The US Government Hired a Pro-Hamas-Terrorism Ideologue to... "Vet" Arab Refugees for Terrorist Sympathies—Disinformation Expert Ace


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The US Government Hired a Pro-Hamas-Terrorism Ideologue to... "Vet" Arab Refugees for Terrorist Sympathies​

19 Oct 2023 ~~ By Disinformation Expert Ace

My world continues to spin.
I've mentioned before but there's a line from Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy I always think of when I read stories like these.
The old head of British intelligence realizes that the Soviets have perverted British intelligence so that it is now collecting intelligence about America, for the Soviet Union. British intelligence has been turned into a division of the KGB.
"They've turned us inside-out," the old head of British intelligence says.
Look at every singe institution in America -- they've turned them all inside-out. Schools are not about educating children, but comforting teachers. The NIH is not about the health of the citizens, but the health of Pfizer's stock price.
The State Department is working directly for and under Iran.
A bureaucrat supposedly vetting Arab asylum-seekers for terrorist leanings herself has terrorist leanings -- and I'll bet you any amount of money she was put into that position precisely because she has terrorist leanings.
She was appointed to make sure "the right people get in."
The entire country's been turned inside-out.
The U.S. immigration enforcement agency hired a former spokeswoman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and put her in a position to determine who gets to come into the country as an immigrant or "asylum seeker." Now the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officer is repeatedly posting pictures of Hamas terrorists parachuting in with guns and writing, "F*** Israel and any Jew who supports Israel," a Daily Wire investigation found.
Nejwa Ali worked in 2016 and 2017 as a public affairs officer for the Palestinian Delegation to the U.S., which according to its own website, served as the "PLO office in D.C." That office was expelled from the country by the Trump administration, but Ali landed on her feet, according to a screenshot of her LinkedIn profile, securing a job at DHS as an "Asylum Officer," where she was tasked with "applying immigration laws and regulations to asylum applications."
This January, she moved over to being an Adjudication Officer for the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service (CIS). People with that job, according to the agency, "analyze new or amended legislation and policy, prepare written reports of findings, and review and make determinations on cases for immigration benefits."
Though Ali's job at DHS included vetting people to make sure they were not a threat to the country before letting them in, it's not clear that anyone from the agency vetted her. That her primary allegiance was to the Palestinians, not the United States, was evident from her social media profiles, where she posts as "Falastine Mi Amor."
Supposedly this terrorist-supporter has been placed on "administrative leave." Not fired, mind you. Just given a free vacation until this issue dies down, at which point she'll be shuffled to a slightly different post.
Oh, and she'll also be given a "retraining." Because see, she didn't know that government employees shouldn't press for a new Holocaust. It was our fault for not making that clear in the orientation materials new hires are given.
Civil servants can never be fired. Only "retrained."
Oh, you can be fired. Civil servants will campaign to get you fired for violating their own personal code of speech crime.
But they can never be fired. They matter. Their precious careers must be preserved.
The late, great Rich Higgins had been an EOD specialist in the Army before becoming a Pentagon intelligence officer -- unfortunately, during the Obama years.
He used to rant that in every single briefing he'd give about the threat posed by Islamic terrorists, there would be literal Islamic terrorists in the room, taking notes, vetoing proposals.
Like, if Rich pointed out that terrorists were fond of, I don't know, quoting a specific Sura of the Koran, so that's something to look out for, the terrorists would say, "No, you cannot make that part of the information package for intelligence officers, that's Islamophobic and haram."
Our terrorist-identification protocols were being vetted and edited by terrorists.
And that's not all!
So that was Obama. And now that's Biden.
Oh, and that's why the FBI spends all of its time surveilling Christians and conservatives now -- Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood wanted to turn the agency's attention to focus on "the Real Terrorists."
And so they did. And continue doing.
They turned us inside-out.
Yay America though, right?
Thanks to weft-cut loop for the last part.

Is there anyone on the USMB who does not believe the administration and Democrat Socialists of America are deliberately collapsing this country?
Meanwhile, as the PLO has infiltrated DHS, we have a Palestinian and Hamas sympathizers in the US House of Representatives.
The califate is expanding and doing well in the West.
The next terrorist attack on European and Western soil will be spectacular. Keep and eye on Sweden.
We are ruled by profoundly evil people.
See more:
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Thread up. :)


The US Government Hired a Pro-Hamas-Terrorism Ideologue to... "Vet" Arab Refugees for Terrorist Sympathies​

