The sun isn't shinning enough.

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Where ever I go, there I am.
think we'll see protesting on solar plants needing bailed out like they wail on BIG OIL?

Some how I doubt it. the Democrat party hasn't given them those marching orders
World s largest solar plant applying for federal grant to pay off federal loan Fox News
about the 1 min mark, that's the excuse for wasting our money and begging for more to pay off thier debts
thanks leftist for dumping money into failed ideas to add more debt to our backs and to the backs of generations
Do any of you fools ever stop and wonder if your leaders are trying to crush America?

Democrats have been trying to crush this country for more than 175 years. We had to go to war with them once, the bloodiest war in American history. We're teetering on the fence of the necessity of doing it again. I say the sooner the better.
Didn't the collapse of the "Solyndra" funded solar technology plant at a cost to taxpayers in the billions teach the public a lesson? Solar junk is so expensive that even if it worked it would not pay for the investment for a freaking decade when it would wear out and call for another major investment. Wind energy kills migratory birds and an executive order authorized the killing of eagles for the next thirty years. Strangely enough PETA is more worried about tadpoles in Kansas irrigation ditches.
What really sucks is that the money from the original loan plus the requested bailout could have funded another war somewhere...well at least three days worth
Didn't the collapse of the "Solyndra" funded solar technology plant at a cost to taxpayers in the billions teach the public a lesson? Solar junk is so expensive that even if it worked it would not pay for the investment for a freaking decade when it would wear out and call for another major investment. Wind energy kills migratory birds and an executive order authorized the killing of eagles for the next thirty years. Strangely enough PETA is more worried about tadpoles in Kansas irrigation ditches.
All the while, the "endangered" species act protects the lesser prairie chicken at the cost of thousands of jobs and tens of millions of dollars in investments.
BILLIONS has been WASTED by this mans "visions" for us and our country. But he's a progressive/Democrat so there won't be all the wailing by his sheep base like they did with Bush and "BIG OIL", as they like to call to it so it's sounds all Scary.

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Do any of you fools ever stop and wonder if your leaders are trying to crush America?

He's purposely using the Cloward-Pivens strategy.

That IS the "fundamental change" he promised in 2008...and the people clapped and cheered.:eusa_dance:

.they just HAD to have their "black" president...:doubt:
We had to go to war with them once, the bloodiest war in American history. We're teetering on the fence of the necessity of doing it again. I say the sooner the better.

Really punk. Why don't you get it started? Or are you just all mouth and wishful thinking? Be a leader, get the revolution you say is coming, get it started sooner rather than later. OK?
We had to go to war with them once, the bloodiest war in American history. We're teetering on the fence of the necessity of doing it again. I say the sooner the better.

Really punk. Why don't you get it started? Or are you just all mouth and wishful thinking? Be a leader, get the revolution you say is coming, get it started sooner rather than later. OK?

that's the same kind of superior attitude the british had in 1776..
We had to go to war with them once, the bloodiest war in American history. We're teetering on the fence of the necessity of doing it again. I say the sooner the better.

Really punk. Why don't you get it started? Or are you just all mouth and wishful thinking? Be a leader, get the revolution you say is coming, get it started sooner rather than later. OK?

You calling others a punk now that is hilarious.


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