The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

So in summation. Trump isn't a puppet because you don't consider his actions when making a judgement. And you have the ability to ask deflecting questions so that also shows he's not a puppet. And Russia didn't hack us despite what our Intel agenies found...and evendors if they did do it for Trump that doesn't mean anything either. Trump defending Russia and instead choosing to call us killers doesn't mean anything. Trump being in contact with Russia DURING THE CAMPAIGN doesn't mean anything. And Trump putting in Paul Manaforthe (fired for Russian ties), Carter Page (fired for Russian ties and Trump said he's never heard of him), Rex Tillesson (best friend to Russia award winner) and Michael Flynn who has just been busted by our Intel agencies for lying.

All those connections and you still can't make a determination od what is going on? Naw, one believe's that. Even a 5 year old would come to at least ask the question "how does he just so happen to have all these connections?"

Not you're still wondering.

Do you think Julian Assange is a Russian puppet? How about the UK ambassador that took the thumb drive from Seth Rich and then delivered it to the Ecuador Embassy in London? Was he a Russian agent as well?

See, the problem with you is that you don't want to deal with the contents of the leaked don't want to deal what was done in the Ukraine that caused Russia to react like it want to ignore the provocations of the E.U and the globalists.....instead, you want to blame Russia fro exposing the Hildebeast and the DNC you realize how fucking stupid you come as? What has Russia done to USA.INC? Seriously.....but what has the E.U and USA.INC done to Russia in the way of economic sanctions for trying to secure their southern most border and taking in Crimea that didn't want any part of the E.U after the illegal coup d'etat??? Answer these questions and stop can't even address as to how it was fine for the Hildebeast to sign off on the uranium answer nothing and why is that?

Answer: Because you are clueless and butthurt....that is the only are a mere child....a political infant.

I believe Trump is a Russian puppet and his actions, which you choose to ignore prove it. Instead you are more interested in guessing the motivations of everyone's actions EXCEPT Trump. Trump's actions don't matter...yet you're trying to convince everyone that you can read everyone else's actions and come to conclusions.

With Trump you dont see it, and if you do see it you don't know what it means, and if anyone tells you what it means you suddenly know that those people are liars.

Your deflections and naming everyone but Trump doesn't address anything I said about Trump. And that's how I know you're lying. Youread trying too hard.

Dude, you are one of the biggest board pussies on this board. You can't answer any direct duck, dive and deflect and totally ignore my open and honest reply....if you are not here to openly and honestly discuss things and instead want to fling your little cyber-purse at posters? Knock yourself out and you can count on posters like me to expose you for doing so. You are intellectually are nothing but a stain.
All the dwindling members of the Democrat party will be doing for the next 8 years, is flinging shit. Desperately trying to garner attention in the media and on the internet... I guess that's what happens when they've been all but silenced in the halls of power.

One sure way you can know for sure that Trump has been co-opted is when the lamestream media starts praising him instead of attacking him. Right now, the trust in the lamestream media is at an all-time low....people are waking up and the globalists are doubling down on their tactics. Bullets and beans, my friend........bullets and beans.

So if the news starts praising Trump for Russian ties THEN you'll know something is up? Rofl
Do you think Julian Assange is a Russian puppet? How about the UK ambassador that took the thumb drive from Seth Rich and then delivered it to the Ecuador Embassy in London? Was he a Russian agent as well?

See, the problem with you is that you don't want to deal with the contents of the leaked don't want to deal what was done in the Ukraine that caused Russia to react like it want to ignore the provocations of the E.U and the globalists.....instead, you want to blame Russia fro exposing the Hildebeast and the DNC you realize how fucking stupid you come as? What has Russia done to USA.INC? Seriously.....but what has the E.U and USA.INC done to Russia in the way of economic sanctions for trying to secure their southern most border and taking in Crimea that didn't want any part of the E.U after the illegal coup d'etat??? Answer these questions and stop can't even address as to how it was fine for the Hildebeast to sign off on the uranium answer nothing and why is that?

Answer: Because you are clueless and butthurt....that is the only are a mere child....a political infant.

I believe Trump is a Russian puppet and his actions, which you choose to ignore prove it. Instead you are more interested in guessing the motivations of everyone's actions EXCEPT Trump. Trump's actions don't matter...yet you're trying to convince everyone that you can read everyone else's actions and come to conclusions.

With Trump you dont see it, and if you do see it you don't know what it means, and if anyone tells you what it means you suddenly know that those people are liars.

Your deflections and naming everyone but Trump doesn't address anything I said about Trump. And that's how I know you're lying. Youread trying too hard.

