The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho
View attachment 110753
About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho
-------------------------------------------------------- just so 'turnbill' or whatever his name is gets in line when he is slapped down by President Trump everything will be ok Barry .
Australia is certainly of utmost importance to.......


It's where the Chinese get their ore to dump steel on The U.S. and throw American workers out on the street.
----------------------------------------------------------- could the 'aussies' stop the Chinese if the Chinese made a move on them hmm ??
View attachment 110753
About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho
Turnbull replaced Abbott by the Global Elite with a silent coup. Turnbull is a scumbag.

View attachment 110753
About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho
Why should we accept Australia' s refugees????
View attachment 110753
About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho
Why should we accept Australia' s refugees????
..and what's the deal with exchanging them with predominately Roman Catholic Latin Americans? We don't need any of them.

View attachment 110753
About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho
As much of an idiot as I think Trump is, don't go getting so big-headed as to think the U.S. can't do without Australia if it wants to.
View attachment 110753
About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho
So why doesn't Australia keep the 1200 refugees they have put away on little islands?
View attachment 110753
About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho
Why should we accept Australia' s refugees????
..and what's the deal with exchanging them with predominately Roman Catholic Latin Americans? We don't need any of them.

View attachment 110763
----------------------------------------------------------- husseins modus operandi is what it is Defcon !!
and I like the 'aussies' even though you guys allowed your guns to be destroyed Barry !!
Does it? I tend to believe the US would survive just fine without Australia. Just a hunch anyway.
Since they refuse to answer I will tell you why. Australia does not want Muslims in their country. That's why they stashed them on little obscure islands!
So why doesn't Australia keep the 1200 refugees they have put away on little islands?
Here you go, I'll do your research for you...

Australia's parliament is set to vote next week on a plan that would ban any refugees who arrive in the country by boat from ever obtaining a visa to live there, or even visit, or establish a business.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the lifetime ban is being enacted to deter smugglers who bring the migrants to Australia. "This is a battle of will between the Australian people, represented by its government, and the criminal gangs of people smugglers," Turnbull said Sunday.

However, while the proposed legislation is supposedly aimed at stopping the smugglers, it is the thousands of refugees from Africa, Asia and the Middle East who will be directly affected.
Australia Seeks Lifetime Ban on Boat People

So, between a rock and a hard place is where the Oz government has put itself. To get out of it 5000 odd South American refugees were to be settled in Oz in return for the settlement in the US of inconvenient boat people. That is not mentioned in the US reports I've read.

Under the refugee swap deal, agreed in the final months of Barack Obama's presidency late last year, the United States would take up to 1,250 asylum seekers. In return, Australia would take refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
Australian foreign minister says U.S. refugee swap proceeding

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