The War on US Washington Press Conference and Schedule

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
There's really no sub-forum on this board for information relevant to actually doing anything, so just sharing this in current events for anyone who might be interested.

Though it's more upcoming.

''Join Ron Paul, the Ron Paul Institute, and friends for a very special pull-no-punches conference on the who, what, where, why, and how of this insane past year-and-a-half. They tried to keep us locked up and apart, and they succeeded for some time, but it's now time to dissect their war on our civil liberties and determine how to push back.

Each of our past Ron Paul Institute Washington Conferences has sold out and our recently-announced Houston gold conference sold out within 12 hours...''

wow, the speaker line up at that sounds awesome.

It would be nice if the Forum would pay to live stream it here. . .
. . . I hadn't looked into what Gerald Celente had been up since the pandemic started. . . interesting.
FEAR is ultimately a failing technique because thinkers and even enough feelers recognize it’s
wow, the speaker line up at that sounds awesome.

It would be nice if the Forum would pay to live stream it here. . .

I'll share video afterward if you want. By then this thread will probably be moved some place else since it won't be current. So wherever it gets moved I'll post em there.

I've got threads and posts scattered all over the place around here from previous events.

Col. Douglas Macgregor's discussion, for instance, makes a case for returning to the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers at the 2019 conference ....

Recall that neocon slayer, Col. Douglas Macgregor, was appointed to be senior advisor to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller under the Trump administration.

Anyway. There's just no organized sub-forum to share stuff like that, so it gets lost. Sometimes web forums are just counterintuitive in that regard. So better to just share on regular social media and dedicated platforms. I only shared here for informational purposes if anyone was interested.

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It's billed as "MORE CRAZIES PER SQUARE FOOT THAN ANY OTHER PLACE ON EARTH" Don't forget your tinfoil hat!!!
I hear they will be throwing in a free conspiracy theory with every $100.00 pillow sold.
I believe. . . you are confusing two very different movements.

The movement you are referring to, sells pillows and supplements, and looks to make a profit, and tends to be very partisan.

The collaboration of folks that NC is posting from, believe it or not, includes liberals & folks on the left every now and again. I am not even sure you would recognize an old fashioned liberal anymore. This movement is entirely run by donations, and ticket sales.

I'm pretty sure, RFK jr. cares more about social justice, real civil rights and real civil liberties more in a year, than you have in your whole pathetic fake SJW, virtue signaling life.
I believe. . . you are confusing two very different movements.

The movement you are referring to, sells pillows and supplements, and looks to make a profit, and tends to be very partisan.

The collaboration of folks that NC is posting from, believe it or not, includes liberals & folks on the left every now and again. I am not even sure you would recognize an old fashioned liberal anymore. This movement is entirely run by donations, and ticket sales.

I'm pretty sure, RFK jr. cares more about social justice, real civil rights and real civil liberties more in a year, than you have in your whole pathetic fake SJW, virtue signaling life.
Two very different movements that seem to be entwined completely. Sham/Scam

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