Dude, you are one of the biggest pussies on this board. You can't answer any direct duck, dive and deflect and totally ignore my open and honest reply....if you are not here to openly and honestly discuss things and instead want to fling your little cyber-purse at posters? Knock yourself out and you can count on posters like me to expose you for doing so. You are intellectually are nothing but a stain.

Rofl...yeah that sounds good! I asked you the same question 3 times and after ducking it 3 tines you project your pussified question dodging behavior on me?

That's a knee slapper.

But really it's just another one of your pathetic ass deflections. Tell us Sherlock how you can see the Roth child's invisible hand but can't see Trump ham fisted shot again. I'll get my knee ready for another one

I have answered every question while you have ducked every single one of mine....and why is that? Because you are not capable of being honest. You are a partisan shill that is simply butthurt. Your political affiliation as a commie leftard is all that matters to you....truth need not apply. Russia was just fine as long as it was donating money to the Hildebeast but then you jumped on the Russian scapegoat bandwagon to deflect attention away from the contents of the e-mails. If Russia is truly fighting off the banking oligarchs and the white hats have put Trump out in front in order to stop this global takeover and they were talking? I 100 percent salute it AND support it. Why is it that the leftard clown posse has no problem with Chinese aggression and whine that Trump is antagonizing them with tariffs? Could it be because leftards want communist China type communism?

Put up or shut up.....thus far your ass is getting thoroughly kicked..........give me something to work with because this is too easy.
Dale you are from the state of have no integrity.

Dude, learn some punctuation makes a HUGE difference.

BTW, Austin, Texas is fiull of pseudo liberal asswipes that deserted Califlakia that are not satisfied with fucking up the state they were from and wish to fuck up Texas.......does that mean that they have no integrity as well?
So in summation. Trump isn't a puppet because you don't consider his actions when making a judgement. And you have the ability to ask deflecting questions so that also shows he's not a puppet. And Russia didn't hack us despite what our Intel agenies found...and evendors if they did do it for Trump that doesn't mean anything either. Trump defending Russia and instead choosing to call us killers doesn't mean anything. Trump being in contact with Russia DURING THE CAMPAIGN doesn't mean anything. And Trump putting in Paul Manaforthe (fired for Russian ties), Carter Page (fired for Russian ties and Trump said he's never heard of him), Rex Tillesson (best friend to Russia award winner) and Michael Flynn who has just been busted by our Intel agencies for lying.

All those connections and you still can't make a determination od what is going on? Naw, one believe's that. Even a 5 year old would come to at least ask the question "how does he just so happen to have all these connections?"

Not you're still wondering.

Do you think Julian Assange is a Russian puppet? How about the UK ambassador that took the thumb drive from Seth Rich and then delivered it to the Ecuador Embassy in London? Was he a Russian agent as well?

See, the problem with you is that you don't want to deal with the contents of the leaked don't want to deal what was done in the Ukraine that caused Russia to react like it want to ignore the provocations of the E.U and the globalists.....instead, you want to blame Russia fro exposing the Hildebeast and the DNC you realize how fucking stupid you come as? What has Russia done to USA.INC? Seriously.....but what has the E.U and USA.INC done to Russia in the way of economic sanctions for trying to secure their southern most border and taking in Crimea that didn't want any part of the E.U after the illegal coup d'etat??? Answer these questions and stop can't even address as to how it was fine for the Hildebeast to sign off on the uranium answer nothing and why is that?

Answer: Because you are clueless and butthurt....that is the only are a mere child....a political infant.

I believe Trump is a Russian puppet and his actions, which you choose to ignore prove it. Instead you are more interested in guessing the motivations of everyone's actions EXCEPT Trump. Trump's actions don't matter...yet you're trying to convince everyone that you can read everyone else's actions and come to conclusions.

With Trump you dont see it, and if you do see it you don't know what it means, and if anyone tells you what it means you suddenly know that those people are liars.

Your deflections and naming everyone but Trump doesn't address anything I said about Trump. And that's how I know you're lying. Youread trying too hard.

Dude, you are one of the biggest pussies on this board. You can't answer any direct duck, dive and deflect and totally ignore my open and honest reply....if you are not here to openly and honestly discuss things and instead want to fling your little cyber-purse at posters? Knock yourself out and you can count on posters like me to expose you for doing so. You are intellectually are nothing but a stain.

Rofl...yeah that sounds good! I asked you the same question 3 times and after ducking it 3 tines you project your pussified question dodging behavior on me?

That's a knee slapper.

