The U.S. Continues to pay for the Mistakes of The Bush Administration


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
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U.S. settles suit with Muslims in post-9/11 abuse | Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government will pay $1.26 million to five Muslim men detained for months without charges after the September 11 attacks who sued for unlawful imprisonment and abuse, their lawyers said on Tuesday.

The men claimed they suffered inhumane and degrading treatment in a Brooklyn detention center, including solitary confinement, severe beatings, incessant verbal abuse and a blackout on communications with their families and attorneys.

The Justice Department agreed to settle the suit, which was filed in 2002 after hundreds of immigrants were rounded up and held for months following the attacks, according to the CCR.

A spokesman for the U.S. Justice Department was not immediately available to comment on the settlement, in which the U.S. government admits no liability or fault. The five men were all eventually released after being cleared of any connection to terrorism but then deported.

The two were arrested on Sept 30, 2001, and held for eight months even after an FBI memo from December 7 stated they were cleared of links to terrorist groups, the lawsuit said.

A 2003 report by Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General found that some prison officers slammed detainees against walls, twisted their arms and hands in painful ways, stepped on their leg restraint chains and punished them by keeping them restrained for long periods.

The report said videotapes showed some detention center staff "misused strip searches and restraints to punish detainees and that officers improperly and illegally recorded detainees' meetings with their attorneys."

The lawsuit said some of the plaintiffs, upon entering the jail, had their faces smashed into a wall where a blood-smeared American flag T-shirt was taped and told "welcome to America," according to the lawsuit.

I should say this surprises me but it doesn't. Instead, it just disgusts me.
course it does You are VP of the Hate America club.. so no surprises there.. thanks for posting.

Not at all, sorry if you don't like the truth.
the truth is you hate America.. Doesn't matter if I like it or not. That's the way it is..

I don't hate America at all. I love my country very dearly. And I hated to see it be perverted by the Bush Administration and individuals such as yourself for the last eight years.
Oh wait i forgot the other one...EEEEEEEEEEETZ DA FOX NOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ TOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Whether Doggiestyle belives it or not? BUSH was No Conservative...and was roundly chastised for many of his polocies especially lack of purchasing a VETO PEN...

So Doggie? What other Faux outrage have you for us?
Blame Bush troll threads really are soooo 2008. Time for the Hopey Changey loons to update their material. lol! :)
Whether Doggiestyle belives it or not? BUSH was No Conservative...and was roundly chastised for many of his polocies especially lack of purchasing a VETO PEN...

So Doggie? What other Faux outrage have you for us?

And yet there were no complaints or anything to the Bush Administration until after he began losing elections for them. The GOP in Congress completely was lock step with Bush for years.

Bush may not of been a "Conservative" in the true sense of the word but he was supported greatly by them. In fact, he was supported so much that he won two elections because of them.

There is no faux outrage. This is all on people like you T. Faux Conservatives.
Whether Doggiestyle belives it or not? BUSH was No Conservative...and was roundly chastised for many of his polocies especially lack of purchasing a VETO PEN...

So Doggie? What other Faux outrage have you for us?

And yet there were no complaints or anything to the Bush Administration until after he began losing elections for them. The GOP in Congress completely was lock step with Bush for years.

Bush may not of been a "Conservative" in the true sense of the word but he was supported greatly by them. In fact, he was supported so much that he won two elections because of them.

There is no faux outrage. This is all on people like you T. Faux Conservatives.

You disgust us. and You hate America. You voiced absolutely no understanding whatsoever about why these extreme measure might have been taken be they right or be they wrong. You only voiced disgust in your country. you should be ashamed of yourself.
Whether Doggiestyle belives it or not? BUSH was No Conservative...and was roundly chastised for many of his polocies especially lack of purchasing a VETO PEN...

So Doggie? What other Faux outrage have you for us?

And yet there were no complaints or anything to the Bush Administration until after he began losing elections for them. The GOP in Congress completely was lock step with Bush for years.

Bush may not of been a "Conservative" in the true sense of the word but he was supported greatly by them. In fact, he was supported so much that he won two elections because of them.

There is no faux outrage. This is all on people like you T. Faux Conservatives.

