The Story of The Planted Ping & "Hacked" DNC Server

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Funny how we have this story more or less being buried by THE MSM and Democrat party about the Planted Ping found on two hacked servers. A Trump Tower Server, and a Russian Bank Server.

If we could trace this hacking back to Clinton's Private IT team which did include Hackers or The White House there will be a Public Trial like America has never seen. Obama or Clinton might actually face a firing squad.

Who was the 3rd party? The same people who claimed falsely that Russia hacked The DNC Server.
The Podesta Emails were leaked, not hacked, and the DNC Hacking story was a cover story dreampt up by The Clinton Team, Obama & The DNC to try to tie Trump to Russia and use that as a hammer to try to win the election.

This is where everyone needs to be focused. Why claim Russia hacked The DNC server and then not let anyone look at the server, and then why hack in to a Russian Bank Server and then a Trump Tower Server and plant a ping?

There is NO WAY WHATSOEVER the Trump Team would plant a fake Beacon Ping on their own server and hack in to a Russian Server to do the same simply to draw attention to themselves.

The only people with the motives to do this was The Democrat Party who engaged in Character Assassination as their primary strategy of how to defeat President Trump.

This is why they surveilled Trump, to smear him. When they couldn't get anything on him, they leaked the fact he was under surveillance, and when that didn't work, they unmasked the people who got caught up in the surveillance, and finally in an act of desperation they went and planted the pings, and then at the 12th hour, changed the rules to allow intelligence agencies to share rumors and innuendos, and intelligence to achieve maximum damage in an act of taking their ball and going home with it because they were losing.

Shameful, Ugly, and Treasonous, and Unlawful.
And I will until the day I die, believe that Seth Rich died because of this election and that Assange is telling the truth when he stated that a DNC insider angry at the fact the DNC was rigging the primaries logged in to Podesta's emails, copied them and then ratted on the Corrupt DNC.

Malicious 3rd Party Actors Faked Ties Between Russian Bank & Trump Tower

Russian bank: Contact from Trump server ‘may be work of hacker’

Russian Bank Claims Trump Server Story May Have Been a Hoax

According to a new report in Circa News, Alfa Bank has told authorities that the mysterious communications have resumed -- and that they have evidence it could be "the work of a hacker trying to create a political hoax." They have asked the Justice Department to investigate, and have pledged to cooperate fully.

Alfa Bank has insisted since media stories began appearing last fall about the computer communications -- known as Domain Name Server lookups -- that it has never had a relationship to Trump or any of his companies and that any computer connections between the two parties’ computers were innocuous. The resumption of the computer pings started last month, and Alfa’s cybersecurity experts traced evidence that the activity was actually being spoofed -- or hacked -- through a third party from a masked computer address inside the United States, the source said.

The attacks attempted to trigger verification signals between Alfa Bank and a server associated with the Trump Organization, the source said

The source said the spoofing attempt is equivalent to someone in the U.S. sending an empty envelope to the Trump Towers but putting on the envelope a return address in Russia, causing the Trump server to falsely return the communication back to Moscow.

The source cautioned it does not yet have evidence that the same activity occurred between last May through September, causing the generation of the first server pings that computer scientists reported last fall might be evidence of secret communications between Trump and Russia.

According to Circa, one of the computer scientists who advanced the story about the Trump-Russia connections is a Hillary Clinton supporter. L. Jean Camp, an Indiana University researcher, who made donations to The Clinton campaign, and consulted them at times on matters of Cyber Security.
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In case you wonder who I THINK did the hacking and who planted The Fake Beacon Pings, it is none other than L. Jean Camp who needs to be brought in and questioned by Congress.
This was Hillary Clinton's Primary IT consultant. A very kept quiet and little known secret. She is a radical feminist and worships Hillary Clinton and would do anything for her.

This is who helped Clinton dream up the DNC Russian Hacking story, and this is the woman imo, who hacked Trump Tower, The Russian Bank and planted these Pings.

Read her bio. She is entirely qualified to set all of this up. To work with Hillary's Private team of Hackers and IT experts and to plant evidence.


L. Jean Camp is a professor at the Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing. She was previously an associate professor at the Kennedy School, before which she was at Sandia National Laboratories.

L. Jean Camp (born in Charlotte, North Carolina) is a professor at the Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing. She was previously an associate professor at the Kennedy School, before which she was at Sandia National Laboratories. She is best known for her work which combines computer security and the social sciences. In particular her work on Economics of security dates from 2001. She was an original participant in the Workshops on Economics of Information Security.[1]

Camp is a graduate of the Engineering and Public Policy Program from Carnegie Mellon, where she completed her doctoral research on Internet Commerce. She has over one hundred forty[2] additional works. These are focused primarily on security, privacy and trust.

Her research on open code, internet governance, and internet diffusion in developing countries primarily dates from her time at the Kennedy School. More recent work on Internet Governance addresses the full allocation of the v4 space.

Currently she has three major projects. The first is risk communication using mental models in order to inform security; the second is measuring and communicating risk using a formal mission framework; and the third is security of SDN. Her recently completed projects address macroeconomic indicators of ecrime; and privacy perception in considering both true and perceived risks.

Camp is the author of Trust and Risk in Internet Commerce,[4] Economics of Medical and Financial Identity Theft[5] and the editor of Economics of Information Security.[6] She coined the term anonymous atomic transactions by resolving the conflict between anonymity and Atomicity (database systems). Camp is also the Indiana University Representation for the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection.

Camp is a lead researcher in the ETHOS project - Ethical Technology in the Homes Of Seniors[7] which focuses on designing security and privacy-aware technologies for elders.

Camp was an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Congressional Fellow[8] in 2010, under the aegis of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Science and Technology Fellowship Program.[9] She served as the Legislative Assistant in military, telecommunications, and intellectual property in North Carolina's 2nd congressional district.

Camp is a Senior Member of the IEEE, on the USACM Council, long-standing member of the IEEEUSA, and was one of the Internet engineers who were early objectors to SOPA.[10]

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia
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I suppose this is too technical or complicated for anyone?

I work in IT and part of my job is Cyber Security. So lthis was interesting to me.

If you want to know who started the DNC Hack Bullshit and who rigged the Ping at Trump Tower and A Russian Bank I just fingered the bitch that did it.

But apparently it's not controversial enough for y'all.

Carry on with you 20-30 threads on Healthcare....ugh.

Have a nice
Weekend everyone!
This IS The Real story. But we know Lefty wants to deflect and distract by talking about a Bill that didn't get rushed through.

This is Worse than Nixon's Plumbers.

People need to be Subpoenaed!

Where is James Comey on this?

Absent again like he was for every scandal in the Obama Administrstion?

Has he every actually done his job even once?

There are going to be indictments
Over this and the revelation Obama was spying on Trump.

This is a Constitutional Crisis and Liberals want to talk about how great Obamacare is?

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