But really it's just another one of your pathetic ass deflections. Tell us Sherlock how you can see the Roth child's invisible hand but can't see Trump ham fisted shot again. I'll get my knee ready for another one

I have answered every question while you have ducked every single one of mine....and why is that? Because you are not capable of being honest. You are a partisan shill that is simply butthurt. Your political affiliation as a commie leftard is all that matters to you....truth need not apply. Russia was just fine as long as it was donating money to the Hildebeast but then you jumped on the Russian scapegoat bandwagon to deflect attention away from the contents of the e-mails. If Russia is truly fighting off the banking oligarchs and the white hats have put Trump out in front in order to stop this global takeover and they were talking? I 100 percent salute it AND support it. Why is it that the leftard clown posse has no problem with Chinese aggression and whine that Trump is antagonizing them with tariffs? Could it be because leftards want communist China type communism?

Put up or shut up.....thus far your ass is getting thoroughly kicked..........give me something to work with because this is too easy.

Heres an easy one. If Trump has no ties to Russia then why does he have so many ties to Russia?
I believe Trump is a Russian puppet and his actions, which you choose to ignore prove it. Instead you are more interested in guessing the motivations of everyone's actions EXCEPT Trump. Trump's actions don't matter...yet you're trying to convince everyone that you can read everyone else's actions and come to conclusions.

With Trump you dont see it, and if you do see it you don't know what it means, and if anyone tells you what it means you suddenly know that those people are liars.

Your deflections and naming everyone but Trump doesn't address anything I said about Trump. And that's how I know you're lying. Youread trying too hard.

Dude, you are one of the biggest pussies on this board. You can't answer any direct duck, dive and deflect and totally ignore my open and honest reply....if you are not here to openly and honestly discuss things and instead want to fling your little cyber-purse at posters? Knock yourself out and you can count on posters like me to expose you for doing so. You are intellectually are nothing but a stain.

Rofl...yeah that sounds good! I asked you the same question 3 times and after ducking it 3 tines you project your pussified question dodging behavior on me?

That's a knee slapper.

But really it's just another one of your pathetic ass deflections. Tell us Sherlock how you can see the Roth child's invisible hand but can't see Trump ham fisted shot again. I'll get my knee ready for another one

I have answered every question while you have ducked every single one of mine....and why is that? Because you are not capable of being honest. You are a partisan shill that is simply butthurt. Your political affiliation as a commie leftard is all that matters to you....truth need not apply. Russia was just fine as long as it was donating money to the Hildebeast but then you jumped on the Russian scapegoat bandwagon to deflect attention away from the contents of the e-mails. If Russia is truly fighting off the banking oligarchs and the white hats have put Trump out in front in order to stop this global takeover and they were talking? I 100 percent salute it AND support it. Why is it that the leftard clown posse has no problem with Chinese aggression and whine that Trump is antagonizing them with tariffs? Could it be because leftards want communist China type communism?

Put up or shut up.....thus far your ass is getting thoroughly kicked..........give me something to work with because this is too easy.
Dale you are from the state of have no integrity.

Dude, learn some punctuation makes a HUGE difference.

BTW, Austin, Texas is fiull of pseudo liberal asswipes that deserted Califlakia that are not satisfied with fucking up the state they were from and wish to fuck up Texas.......does that mean that they have no integrity as well?
Just you personally.......has no integrity. Its in you DNA.
Do you think Julian Assange is a Russian puppet? How about the UK ambassador that took the thumb drive from Seth Rich and then delivered it to the Ecuador Embassy in London? Was he a Russian agent as well?

See, the problem with you is that you don't want to deal with the contents of the leaked don't want to deal what was done in the Ukraine that caused Russia to react like it want to ignore the provocations of the E.U and the globalists.....instead, you want to blame Russia fro exposing the Hildebeast and the DNC you realize how fucking stupid you come as? What has Russia done to USA.INC? Seriously.....but what has the E.U and USA.INC done to Russia in the way of economic sanctions for trying to secure their southern most border and taking in Crimea that didn't want any part of the E.U after the illegal coup d'etat??? Answer these questions and stop can't even address as to how it was fine for the Hildebeast to sign off on the uranium answer nothing and why is that?

Answer: Because you are clueless and butthurt....that is the only are a mere child....a political infant.

I believe Trump is a Russian puppet and his actions, which you choose to ignore prove it. Instead you are more interested in guessing the motivations of everyone's actions EXCEPT Trump. Trump's actions don't matter...yet you're trying to convince everyone that you can read everyone else's actions and come to conclusions.

With Trump you dont see it, and if you do see it you don't know what it means, and if anyone tells you what it means you suddenly know that those people are liars.

Your deflections and naming everyone but Trump doesn't address anything I said about Trump. And that's how I know you're lying. Youread trying too hard.

Dude, you are one of the biggest pussies on this board. You can't answer any direct duck, dive and deflect and totally ignore my open and honest reply....if you are not here to openly and honestly discuss things and instead want to fling your little cyber-purse at posters? Knock yourself out and you can count on posters like me to expose you for doing so. You are intellectually are nothing but a stain.

