The United States of El Norte


May 22, 2013
A good take on the Gang of 8 Immigration reform;

The United States of El Norte

There are only two sure consequences of the current 800-page immigration hairball before Congress. The first is that a minimum of 11 million citizens of other countries, more Mexicans than anyone else, will become permanent, undeportable residents of the U.S., and can immediately begin working to get all their relations here. Second, the bill, if we are foolish enough to pass it, would create a powerful incentive for millions more south of the border to come here once word gets around that if you can sneak into El Norte now, you’re here to stay.

“We can’t round up and deport 11 million people here illegally.”

So who said we could? I’ve never heard anyone advocate for a deadline on saying adios to 11 million citizens of other countries here illegally. But if we had the will to do so, we could deport a large percentage of these gate-crashers, and at less expense than all the finding, fining, taxing, penalizing, English testing et al. the current bill’s supporters say they want to do. And why should the threat of being deported be removed from people here illegally while others wait to become Americans the right way?

Actually we don't have to deport them all we need is a bill with just 4 inclusions;

1, Make E-Verify mandatory, resume work place raids, arrest and fine employers whom hire illegals.

2, Make it a class A felony to sell, lease, rent, or otherwise provide illegals with dwellings.

3, Remove all loopholes for obtaining government assistance which includes the anchor baby loophole.

4, Require proof of citizenship or legal status to enroll kids in school.

In a nutshell make it as difficult as possible to exist in the US illegally. They do this, there will be no reason for them to come here, no reason for them to overstay visas, and no reason for those here already to stay, and our problem for the most part will deport itself.
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Oooooh ... can I marry you? :tongue:

Ah, no, that just won't work for me - love my freedom too much!

You have stated so well a solution to the situation with illegal aliens (not illegal immigrants as so many refer to them). It's a slap in the face to all those millions who have entered this country legally and gone through the process of becoming citizens of this country. They came here seeking freedom and hope for the future; they worked hard; they learned the language so they could succeed in public (as well as keeping their native tongue for use in their homes); they embraced the new culture and assimilated themselves into it while retaining their native cultures/foods, etc.; they came together and built a great nation.

Today, it's not about embracing or contributing to anything - and it's not even about having any great love (or even respect) for this country.

It's not only Mexicans crossing the borders ... it's about all the others who know how wide open our borders are and who use them to slip in unnoticed for the purpose of doing harm.

The only thing I would add to your list is at least a temporary halt to any entry until we can clean up the mess we already have and come up with a whole new plan for how to keep future immigration in an orderly manner.
The only thing I would add to your list is at least a temporary halt to any entry until we can clean up the mess we already have and come up with a whole new plan for how to keep future immigration in an orderly manner.

Not gonna happen.
The only thing I would add to your list is at least a temporary halt to any entry until we can clean up the mess we already have and come up with a whole new plan for how to keep future immigration in an orderly manner.

Agree for couple of reasons;

According to the Center for Immigration Studies we have over 50 million immigrants (legal and illegal) and their U.S.-born children (under 18) in the United States which is the largest foreign born population residing in any country in the word. It is a population that is larger than entire populations of most European countries.

We also have some 22-25 million Americans out of work and another 10 million that gave up and left the work place. Doing the simple math it would suggest we already have far more (millions) here than we can absorb.

This short video makes a very good case that it would be better for all involved to simply close the doors and allow no immigration;

[ame=""]Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - Updated 2010 [/ame]

I agree with the video authors premise, poor countries are never going to get better if we continue to poach the best and brightest, nor will they improve if we keep offering their people and easy out.

Unkotare is right though, closing the doors won't happen, it should, but it won't, however I see no reason that our immigration policy could not have a stipulation that no admittances are allowed when the American jobless rate is above 4%.

It would not force everyone to stay in their respective countries and make them better but it would be an immigration policy in that is in the best interest of the American people which is how it should be.
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"Closing the doors" to LEGAL immigration will not happen and SHOULD NOT happen. Basing ALL immigration on addition and subtraction regarding the unemployment rate is such an irrational oversimplification that even a child could see it. LEGAL immigration always has been and always will be an important part of what America is. Anyone who doesn't understand that doesn't understand this country, or has allowed irrational fear to cloud their judgment.
If you have to get excited about immigration, direct that energy towards the very real problem of ILLEGAL immigration.
"Closing the doors" to LEGAL immigration will not happen and SHOULD NOT happen. Basing ALL immigration on addition and subtraction regarding the unemployment rate is such an irrational oversimplification that even a child could see it. LEGAL immigration always has been and always will be an important part of what America is. Anyone who doesn't understand that doesn't understand this country, or has allowed irrational fear to cloud their judgment.

I think you're right. I guess it's become such a problem that it's hard to determine who is and who is not entering the country legally. I get really aggravated and probably stated myself too quickly. Why do we not have the strict border crossing laws that Canada has and enforces? Our border with Mexico is just one big cluster fruck.

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