You seem to be so worried on the fate of Islamists and what Bush rightly did to them...but yet Support Obama, and the Statists in Congress as they are the REAL ones stealing your liberty.

I agree with others here that have stated that YOU are an America Hater, and care not a wit of the Liberties being stolen from you...but you are an enabler of them.

Focus on the REAL issue(s) asswipe.
Whether Doggiestyle belives it or not? BUSH was No Conservative...and was roundly chastised for many of his polocies especially lack of purchasing a VETO PEN...

So Doggie? What other Faux outrage have you for us?

And yet there were no complaints or anything to the Bush Administration until after he began losing elections for them. The GOP in Congress completely was lock step with Bush for years.

Bush may not of been a "Conservative" in the true sense of the word but he was supported greatly by them. In fact, he was supported so much that he won two elections because of them.

There is no faux outrage. This is all on people like you T. Faux Conservatives.

You disgust us. and You hate America. You voiced absolutely no understanding whatsoever about why these extreme measure might have been taken be they right or be they wrong. You only voiced disgust in your country. you should be ashamed of yourself.

Agreed. DoggieStyle has herin been branded. And Doggiestyle cannot talk himself out of the box he's trapped himself in.

Doggiestyle is a Statist America-Hating Enabler of those that are destroying this Republic.

Live with it Doggie. You deserve it.
You disgust us. and You hate America. You voiced absolutely no understanding whatsoever about why these extreme measure might have been taken be they right or be they wrong. You only voiced disgust in your country. you should be ashamed of yourself.

I neither hate America and I have no problem with gaining your disgust. I understand why we supposedly this and I am still disgusted. These are innocent people, but you don't mind because you see it as a few bad eggs. We are America, we do not torture. We set the standard for the rest of the world. Arrogant folk like you and T like to think we should tell the rest of the world how to do things. Yet, how can we tell them not to torture anyone if we're doing it? You're a hypocrite to the highest degree.

My disgust for the true terrorists is obvious, and for you to try and say otherwise is wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself for even supporting someone like Dubya.
You seem to be so worried on the fate of Islamists and what Bush rightly did to them...but yet Support Obama, and the Statists in Congress as they are the REAL ones stealing your liberty.

I agree with others here that have stated that YOU are an America Hater, and care not a wit of the Liberties being stolen from you...but you are an enabler of them.

Focus on the REAL issue(s) asswipe.

"Islamists" who happened to be innocent people. You may not give a fuck about this going on because you know, they're brown and they're not Christian. However, I do care. Because tomorrow, it may just be you who's getting tortured. And you know what? I would still disagree then.

Others? The only one who said I hate America is Willow who is a ignorant person from the word Go. I care about my liberties being stolen from me, and this is why I'm standing up in this case. You are an enabler for the sort of behavior that has made this country worse off. May God have mercy on us all if someone like you ever got in charge again.
We're still paying for the mistakes of the Wilson administration.

What else is new?

I recently read a book about the Wilson Administration and the Great Influenza. Really interesting to say the least.
I wonder at what point does this retro-active look back at Bush ends or is it that the election in 2000 is so part of the minds of the average democrat that even the word Bush has become a bad word now? While republicans spent time on Clinton they eventually got over the Clinton issues and now look on him as a figure of history much like the "former" president is now. As what point do democrats take ownership as they have been in power in both houses now for several years and in the White House for almost a year. It does appear that some democrats might be happier with bush back in office because it would at least give them something to complain about? So can we stop the "blame Bush" for everything from uncooked fries to a flat tire on your car and move now?
You disgust us. and You hate America. You voiced absolutely no understanding whatsoever about why these extreme measure might have been taken be they right or be they wrong. You only voiced disgust in your country. you should be ashamed of yourself.

I neither hate America and I have no problem with gaining your disgust. I understand why we supposedly this and I am still disgusted. These are innocent people, but you don't mind because you see it as a few bad eggs. We are America, we do not torture. We set the standard for the rest of the world. Arrogant folk like you and T like to think we should tell the rest of the world how to do things. Yet, how can we tell them not to torture anyone if we're doing it? You're a hypocrite to the highest degree.

My disgust for the true terrorists is obvious, and for you to try and say otherwise is wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself for even supporting someone like Dubya.

the only obvious disgust is your disgust in your country.
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