Rofl...yeah that sounds good! I asked you the same question 3 times and after ducking it 3 tines you project your pussified question dodging behavior on me?

That's a knee slapper.

But really it's just another one of your pathetic ass deflections. Tell us Sherlock how you can see the Roth child's invisible hand but can't see Trump ham fisted shot again. I'll get my knee ready for another one

I have answered every question while you have ducked every single one of mine....and why is that? Because you are not capable of being honest. You are a partisan shill that is simply butthurt. Your political affiliation as a commie leftard is all that matters to you....truth need not apply. Russia was just fine as long as it was donating money to the Hildebeast but then you jumped on the Russian scapegoat bandwagon to deflect attention away from the contents of the e-mails. If Russia is truly fighting off the banking oligarchs and the white hats have put Trump out in front in order to stop this global takeover and they were talking? I 100 percent salute it AND support it. Why is it that the leftard clown posse has no problem with Chinese aggression and whine that Trump is antagonizing them with tariffs? Could it be because leftards want communist China type communism?

Put up or shut up.....thus far your ass is getting thoroughly kicked..........give me something to work with because this is too easy.

Heres an easy one. If Trump has no ties to Russia then why does he have so many ties to Russia?

Did he sell uranium to them? Why and the fuck would I care if Trump has any ties to Russian businesses? Is Russia an enemy of USA.INC? If so...why did the Hildebeast sell them all that uranium over a 4 year span?????? Are they an enemy or not and if so? Why do you think that they are and for what reasons? Because until the George Soros led E.U faction illegally toppled the government of Ukraine? everything was just "peachy" what changed????

Answer some fucking questions and stop ducking and dodging....,.,.....
I believe Trump is a Russian puppet and his actions, which you choose to ignore prove it. Instead you are more interested in guessing the motivations of everyone's actions EXCEPT Trump. Trump's actions don't matter...yet you're trying to convince everyone that you can read everyone else's actions and come to conclusions.

With Trump you dont see it, and if you do see it you don't know what it means, and if anyone tells you what it means you suddenly know that those people are liars.

Your deflections and naming everyone but Trump doesn't address anything I said about Trump. And that's how I know you're lying. Youread trying too hard.

Dude, you are one of the biggest pussies on this board. You can't answer any direct duck, dive and deflect and totally ignore my open and honest reply....if you are not here to openly and honestly discuss things and instead want to fling your little cyber-purse at posters? Knock yourself out and you can count on posters like me to expose you for doing so. You are intellectually are nothing but a stain.

Rofl...yeah that sounds good! I asked you the same question 3 times and after ducking it 3 tines you project your pussified question dodging behavior on me?

That's a knee slapper.

But really it's just another one of your pathetic ass deflections. Tell us Sherlock how you can see the Roth child's invisible hand but can't see Trump ham fisted shot again. I'll get my knee ready for another one

I have answered every question while you have ducked every single one of mine....and why is that? Because you are not capable of being honest. You are a partisan shill that is simply butthurt. Your political affiliation as a commie leftard is all that matters to you....truth need not apply. Russia was just fine as long as it was donating money to the Hildebeast but then you jumped on the Russian scapegoat bandwagon to deflect attention away from the contents of the e-mails. If Russia is truly fighting off the banking oligarchs and the white hats have put Trump out in front in order to stop this global takeover and they were talking? I 100 percent salute it AND support it. Why is it that the leftard clown posse has no problem with Chinese aggression and whine that Trump is antagonizing them with tariffs? Could it be because leftards want communist China type communism?

Put up or shut up.....thus far your ass is getting thoroughly kicked..........give me something to work with because this is too easy.

Heres an easy one. If Trump has no ties to Russia then why does he have so many ties to Russia?

Did he sell uranium to them? Why and the fuck would I care if Trump has any ties to Russian businesses? Is Russia an enemy of USA.INC? If so...why did the Hildebeast sell them all that uranium over a 4 year span?????? Are they an enemy or not and if so? Why do you think that they are and for what reasons? Because until the George Soros led E.U faction illegally toppled the government of Ukraine? everything was just "peachy" what changed????

Answer some fucking questions and stop ducking and dodging....,.,.....
Why don't you ask Gen. Flynn!
Dude, you are one of the biggest pussies on this board. You can't answer any direct duck, dive and deflect and totally ignore my open and honest reply....if you are not here to openly and honestly discuss things and instead want to fling your little cyber-purse at posters? Knock yourself out and you can count on posters like me to expose you for doing so. You are intellectually are nothing but a stain.

Rofl...yeah that sounds good! I asked you the same question 3 times and after ducking it 3 tines you project your pussified question dodging behavior on me?

