The truth about Jeff Sessions is now undeniable


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
When Trump made his biggest mistake by initially appointing Jeff Sessions as AG, many "conservatives" here cheered. Jeff is a "good conservative," and yada yada....

Of course, Jeff wasn't a good conservative or a patriotic American. He is a W loving Zionist Traitor, and he brought his "boss," Rod the Mossad Rosenstein, with him to make sure.....

1. Jeff Epstein remained above the law and his island remained open
2. there would be "no investigation of Obama" in Sessions' own words
3. allowed the Steele Dossier to end up as a Special Prosecutor
4. found no problem with the FBI's behavior during the Russia hoax
5. refused to investigate Hunter Biden
6. let all the old stuff, 911 etc. never get "re-opened"
7. found no evidence of "corruption" except from the Steele Dossier

Jeff Sessions is a great example of the post 1998 GOP. Sessions has NO PATRIOTISM to America, no concern for the solvency of America, no regard for truth, no allegiance to the Republican Party or the values it held prior to 1998. Jeff Sessions is a completely treasonous kleptocrat whose only allegiance is to whoever puts the most cash in his pocket, or the pockets of his kids and grandkids....

Some of you "conservatives" here are just like Jeff,


The Pro Israel Christian in America = the DUMBEST LIFEFORM IN THE UNIVERSE
Google. Sessions being a paid shill for big tobacco

The guy is pure swamp he increased his net worth 300%. Thats why he wants back in on the gravy train of being bought off by crooks
Sessions is a rino conservative like many and Romney and Kascick.

They love the system of being bought off
5. refused to investigate Hunter Biden

Sessions resigned over a year ago.

See if you can figure out why your point number 5 is as stupid as the rest of your whacked post.
Its a shame that sessions will probably be sent back go the senate
It's funny how many Trump hirees end up under the bus. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to go to work for him now.

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When did Trump ask for Hunter Biden to be investigated?

So what...

Jeff Sessions could've shown some patriotism to the US and concern for US solvency by finding out where our money went.

He didn't, because he has none.....
Its a shame that sessions will probably be sent back go the senate
Sessions is an actual conservative Republican. He's been one his entire life, unlike the huckster Donald Trump.

Sessions also has integrity, unlike Trump. And it's lucky for Trump that Sessions does have integrity or Trump would be on the street right now.
Trump jumped into a time machine and asked Sessions to investigate Hunter Biden. Then Sessions refused to do so.

This, and many more Tales From The Crack Pipe, can be found in every box of Captain Crunch!
This is some real Orwellian shit here. It reminds me of those fickle women who are best friends with a girlfriend for years, and then after they have a falling out it's, "I never liked her!"
Its a shame that sessions will probably be sent back go the senate
Sessions is an actual conservative Republican. He's been one his entire life, unlike the huckster Donald Trump.

Sessions also has integrity, unlike Trump. And it's lucky for Trump that Sessions does have integrity or Trump would be on the street right now.
Many politicians in both parties go to washington wanting to do good as they understand it

but over time they grow big ears and a tail and become swamp rats
Trump jumped into a time machine and asked Sessions to investigate Hunter Biden

Sessions didn't investigate Hunter Biden or anything else that might have resulted in someone getting busted for stealing the taxpayer's money.

Sessions did not need a Presidential pep talk to investigate Hunter Biden. Sessions needed some concern for America, truth, and justice, and he had none, and that is the point of the OP....

Just imagine what g5000 would be posting if Trump had asked a US AG to investigate a Democrat......

Sessions is a rino conservative like many and Romney and Kascick.

They love the system of being bought off
Our Lord and Master Donald Trump is the only conservative Republican in the whooooooooooooooole world! :bow3:
What prevented Sessions from prosecuting Jeff Epstein???

A: Sessions "serves Israel"
Our Lord and Master Donald Trump is the only conservative Republican

Trump is not a "conservative," and the rest of the GOP is so 100% totally sold out to the AIPAC LOBBY, it makes the Democrats look less awful than reality.

The party of Reagan and Gingrich is gone. The post 1998 GOP is a big spending party of Zionist Treason against America.

Fiscal conservatives in America have one choice = the Libertarian Party
Its a shame that sessions will probably be sent back go the senate
Sessions is an actual conservative Republican. He's been one his entire life, unlike the huckster Donald Trump.

Sessions also has integrity, unlike Trump. And it's lucky for Trump that Sessions does have integrity or Trump would be on the street right now.
Many politicians in both parties go to washington wanting to do good as they understand it

but over time they grow big ears and a tail and become swamp rats
Trump sure did. He has one of the most corrupt Administrations in history. He's made TH3 SWAMP™ bigger, deeper, wider, and much more stinkier.

But then again, he always was a limousine liberal Democrat.



Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
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He has one of the most corrupt Administrations in history

Definition Time....

"corrupt" = not completely sold out to the Zionist Lobby, actually presided over a DoJ that prosecuted Jeff Epstein.... finally.... after 26 years of Epstein being above US law thanks to Traitors W and the Cocksucker in Chief.... and Jeff Sessions.

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