The two faces of the Atlanta massage parlor killer

All last year blacks have been attacking Asian-Americans......and not a peep out of the Democrats.
Really? Do you or Mud, have a link of these sucker punch attacks going on, all of last year by blacks, out of hatred or bigotry, specifically against Assians????
I can do a search

but I dont catalog those event on the chance that you have not been paying attention

Only morons ask for links these days; let these gimps do their own homework.
Looks to me like the standard, domestic white with the dem donor addiction or the "Weinstein, Wiener Defense" - sex addiction
Sex addiction is not a defense or an excuse for what long did

but it might help to explain

Show us another sex addict that murdered 8 people.

Bundy, dahmer,and gacy come to mind

Does Long have a history of luring young boys raping, murdering and eating them?
Nope.....but apparently a history of sex addiction, like those killers

Who knows what he would have become had he not got caught.

Has it been established that these women were prostitutes?
Not sure...but not really the issue. Either they could have been, and he was a client, or because of the long history of these type of places, he might have simply thought so an acted.

We don't know that for sure yet....the only evidence we have is that he did it, he confessed, and said his motive was his sex addiction and his belief these places contributed to that addiction.

No reason to speculate anymore

this is long in 2018.

he looks like the typical image that godless libs have of Christians

Clean cut - even slightly dorky by lib standards

View attachment 469201
the inset is long when he was arrested for murder

Now he looks totally different

more like what a liberal should look like who is hip and buys sex at massage parlors
Pretty sure he was sent there by The Democrat Party to clean up some loose ends regarding an investigation in to these massage parlors and certain Democrats who frequent them.

this is long in 2018.

he looks like the typical image that godless libs have of Christians

Clean cut - even slightly dorky by lib standards

View attachment 469201
the inset is long when he was arrested for murder

Now he looks totally different

more like what a liberal should look like who is hip and buys sex at massage parlors
Looks like the standard,radicalized domestic white jihadi or “Vanilla ISIS” if you will.
Mac is just showing us how well he can spell lib. Nearly every one of his idiotic posts has a "lib" in it. Who said home schooling is a waste of time?
Something tells me that that the Left and their media are simply using this crisis as an opportunity to get Asians into their victimhood culture since Asians have not traditionally bought into that bullshit. This is why the Left needs the incident to be about race and not about sex. Overnight, there has been “stop the hate” concern for Asians. My question is where is this concern for Asian hate when they are being assaulted and their businesses being looted during urban riots?

Uh, this isn't "overnight". There's been hate against Asians ever since Trump started calling it the "China Virus". Mostly be white rednecks.

There was hate against Asians when FDR and the Democrats rounded up Asian Americans and put them in camps. What was overnight was the “stop the hate against Asians” campaign from the Left because it is an opportunity to shape their agenda. Again, where is the same concern for Asians when their businesses are looted and/or burnt during riots for “social justice”? Where is the support for these Asian business owners from the Left when Asians want to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights and protect their lives and businesses?

This is an attempt for the Left to grab a voting block that shuns victimhood. That is how the Left sees it.
A Progressive Socialist's definition of hate is a minor disagreement.
Show us another sex addict that murdered 8 people.

Bundy, dahmer,and gacy come to mind

Those were serial killers, not mass shooters.

He's a nut.

I'm noticing my news feed is suddenly getting a lot of "Asian hate" lately. Msm desperately trying to create another agenda

You mean after people on the right spending a year screaming about "Kung Flu" and "Wuhan Virus", people are acting out against Asian people?
Killers are killers...the question was their motives, and had anyone with such an addiction killed....I provided examples that yes they have
Show us another sex addict that murdered 8 people.

Bundy, dahmer,and gacy come to mind

Those were serial killers, not mass shooters.

He's a nut.

I'm noticing my news feed is suddenly getting a lot of "Asian hate" lately. Msm desperately trying to create another agenda

You mean after people on the right spending a year screaming about "Kung Flu" and "Wuhan Virus", people are acting out against Asian people?
Killers are killers...the question was their motives, and had anyone with such an addiction killed....I provided examples that yes they have

Hmmm, so give us his history of raping, torturing and murdering young boys. I didn't realize his sex addiction was young boys I thought it was women since that is mainly who he murdered.
Show us another sex addict that murdered 8 people.

Bundy, dahmer,and gacy come to mind

Those were serial killers, not mass shooters.

He's a nut.

I'm noticing my news feed is suddenly getting a lot of "Asian hate" lately. Msm desperately trying to create another agenda

You mean after people on the right spending a year screaming about "Kung Flu" and "Wuhan Virus", people are acting out against Asian people?
Killers are killers...the question was their motives, and had anyone with such an addiction killed....I provided examples that yes they have

Hmmm, so give us his history of raping, torturing and murdering young boys. I didn't realize his sex addiction was young boys I thought it was women since that is mainly who he murdered.
sex addiction is sex addiction....homosexuals can have it too.

You wanted to know if folks with the problem have killed...I gave you a number of examples. We certainly have seen rapist, like Dem donor Weinstein, use the murder really isnt' that far out of reach
Sadly the atrocities that have been committed in this country have mainly been done by white, conservative males.

but you are still living in the past while missing the present

so chances are your future is going to be bad too
Show us another sex addict that murdered 8 people.

Bundy, dahmer,and gacy come to mind

Those were serial killers, not mass shooters.

He's a nut.

I'm noticing my news feed is suddenly getting a lot of "Asian hate" lately. Msm desperately trying to create another agenda

You mean after people on the right spending a year screaming about "Kung Flu" and "Wuhan Virus", people are acting out against Asian people?
Killers are killers...the question was their motives, and had anyone with such an addiction killed....I provided examples that yes they have

Hmmm, so give us his history of raping, torturing and murdering young boys. I didn't realize his sex addiction was young boys I thought it was women since that is mainly who he murdered.
sex addiction is sex addiction....homosexuals can have it too.

You wanted to know if folks with the problem have killed...I gave you a number of examples. We certainly have seen rapist, like Dem donor Weinstein, use the murder really isnt' that far out of reach

No you gave me mass murderers who preyed on boys and young men.
Show us another sex addict that murdered 8 people.

Bundy, dahmer,and gacy come to mind

Those were serial killers, not mass shooters.

He's a nut.

I'm noticing my news feed is suddenly getting a lot of "Asian hate" lately. Msm desperately trying to create another agenda

You mean after people on the right spending a year screaming about "Kung Flu" and "Wuhan Virus", people are acting out against Asian people?
Killers are killers...the question was their motives, and had anyone with such an addiction killed....I provided examples that yes they have

Hmmm, so give us his history of raping, torturing and murdering young boys. I didn't realize his sex addiction was young boys I thought it was women since that is mainly who he murdered.
sex addiction is sex addiction....homosexuals can have it too.

You wanted to know if folks with the problem have killed...I gave you a number of examples. We certainly have seen rapist, like Dem donor Weinstein, use the murder really isnt' that far out of reach

No you gave me mass murderers who preyed on boys and young men.

Well Bundy didn't....but yes, I gave you a list of sex addicts that committed answered your question. I am sorry you can't seem to accept that.

Regardless though, it's not relevant to the fact this sex addict, did these killings.

Has it been established that these women were prostitutes?
Not sure...but not really the issue. Either they could have been, and he was a client, or because of the long history of these type of places, he might have simply thought so an acted.

We don't know that for sure yet....the only evidence we have is that he did it, he confessed, and said his motive was his sex addiction and his belief these places contributed to that addiction.

No reason to speculate anymore

So why keep calling them prostitutes if you don't know.

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