That's a knee slapper.

But really it's just another one of your pathetic ass deflections. Tell us Sherlock how you can see the Roth child's invisible hand but can't see Trump ham fisted shot again. I'll get my knee ready for another one

I have answered every question while you have ducked every single one of mine....and why is that? Because you are not capable of being honest. You are a partisan shill that is simply butthurt. Your political affiliation as a commie leftard is all that matters to you....truth need not apply. Russia was just fine as long as it was donating money to the Hildebeast but then you jumped on the Russian scapegoat bandwagon to deflect attention away from the contents of the e-mails. If Russia is truly fighting off the banking oligarchs and the white hats have put Trump out in front in order to stop this global takeover and they were talking? I 100 percent salute it AND support it. Why is it that the leftard clown posse has no problem with Chinese aggression and whine that Trump is antagonizing them with tariffs? Could it be because leftards want communist China type communism?

Put up or shut up.....thus far your ass is getting thoroughly kicked..........give me something to work with because this is too easy.

Heres an easy one. If Trump has no ties to Russia then why does he have so many ties to Russia?

Did he sell uranium to them? Why and the fuck would I care if Trump has any ties to Russian businesses? Is Russia an enemy of USA.INC? If so...why did the Hildebeast sell them all that uranium over a 4 year span?????? Are they an enemy or not and if so? Why do you think that they are and for what reasons? Because until the George Soros led E.U faction illegally toppled the government of Ukraine? everything was just "peachy" what changed????

Answer some fucking questions and stop ducking and dodging....,.,.....
Why don't you ask Gen. Flynn!

He's like a Batman character. The only thing he has is question marks.
Dude, you are one of the biggest pussies on this board. You can't answer any direct duck, dive and deflect and totally ignore my open and honest reply....if you are not here to openly and honestly discuss things and instead want to fling your little cyber-purse at posters? Knock yourself out and you can count on posters like me to expose you for doing so. You are intellectually are nothing but a stain.

Rofl...yeah that sounds good! I asked you the same question 3 times and after ducking it 3 tines you project your pussified question dodging behavior on me?

That's a knee slapper.

But really it's just another one of your pathetic ass deflections. Tell us Sherlock how you can see the Roth child's invisible hand but can't see Trump ham fisted shot again. I'll get my knee ready for another one

I have answered every question while you have ducked every single one of mine....and why is that? Because you are not capable of being honest. You are a partisan shill that is simply butthurt. Your political affiliation as a commie leftard is all that matters to you....truth need not apply. Russia was just fine as long as it was donating money to the Hildebeast but then you jumped on the Russian scapegoat bandwagon to deflect attention away from the contents of the e-mails. If Russia is truly fighting off the banking oligarchs and the white hats have put Trump out in front in order to stop this global takeover and they were talking? I 100 percent salute it AND support it. Why is it that the leftard clown posse has no problem with Chinese aggression and whine that Trump is antagonizing them with tariffs? Could it be because leftards want communist China type communism?

Put up or shut up.....thus far your ass is getting thoroughly kicked..........give me something to work with because this is too easy.
Dale you are from the state of have no integrity.

Dude, learn some punctuation makes a HUGE difference.

BTW, Austin, Texas is fiull of pseudo liberal asswipes that deserted Califlakia that are not satisfied with fucking up the state they were from and wish to fuck up Texas.......does that mean that they have no integrity as well?
Just you personally.......has no integrity. Its in you DNA.

See folks, I rest my case.

See? You can't answer a single question. You have this boner against Russia because your leftard propaganda leaders have told you that you should.....but you can't explain why it is that you are so against them. I haven't found one leftard here that can explain as to what Syria has done to put them in the cross hairs of USA.INC....same with Libya. You dumb fucks are just totally6 programmed and clueless.
See folks, I rest my case.

See? You can't answer a single question. You have this boner against Russia because your leftard propaganda leaders have told you that you should.....but you can't explain why it is that you are so against them. I haven't found one leftard here that can explain as to what Syria has done to put them in the cross hairs of USA.INC....same with Libya. You dumb fucks are just totally6 programmed and clueless.

Having a boner for Russia has nothing to do with Trump's ties to Russia. That's the topic. Thanks can't see it. That's ok, I know you're lying.
See folks, I rest my case.

See? You can't answer a single question. You have this boner against Russia because your leftard propaganda leaders have told you that you should.....but you can't explain why it is that you are so against them. I haven't found one leftard here that can explain as to what Syria has done to put them in the cross hairs of USA.INC....same with Libya. You dumb fucks are just totally6 programmed and clueless.

Having a boner for Russia has nothing to do with Trump's ties to Russia. That's the topic. Thanks can't see it. That's ok, I know you're lying.

