The veil has been removed from the Democrat party, and surprise, the right was correct!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
In politics, we weigh outcomes, then we keep score. If our favorite team isn't doing our bidding, unlike a football or baseball team, we the public could switch sides; especially if a candidate(s) put forth our values. So, let us see what the score of the game is around 1 year out from the Presidential election!

1. Illegal immigration/closing the border=The vast majority of Americans want the borders closed immediately, and then some want to talk about what to do with the illegals, the majority are even more law and order than that in their views.

Now make no mistake here, we could tighten the border up any time we so desire because all it would take is for the administration to enforce the law. But no, they want to go against the will of almost 75% of the American people, and put their support instead behind non citizens.

2. Iran Nuclear deal= Vast majority of Americans are against that too. They do not trust the Iranians, even as they consistently chant "death to America." The Democrats, Obama, and Hillary know better. They want the deal anyway. They are so smart, they could not even retrieve a few hostages for 150 billion and the lifting sanctions. America is beyond upset with the deal by a large %, but of course, again.........the Dems, Obama, and Hillary are against Americans, and for NON citizens, basically the Iranian Mullahs.

3. Syrian refugees= Again, America says no, or at least take a pause while we think it over, Obama, the Democrats, and Hillary do not care what Americans think about anything, all that is important is how they think. Again, Obama, The Democrats and Hillary against the vast majority of the will of Americans, and instead FOR non-citizens.

4. war on coal/electric= Once again, while it is slightly closer, more Americans than not are not buying into this whole "climate fiasco" and want to take a much closer look at what is going on. Most also want to know why they are shutting our stuff down, while other countries ramp up that which we shut down. So, Americans say no, but Obama, the Democrats, and Hillary say yes. They now kow-tow to other countries industries, while hurting ours. These people against what Americans want, and instead are in support of non-citizens.

5. Sanctuary Cities= Americans are overwhelmingly against these. They break our countries laws to help people that have already broken our laws. Americans won't even go into some neighborhoods in these cities in America as the invaders have made them almost like small cities they came from in 3rd world countries. Contemplate that for a an American city, in some parts, you the AMERICAN are the outsider! And of course, Obama, the Democrats, and Hillary stand there shoulder to shoulder AGAINST the will of the majority of the American people, while standing with non citizens, again breaking federal law in the process.

These are just some examples of how Obama, the Democrats, and Hillary support NON citizens over citizens. If we took examples of how they just go against the will of the majority of Americans where others are NOT involved, there would not be enough bandwidth to cover it.

But here is the point--------->when you call the posters on this site on it; or any political site for that matter, or you listen to MSM outlets, they engage for a while, but it always comes back to this about 2016........the Democrats start with 230 electoral votes, and there is NOTHING you can do about it!

Think about that America! This is what they are telling you-------->It makes ZERO difference if the vast majority of Americans disagree with their policies, if they arrogantly slap YOU the TAXPAYER in the face by going against the will of the people, will choose to support non citizens before actual, taxpaying citizens, because they have NOTHING to fear from you, AMERICA.........because they start with 230 electoral votes, so SCREW you America, and Americans!

And where do they get 230 electoral votes from? I am so happy you asked that question! They get most of them from states where the biggest invasion of illegal aliens has happened. California, Illinois, etc. But of course, oh no, voter ID is geared at stopping black people from voting. Unfrickin believable! They USE Black America to help them get people into this country who take their jobs, and suppress their wages. How diabolical is that?!?!?!?!?!

And so, as the silent majority, WE the people who show up on the polls as the ones constantly in opposition to what these people are doing, need to make sure one thing happens.

On the opening of election night, 2016; the party that stands against the will of the vast majority of Americans starts with 230 electoral votes, coming mostly from states with large illegal populations.

Let us make it our calling, that on the morning following the election of 2016, the party who stands against the will of the vast majority of Americans, still has their 230 electoral votes, but not 1 electoral vote more! They don't deserve any more! If they need illegal aliens, sanctuary cities, Iranian deals, SYrian refugees, and wedge issues galore to get elected, they don't deserve to be, period! Throw the bums out, and run them out of town on a rail.........and let them take all their illegal friends with them too!
This is absolute proof that both parties are the flip side of the same coin!
Who controls Congress now? Who controls the Senate now? Yet nothing changes.
The current politicians both Democratic and Republican do not have the best interest of the American people in mind.
They have their own agenda which has nothing to do with the best interest of the United States.
This is absolute proof that both parties are the flip side of the same coin!
Who controls Congress now? Who controls the Senate now? Yet nothing changes.
The current politicians both Democratic and Republican do not have the best interest of the American people in mind.
They have their own agenda which has nothing to do with the best interest of the United States.

That might very well be true, but if you notice; the people who are leading the GOP field, have little or nothing to do with this disaster, and are surely, outsiders.

On the Democratic side, you have the usual suspects; suspects who promote crony capitalism, and who in fact are large part, of the problem!
This is absolute proof that both parties are the flip side of the same coin!
Who controls Congress now? Who controls the Senate now? Yet nothing changes.
The current politicians both Democratic and Republican do not have the best interest of the American people in mind.
They have their own agenda which has nothing to do with the best interest of the United States.

That might very well be true, but if you notice; the people who are leading the GOP field, have little or nothing to do with this disaster, and are surely, outsiders.

On the Democratic side, you have the usual suspects; suspects who promote crony capitalism, and who in fact are large part, of the problem!

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