The United States of America “obtained” 55% of Mexico’s territory at gunpoint


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
The Mexican-American War was not a war as much as it was a mugging. It is now recognized that most of the rationale for the declaration of war by the United States on Mexico had little to do with defending US citizens or property and a lot to do with our designs on seizing northern Mexico. We had offered to buy much of the land prior to the war and Mexico rejected it, but after the war we paid fifty cents on the dollar.

America 8217 s Hostile Takeover of Mexico Paul Kiser s Blog
The Mexican-American War was not a war as much as it was a mugging. It is now recognized that most of the rationale for the declaration of war by the United States on Mexico had little to do with defending US citizens or property and a lot to do with our designs on seizing northern Mexico. We had offered to buy much of the land prior to the war and Mexico rejected it, but after the war we paid fifty cents on the dollar.

America 8217 s Hostile Takeover of Mexico Paul Kiser s Blog
Tough shit.
The Mexican-American War was not a war as much as it was a mugging. It is now recognized that most of the rationale for the declaration of war by the United States on Mexico had little to do with defending US citizens or property and a lot to do with our designs on seizing northern Mexico. We had offered to buy much of the land prior to the war and Mexico rejected it, but after the war we paid fifty cents on the dollar.

America 8217 s Hostile Takeover of Mexico Paul Kiser s Blog

So if Mexicans get a pass, why is it ok for Guatemalaans, and other central americans to come in illegaly? the're not Mexican.
Maybe you would like to completely open the border? would you like to import all the problems they have right now in Mexico as well?
It would make things worse not better for everyone, including the people who wish to come here. They want to come to America, not Mexico.

To answer your signature,,,,, because the Republicans are so weak, maybe just maybe they can be forced into doing something right,

The other party thinks its their job to represent the citizens of the world, and are to psycotic in their ideology to listen to anyone but themselves.
Perfect exanple is Eric Holders recent comments
We should take the rest of their country and expand our southern border to S. America. It would be a lot easier to keep the criminal bastards out of our country if we made Central America our new border. They've been asking for it for a long time now and they don't deserve their own country anyway. Look what they've done with it.
If you consider the social welfare benefits for 50 million illegal invaders over 50 years, our subsidizing Mexico's corn supply, our billions in investment in Mexico's industrial infrastructure, the loss of millions of American jobs, and the astronomical costs in crime and societal deterioration that millions of illiterates and criminals represent, we didn't end up fucking Mexico out of jack shit. Whatever land (we paid a history book) we got, probably cost us a million dollars an acre.
The Mexican-American War was not a war as much as it was a mugging. It is now recognized that most of the rationale for the declaration of war by the United States on Mexico had little to do with defending US citizens or property and a lot to do with our designs on seizing northern Mexico. We had offered to buy much of the land prior to the war and Mexico rejected it, but after the war we paid fifty cents on the dollar.

America 8217 s Hostile Takeover of Mexico Paul Kiser s Blog

Yep. That's how it was done back in those days. Take a look at Europe some time and look at past maps for ample evidence. Then, point to a single country, that after taking the land in a war,....paid for it....
Hispanics are the fastest-growing population group in Texas. The Hispanic population in Texas has grown by 10.9 percent since 2000, when Hispanics accounted for 32 percent of the Texas population.

Texas became a “majority-minority” state in 2004, meaning various ethnic minority populations now outnumber Whites. Other “majority-minority” states include Hawaii, New Mexico and California.

Demographics - Texas In Focus
The Mexican-American War was not a war as much as it was a mugging. It is now recognized that most of the rationale for the declaration of war by the United States on Mexico had little to do with defending US citizens or property and a lot to do with our designs on seizing northern Mexico. We had offered to buy much of the land prior to the war and Mexico rejected it, but after the war we paid fifty cents on the dollar.

America 8217 s Hostile Takeover of Mexico Paul Kiser s Blog

Ah, the ole Reconquista whine. It's a done deal and all involved are dead now so why beat a dead horse over it? Let the Mexican government take it up with our government then. Oh that's right they haven't a leg to stand on so the peasants continue to whine and invade our borders illegally and it isn't just the southwest that they are invading. When was New Jersey for example ever owned by Mexico?
Hispanics are the fastest-growing population group in Texas. The Hispanic population in Texas has grown by 10.9 percent since 2000, when Hispanics accounted for 32 percent of the Texas population.

Texas became a “majority-minority” state in 2004, meaning various ethnic minority populations now outnumber Whites. Other “majority-minority” states include Hawaii, New Mexico and California.

Demographics - Texas In Focus

Uh huh, and much of this growth is directly due to illegal immigration. We should embrace that?
The Mexican-American War was not a war as much as it was a mugging. It is now recognized that most of the rationale for the declaration of war by the United States on Mexico had little to do with defending US citizens or property and a lot to do with our designs on seizing northern Mexico. We had offered to buy much of the land prior to the war and Mexico rejected it, but after the war we paid fifty cents on the dollar.

America 8217 s Hostile Takeover of Mexico Paul Kiser s Blog

The Mexican-American War was not a war as much as it was a mugging. It is now recognized that most of the rationale for the declaration of war by the United States on Mexico had little to do with defending US citizens or property and a lot to do with our designs on seizing northern Mexico. We had offered to buy much of the land prior to the war and Mexico rejected it, but after the war we paid fifty cents on the dollar.

America 8217 s Hostile Takeover of Mexico Paul Kiser s Blog

We should have taken Cuba too, back in the day.
The OP is clearly a biased and poorly informed individual. He has to be a product of our "education system" which is really no more than a publicly funded day care center.

Does he know nothing of the Louisiana PURCHASE? Or the GADSEN PURCHASE?

Oh yeah, and let't talk about California. The Mexican government had less than 200 soldiers to guard all of Upper and Lower California, about 50 of those criminals Mexico wanted out of their main territory.:lame2:

Make me sad to read tripe like the OP.
Along with securing those borders, of course, Polk also managed to acquire the rest of Texas—along with Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and California, and portions of Colorado and New Mexico. There is no way to frame this as anything other than a naked land grab by a stronger power against a weaker one. The same is true in Ukraine. And it has been true in tens of thousands of other places as well.

Yes Putin Is Like Hitler but So Was James K. Polk
The United States of America “obtained” 55% of Mexico’s territory at gunpoint

And? We could have taken it all if we had wanted. Be grateful.