I don't lie as I have no need to lie......I want what is best for the people of this country and they need to know the truth. You? You would hear pretty little lies than hear the ugly truth of how we are up to our necks in shit. I have nothing but sympathy for the people in Russia and the lives lost due to the banking oligarchs like the Rothschilds that funded the Bolshevik Revolution that led to the slaughter of tens of millions that makes the Nazi holocaust seem tame by comparison. The backing of Mao-Tse-Tung by the same globalists that led to the tens of millions of people being killed. Do you know that the Tsar of Russia prevented the troops of France and England from intervening on behalf of the south? The payback for their help was the bayoneting of the Tsar's bloodline during the Bolshevik revolution funded by the same European bankers via USA.INC that provoked the civil don't sit in your little cubby hole and even attempt to "hip" me as to how the world works because you don't have even the slightest fucking clue.

Are we clear on this?
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct
you can't mean that trump will stop sanctions on Russia as payment for Russia not giving out the dirt on our slob of a president??
Sorry, my friend, Natasha Bertrand is a fabian socialist and most likely a CIA plant. I did a background check on her before I ever started reading the article and I only had to read a paragraph before I could debunk it as pure bullshit and fiction.

Most people have no idea about the E.U/ Soros led (and funded) overthrow of the government of Ukraine which was really an attack on Russia and this happened when word leaked that Putin as going to nationalize the central bank of Russia and kick out the Rothschilds. Crimea was the sweetest plum that these globalists wanted because of the peninsula and they were denied it when Crimea wanted no part of the E.U puppet "gubermint" and sided with Russia....which led to the fake news story that Russia had "INVADED" the Ukraine which was 100 percent bullshit. You can't trust a fucking thing that comes out of the state department even now or anything that comes off the wire of the lamestream media.....not one fucking thing. It's a very sad state of affairs but it is what it is. The dinosaur media is dying a very slow death.

You could've just said "don't believe anyone but trumpet" and you would've saved yourself all that typing

Spare me the angst, dude....if Trump turns out to be a globalist puppet, I will be busting on him like there is no tomorrow and all of the sudden you and your leftard pals will be hailing me and wanting to be my bestest friend and the ones that like my postings now will probably shun me. I'm about truth....not political sides. This is what I do and I am damn good at it. I have been there, done that....I have the commemorative T-shirt and coffee cup as parting gifts when I was a shill for the neocons. I can never take enough showers to wash the stench off of me and I did this daily for 11 friggin' years. Ask edward37...he was on the old Yahoo message board and we warred many times but he is an incredibly great friend. He has seen me evolve. I know of what I speak because I am serious about this shit. I don't like seeing us divided but I will never bow to socialism/communism...that's never gonna happen.

Here is your problem. You can find conspiracies in everything everywhere...but you're "waiting" to see if Trump is a puppet? Because defending Russia against interfering with our election, attacking the US Intel agencies to defend Russia, nominating several idiots with close ties to Russia, Flynn negotiating with Russia behind Obama back and lying about it...

All of those flat out in your face xonext ions and you're still "waiting"? What are you waiting for? A letter signed by Trump saying "I am a puppet - signed ME" to be discovered?

Even if it was you've already baked in your next don't believe any of the media or the US Intel agencies.

So what evidence are you waiting for? And where will you find it repored that is credible?

Well to answer those questions would mean you're open to accepting info..but youre not...unless you can answer of course.

Haven't you heard? The Comrade can do no wrong and even if he does, it is "fake news."
This is the rope the Soviets used to say we'd sell them to hang us with.
And then there's this
The Fates Of 5 Men Connected To The Trump-Russia Dossier

The Fates Of 5 Men Connected To The Trump-Russia Dossier | The Huffington Post
I believe Trump is a Russian puppet and his actions, which you choose to ignore prove it. Instead you are more interested in guessing the motivations of everyone's actions EXCEPT Trump. Trump's actions don't matter...yet you're trying to convince everyone that you can read everyone else's actions and come to conclusions.

With Trump you dont see it, and if you do see it you don't know what it means, and if anyone tells you what it means you suddenly know that those people are liars.

Your deflections and naming everyone but Trump doesn't address anything I said about Trump. And that's how I know you're lying. Youread trying too hard.

Dude, you are one of the biggest pussies on this board. You can't answer any direct duck, dive and deflect and totally ignore my open and honest reply....if you are not here to openly and honestly discuss things and instead want to fling your little cyber-purse at posters? Knock yourself out and you can count on posters like me to expose you for doing so. You are intellectually are nothing but a stain.

Rofl...yeah that sounds good! I asked you the same question 3 times and after ducking it 3 tines you project your pussified question dodging behavior on me?

