The tea party is the wrong way

So you have no point...just talking like an ignorant bitch and out of both sides of your mouth.

First you say:

Then you say:

I guess the teaper grand wizard got to you and changed your mind. He didn't hit you did he?

you need to go cry bitch; there is no contradiction there
black people are killed by other black people 96% of the time

regarding black on white crime and white on black crime; black people are far more likely to assault white people than white people are to assault black people

face it you're simply a COWARD; not ready to have a honest discussion on the matter
Wow, you really have been brainwashed. Must be Stockholm Syndrome. :lol: what a fucking loon! No one is arguing against the point...I was just pointing out that you are an idiot and contradicted yourself. My bet, the Teaper Grand Wizard whipped you...good boy.

dude; seriously calm down; you know high blood pressure may run in your family; very likely.

now boy; there was no contradiction there; which I pointed out

ok go cry now
Every President has screwed the pooch with immigration. Didn't Reagan give amnesty to illegal immigrants?

At any rate, you idiot, you fail to realize I agree with you on most issues...except that of the racist tea party (which you can't define or answer any questions about). The teapers have brain washed are a lemming. These people HATE you and when they start their armed insurrection, they are going to shoot you in the back because they don't TRUST you!

I actually pity you; walking around afraid of everything

And you hate everything you don’t understand, or perceive to be a ‘threat,’ you and most other TPM republicans fear and hate change, diversity, and dissent – and this fear and hate are completely unwarranted; indeed, you and your ilk are the most deserving of pity.

From who ? You ?

ROTFLMAO. You are so good about flapping your lips about things like this, but you've nothing to support it.

Or did you take a poll ?

Let's hear another great comment about the constitution you know so little about.
vacuous, meaningless nonsense ......................

summer of recovery
acting stupidly
shovel-ready jobs
reset button
Detroit is alive and bin laden is dead


idiots and hypocrites are hilarious.

On a serious truly are an idiot. You seriously cannot differentiate someone disagreeing with the racist tea party and a liberal. I am no fan of Obama and totally agree with you that he can't live up to Reagan. It is a shame you are too stupid to realize this...but then again, you have been brainwashed by the Tea Party.

Again, what is the goal of the teapers? Race war? Revolution? Impeaching Obama?

Fucking idiot nutter. Rotagilla is going to shoot the black side of you, right in the back. Then 007 and his lackeys are going to shoot you in the eye. Then Stephanie and Koshercvunt are going to spit on you and use a racial epithet as soon as their race war gets started.

You have been warned...come back to the GOP, the teapers are going to kill you, LITERALLY.

Is the Crispus Attucks Tea Party racist?

What year is this? What party was Crispus Attucks part of? How did he participate in the Revolution...what was his role in the Boston Massacre?

How in the HELL is he relevant to the Tea Party today?

Is the organization racist?
vacuous, meaningless nonsense ......................

summer of recovery
acting stupidly
shovel-ready jobs
reset button
Detroit is alive and bin laden is dead


idiots and hypocrites

Junk plans...

You can keep your doctor if you like them......


Don't need congress.....
Every President has screwed the pooch with immigration. Didn't Reagan give amnesty to illegal immigrants?

At any rate, you idiot, you fail to realize I agree with you on most issues...except that of the racist tea party (which you can't define or answer any questions about). The teapers have brain washed are a lemming. These people HATE you and when they start their armed insurrection, they are going to shoot you in the back because they don't TRUST you!

I actually pity you; walking around afraid of everything

And you hate everything you don’t understand, or perceive to be a ‘threat,’ you and most other TPM republicans fear and hate change, diversity, and dissent – and this fear and hate are completely unwarranted; indeed, you and your ilk are the most deserving of pity.

vacuous, meaningless nonsense ......................

summer of recovery
acting stupidly
shovel-ready jobs
reset button
Detroit is alive and bin laden is dead


idiots and hypocrites

Junk plans...

You can keep your doctor if you like them......


Don't need congress.....