19 Oct 2023 ~~ By Disinformation Expert Ace

My world continues to spin.
I've mentioned before but there's a line from Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy I always think of when I read stories like these.
The old head of British intelligence realizes that the Soviets have perverted British intelligence so that it is now collecting intelligence about America, for the Soviet Union. British intelligence has been turned into a division of the KGB.
"They've turned us inside-out," the old head of British intelligence says.
Look at every singe institution in America -- they've turned them all inside-out. Schools are not about educating children, but comforting teachers. The NIH is not about the health of the citizens, but the health of Pfizer's stock price.
The State Department is working directly for and under Iran.
A bureaucrat supposedly vetting Arab asylum-seekers for terrorist leanings herself has terrorist leanings -- and I'll bet you any amount of money she was put into that position precisely because she has terrorist leanings.
She was appointed to make sure "the right people get in."
The entire country's been turned inside-out.
The U.S. immigration enforcement agency hired a former spokeswoman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and put her in a position to determine who gets to come into the country as an immigrant or "asylum seeker." Now the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officer is repeatedly posting pictures of Hamas terrorists parachuting in with guns and writing, "F*** Israel and any Jew who supports Israel," a Daily Wire investigation found.
Nejwa Ali worked in 2016 and 2017 as a public affairs officer for the Palestinian Delegation to the U.S., which according to its own website, served as the "PLO office in D.C." That office was expelled from the country by the Trump administration, but Ali landed on her feet, according to a screenshot of her LinkedIn profile, securing a job at DHS as an "Asylum Officer," where she was tasked with "applying immigration laws and regulations to asylum applications."
This January, she moved over to being an Adjudication Officer for the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service (CIS). People with that job, according to the agency, "analyze new or amended legislation and policy, prepare written reports of findings, and review and make determinations on cases for immigration benefits."
Though Ali's job at DHS included vetting people to make sure they were not a threat to the country before letting them in, it's not clear that anyone from the agency vetted her. That her primary allegiance was to the Palestinians, not the United States, was evident from her social media profiles, where she posts as "Falastine Mi Amor."
Supposedly this terrorist-supporter has been placed on "administrative leave." Not fired, mind you. Just given a free vacation until this issue dies down, at which point she'll be shuffled to a slightly different post.
Oh, and she'll also be given a "retraining." Because see, she didn't know that government employees shouldn't press for a new Holocaust. It was our fault for not making that clear in the orientation materials new hires are given.
Civil servants can never be fired. Only "retrained."
Oh, you can be fired. Civil servants will campaign to get you fired for violating their own personal code of speech crime.
But they can never be fired. They matter. Their precious careers must be preserved.
The late, great Rich Higgins had been an EOD specialist in the Army before becoming a Pentagon intelligence officer -- unfortunately, during the Obama years.
He used to rant that in every single briefing he'd give about the threat posed by Islamic terrorists, there would be literal Islamic terrorists in the room, taking notes, vetoing proposals.
Like, if Rich pointed out that terrorists were fond of, I don't know, quoting a specific Sura of the Koran, so that's something to look out for, the terrorists would say, "No, you cannot make that part of the information package for intelligence officers, that's Islamophobic and haram."
Our terrorist-identification protocols were being vetted and edited by terrorists.
And that's not all!
So that was Obama. And now that's Biden.
Oh, and that's why the FBI spends all of its time surveilling Christians and conservatives now -- Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood wanted to turn the agency's attention to focus on "the Real Terrorists."
And so they did. And continue doing.
They turned us inside-out.
Yay America though, right?
Thanks to weft-cut loop for the last part.

Is there anyone on the USMB who does not believe the administration and Democrat Socialists of America are deliberately collapsing this country?
Meanwhile, as the PLO has infiltrated DHS, we have a Palestinian and Hamas sympathizers in the US House of Representatives.
The califate is expanding and doing well in the West.
The next terrorist attack on European and Western soil will be spectacular. Keep and eye on Sweden.
We are ruled by profoundly evil people.
See more:
Xiden admin is pro-terrorist.
They’re ok, they were vetted.

The U.S. immigration enforcement agency hired a former spokeswoman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and put her in a position to determine who gets to come into the country as an immigrant or "asylum seeker." Now the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officer is repeatedly posting pictures of Hamas terrorists parachuting in with guns and writing, "F*** Israel and any Jew who supports Israel," a Daily Wire investigation found.
Nejwa Ali worked in 2016 and 2017 as a public affairs officer for the Palestinian Delegation to the U.S., which according to its own website, served as the "PLO office in D.C." That office was expelled from the country by the Trump administration, but Ali landed on her feet, according to a screenshot of her LinkedIn profile, securing a job at DHS as an "Asylum Officer," where she was tasked with "applying immigration laws and regulations to asylum applications."

This January, she moved over to being an Adjudication Officer for the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service (CIS). People with that job, according to the agency, "analyze new or amended legislation and policy, prepare written reports of findings, and review and make determinations on cases for immigration benefits."

Though Ali's job at DHS included vetting people to make sure they were not a threat to the country before letting them in, it's not clear that anyone from the agency vetted her. That her primary allegiance was to the Palestinians, not the United States, was evident from her social media profiles, where she posts as "Falastine Mi Amor."

So who’s vetting the vetters? Likely family members of OBL.
Yeah? Got a link to the others? First time I've heard about this.

As can be expected, it's not up top in the news cycle.
Here's one. I know there's others. That's all the work I'm doing. :)

Next you'll be telling me Brandon doxxed our own Special Forces.
Of course the biden regime did....cause tonite he sez.....after horrendous attack on families in Israel last islamaphobia now you nuts.

If you don't have some serious islamophobia at this point then you ain't payin' attention.

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