That's a knee slapper.

But really it's just another one of your pathetic ass deflections. Tell us Sherlock how you can see the Roth child's invisible hand but can't see Trump ham fisted shot again. I'll get my knee ready for another one

I have answered every question while you have ducked every single one of mine....and why is that? Because you are not capable of being honest. You are a partisan shill that is simply butthurt. Your political affiliation as a commie leftard is all that matters to you....truth need not apply. Russia was just fine as long as it was donating money to the Hildebeast but then you jumped on the Russian scapegoat bandwagon to deflect attention away from the contents of the e-mails. If Russia is truly fighting off the banking oligarchs and the white hats have put Trump out in front in order to stop this global takeover and they were talking? I 100 percent salute it AND support it. Why is it that the leftard clown posse has no problem with Chinese aggression and whine that Trump is antagonizing them with tariffs? Could it be because leftards want communist China type communism?

Put up or shut up.....thus far your ass is getting thoroughly kicked..........give me something to work with because this is too easy.
Dale you are from the state of have no integrity.

Dude, learn some punctuation makes a HUGE difference.

BTW, Austin, Texas is fiull of pseudo liberal asswipes that deserted Califlakia that are not satisfied with fucking up the state they were from and wish to fuck up Texas.......does that mean that they have no integrity as well?
Dude, learn to speak english.....says Newt Gingrich!!!
Rofl...yeah that sounds good! I asked you the same question 3 times and after ducking it 3 tines you project your pussified question dodging behavior on me?

That's a knee slapper.

But really it's just another one of your pathetic ass deflections. Tell us Sherlock how you can see the Roth child's invisible hand but can't see Trump ham fisted shot again. I'll get my knee ready for another one

I have answered every question while you have ducked every single one of mine....and why is that? Because you are not capable of being honest. You are a partisan shill that is simply butthurt. Your political affiliation as a commie leftard is all that matters to you....truth need not apply. Russia was just fine as long as it was donating money to the Hildebeast but then you jumped on the Russian scapegoat bandwagon to deflect attention away from the contents of the e-mails. If Russia is truly fighting off the banking oligarchs and the white hats have put Trump out in front in order to stop this global takeover and they were talking? I 100 percent salute it AND support it. Why is it that the leftard clown posse has no problem with Chinese aggression and whine that Trump is antagonizing them with tariffs? Could it be because leftards want communist China type communism?

Put up or shut up.....thus far your ass is getting thoroughly kicked..........give me something to work with because this is too easy.
Dale you are from the state of have no integrity.

Dude, learn some punctuation makes a HUGE difference.

BTW, Austin, Texas is fiull of pseudo liberal asswipes that deserted Califlakia that are not satisfied with fucking up the state they were from and wish to fuck up Texas.......does that mean that they have no integrity as well?
Just you personally.......has no integrity. Its in you DNA.

View attachment 111875
Conservatives DNA EQUALS
So in summation. Trump isn't a puppet because you don't consider his actions when making a judgement. And you have the ability to ask deflecting questions so that also shows he's not a puppet. And Russia didn't hack us despite what our Intel agenies found...and evendors if they did do it for Trump that doesn't mean anything either. Trump defending Russia and instead choosing to call us killers doesn't mean anything. Trump being in contact with Russia DURING THE CAMPAIGN doesn't mean anything. And Trump putting in Paul Manaforthe (fired for Russian ties), Carter Page (fired for Russian ties and Trump said he's never heard of him), Rex Tillesson (best friend to Russia award winner) and Michael Flynn who has just been busted by our Intel agencies for lying.

All those connections and you still can't make a determination od what is going on? Naw, one believe's that. Even a 5 year old would come to at least ask the question "how does he just so happen to have all these connections?"

Not you're still wondering.
You know if its any consolation, you are becoming my favorite Hoe from the state of TEX-ASS.

Do you think Julian Assange is a Russian puppet? How about the UK ambassador that took the thumb drive from Seth Rich and then delivered it to the Ecuador Embassy in London? Was he a Russian agent as well?

See, the problem with you is that you don't want to deal with the contents of the leaked don't want to deal what was done in the Ukraine that caused Russia to react like it want to ignore the provocations of the E.U and the globalists.....instead, you want to blame Russia fro exposing the Hildebeast and the DNC you realize how fucking stupid you come as? What has Russia done to USA.INC? Seriously.....but what has the E.U and USA.INC done to Russia in the way of economic sanctions for trying to secure their southern most border and taking in Crimea that didn't want any part of the E.U after the illegal coup d'etat??? Answer these questions and stop can't even address as to how it was fine for the Hildebeast to sign off on the uranium answer nothing and why is that?

