-man.

Whenever we as women talk about ourselves, the man seems to be lurking in the etymological background, so to speak. The origin of the word “Female” is the Latin word “Femina,” meaning ‘woman,’ while the Latin word for man is “Vir.” So, while the words “Male” and “Female” were not originally linked etymologically, the spelling of Femina was changed in the 14th century in order to associate the idea of the female with the male.

‘Woman,’ similarly, is from the the Old English word for “wife”—“wiffman”—which, as you hear, is also related to “man.” But because of significant influence of Christianity (and particularly the King James Version of the Bible) on the English language and American culture, many mistakenly believe that the “wo” in “woman” is a prefix, meaning “out of.”

In the Hebrew Bible’s books of Genesis, the Hebrew the Hebrew for “man” is ish and “woman” is ishah because Eve was “taken out of” the man’s side:

“This is now bone of my bones

and flesh of my flesh;

she shall be called ‘woman,’

for she was taken out of man.”

So even where there is no etymological reference to women’s dependence, there is often a conceptual or theological one.
So, the answer is to "..bring attention to the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault " and transfer it to children? Sounds like twaddle to me....

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