"raising the Debt Ceiling is a failure of leadership"

"NOT raising the Debt Ceiling is a failure of leadership"

lol libs are losers who lie to themselves
What year is this? What party was Crispus Attucks part of? How did he participate in the Revolution...what was his role in the Boston Massacre?

How in the HELL is he relevant to the Tea Party today?

Is the organization racist?

The docks where he worked at? What organization?

Ignorant fool. You are nothing but a race hustler. The little boy who cried wolf. Loser.
Last edited:
Silent NO More Tea Party, Chicago, Part Two: [ame=]Silent NO More Tea Party, Chicago, Part Two - YouTube[/ame]
Is the organization racist?

The docks where he worked at? What organization?

Ignorant fool. You are nothing but a race hustler. The little boy who cried wolf. Loser.

Awww...did your nonsense question not work? I am a race hustler because I asked you a question. What a pussy.

And please note, none of my questions have been addressed of as of yet. Does that make you a little girl who cried wolf...does that make you a race baiter.

You teaper nutters are ridiculous.

How is that revolution going. I think another teaper went on a shooting spree in Oregon!
The docks where he worked at? What organization?

Ignorant fool. You are nothing but a race hustler. The little boy who cried wolf. Loser.

Awww...did your nonsense question not work? I am a race hustler because I asked you a question. What a pussy.

And please note, none of my questions have been addressed of as of yet. Does that make you a little girl who cried wolf...does that make you a race baiter.

You teaper nutters are ridiculous.

How is that revolution going. I think another teaper went on a shooting spree in Oregon!

You're very ill.
Ignorant fool. You are nothing but a race hustler. The little boy who cried wolf. Loser.

Awww...did your nonsense question not work? I am a race hustler because I asked you a question. What a pussy.

And please note, none of my questions have been addressed of as of yet. Does that make you a little girl who cried wolf...does that make you a race baiter.

You teaper nutters are ridiculous.

How is that revolution going. I think another teaper went on a shooting spree in Oregon!

You're very ill.

I guess that means it isn't going well. I guess when your ilk goes on a shooting spree...and they get killed, it sort of fizzles out that morale. Chin up kid...maybe the next teaper shooter will live and the world won't laugh at you guys.
Awww...did your nonsense question not work? I am a race hustler because I asked you a question. What a pussy.

And please note, none of my questions have been addressed of as of yet. Does that make you a little girl who cried wolf...does that make you a race baiter.

You teaper nutters are ridiculous.

How is that revolution going. I think another teaper went on a shooting spree in Oregon!

You're very ill.

I guess that means it isn't going well. I guess when your ilk goes on a shooting spree...and they get killed, it sort of fizzles out that morale. Chin up kid...maybe the next teaper shooter will live and the world won't laugh at you guys.

I bet you masturbate often, huh.
You're very ill.

I guess that means it isn't going well. I guess when your ilk goes on a shooting spree...and they get killed, it sort of fizzles out that morale. Chin up kid...maybe the next teaper shooter will live and the world won't laugh at you guys.

I bet you masturbate often, huh.

Is that the best you can do...

Come on man, you are a pot head libertarian. Why are you getting involved in this teaper nonsense? Pull out the bong, take a good hit and think about it.
Ignorant fool. You are nothing but a race hustler. The little boy who cried wolf. Loser.

Awww...did your nonsense question not work? I am a race hustler because I asked you a question. What a pussy.

And please note, none of my questions have been addressed of as of yet. Does that make you a little girl who cried wolf...does that make you a race baiter.

You teaper nutters are ridiculous.

How is that revolution going. I think another teaper went on a shooting spree in Oregon!

You're very ill.

Typical negro agitator.
I guess that means it isn't going well. I guess when your ilk goes on a shooting spree...and they get killed, it sort of fizzles out that morale. Chin up kid...maybe the next teaper shooter will live and the world won't laugh at you guys.

I bet you masturbate often, huh.

Is that the best you can do...

Come on man, you are a pot head libertarian. Why are you getting involved in this teaper nonsense? Pull out the bong, take a good hit and think about it.

The left will tell you who they fear.

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