Answer: Because you are clueless and butthurt....that is the only are a mere child....a political infant.

I believe Trump is a Russian puppet and his actions, which you choose to ignore prove it. Instead you are more interested in guessing the motivations of everyone's actions EXCEPT Trump. Trump's actions don't matter...yet you're trying to convince everyone that you can read everyone else's actions and come to conclusions.

With Trump you dont see it, and if you do see it you don't know what it means, and if anyone tells you what it means you suddenly know that those people are liars.

Your deflections and naming everyone but Trump doesn't address anything I said about Trump. And that's how I know you're lying. Youread trying too hard.

Dude, you are one of the biggest pussies on this board. You can't answer any direct duck, dive and deflect and totally ignore my open and honest reply....if you are not here to openly and honestly discuss things and instead want to fling your little cyber-purse at posters? Knock yourself out and you can count on posters like me to expose you for doing so. You are intellectually are nothing but a stain.

Rofl...yeah that sounds good! I asked you the same question 3 times and after ducking it 3 tines you project your pussified question dodging behavior on me?

That's a knee slapper.

But really it's just another one of your pathetic ass deflections. Tell us Sherlock how you can see the Roth child's invisible hand but can't see Trump ham fisted shot again. I'll get my knee ready for another one

I have answered every question while you have ducked every single one of mine....and why is that? Because you are not capable of being honest. You are a partisan shill that is simply butthurt. Your political affiliation as a commie leftard is all that matters to you....truth need not apply. Russia was just fine as long as it was donating money to the Hildebeast but then you jumped on the Russian scapegoat bandwagon to deflect attention away from the contents of the e-mails. If Russia is truly fighting off the banking oligarchs and the white hats have put Trump out in front in order to stop this global takeover and they were talking? I 100 percent salute it AND support it. Why is it that the leftard clown posse has no problem with Chinese aggression and whine that Trump is antagonizing them with tariffs? Could it be because leftards want communist China type communism?

Put up or shut up.....thus far your ass is getting thoroughly kicked..........give me something to work with because this is too easy.
I don't lie as I have no need to lie......I want what is best for the people of this country and they need to know the truth. You? You would hear pretty little lies than hear the ugly truth of how we are up to our necks in shit.

There you go. Saying you don't lie then lying.

No one is falling for your troll act.
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct
you can't mean that trump will stop sanctions on Russia as payment for Russia not giving out the dirt on our slob of a president??

And don't forget all the fake news they poured on Hillary during his campaign. That was instrumental in electing the more incompetent, narcissistic, and corrupt president in US history. The noose is tightening as the investigations into the Putin-Trump dossier continues. The GOP will try every trick in the book to keep the truth from being revealed and keeping their orange clown in power.
You could've just said "don't believe anyone but trumpet" and you would've saved yourself all that typing

Spare me the angst, dude....if Trump turns out to be a globalist puppet, I will be busting on him like there is no tomorrow and all of the sudden you and your leftard pals will be hailing me and wanting to be my bestest friend and the ones that like my postings now will probably shun me. I'm about truth....not political sides. This is what I do and I am damn good at it. I have been there, done that....I have the commemorative T-shirt and coffee cup as parting gifts when I was a shill for the neocons. I can never take enough showers to wash the stench off of me and I did this daily for 11 friggin' years. Ask edward37...he was on the old Yahoo message board and we warred many times but he is an incredibly great friend. He has seen me evolve. I know of what I speak because I am serious about this shit. I don't like seeing us divided but I will never bow to socialism/communism...that's never gonna happen.

Here is your problem. You can find conspiracies in everything everywhere...but you're "waiting" to see if Trump is a puppet? Because defending Russia against interfering with our election, attacking the US Intel agencies to defend Russia, nominating several idiots with close ties to Russia, Flynn negotiating with Russia behind Obama back and lying about it...

All of those flat out in your face xonext ions and you're still "waiting"? What are you waiting for? A letter signed by Trump saying "I am a puppet - signed ME" to be discovered?

Even if it was you've already baked in your next don't believe any of the media or the US Intel agencies.

So what evidence are you waiting for? And where will you find it repored that is credible?

Well to answer those questions would mean you're open to accepting info..but youre not...unless you can answer of course.

Haven't you heard? The Comrade can do no wrong and even if he does, it is "fake news."
This is the rope the Soviets used to say we'd sell them to hang us with.
And then there's this
The Fates Of 5 Men Connected To The Trump-Russia Dossier

The Fates Of 5 Men Connected To The Trump-Russia Dossier | The Huffington Post

What I have yet to figure out is what has Russia done to be in the cross hairs of the E.U and USA.INC besides preventing them from having Crimea when they illegally funded and then provoked an overthrow of the duly elected Ukraine government....

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