The Statist Left May Be Heading For A Fiasco.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
Open borders & a one world government has been a mainstay fantasy for the statist left religion forever. A open border world with a one world government would also be the end of every man, woman & child on planet earth. There is a reason WHY there are sovereign nations, with sovereign states within their borders. Even @ that the sovereign states are split into counties & counties into districts & districts into neighborhoods. Contrary to popular statist left uninformed propaganda, the human being is NOT a herd creature though human beings ARE highly social creatures, meaning human beings CANNOT survive in a 'hive mentality' world without destroying themselves as a species.

The problem with the statist left is their complete ignorance regarding the field of the humanities notably the all critical field of sociology ESPECIALLY 'historical sociology'. In the field of the humanities the statist left either misses the boat entirely, distorts/twists or enters into fabricated fantasies to support their bogus @ best out of this world interpretation of what humanity is, how it functions, or @ what mode humanity operates best within. To illustrate my opinion about the statist left the link below is a PRIME example of statist left reasoning when dealing with humanity oriented issues.

Open borders & a one world government has been a mainstay fantasy for the statist left religion forever. A open border world with a one world government would also be the end of every man, woman & child on planet earth. There is a reason WHY there are sovereign nations, with sovereign states within their borders. Even @ that the sovereign states are split into counties & counties into districts & districts into neighborhoods. Contrary to popular statist left uninformed propaganda, the human being is NOT a herd creature though human beings ARE highly social creatures, meaning human beings CANNOT survive in a 'hive mentality' world without destroying themselves as a species.

The problem with the statist left is their complete ignorance regarding the field of the humanities notably the all critical field of sociology ESPECIALLY 'historical sociology'. In the field of the humanities the statist left either misses the boat entirely, distorts/twists or enters into fabricated fantasies to support their bogus @ best out of this world interpretation of what humanity is, how it functions, or @ what mode humanity operates best within. To illustrate my opinion about the statist left the link below is a PRIME example of statist left reasoning when dealing with humanity oriented issues.

I think they have a certain amount of contempt for the American People. They are tired of us, as we are probably a pain in the ass, always in the way of them getting things done. They view Americans as fat and priveliged most likely, even though it is their own self guilt due to their own personal entitlement that drives them in their insanities.

When they can help illegals over natural born Americans, I believe it soothes their guilt, as Poor hispanics are seen as, helpless, more noble, more pure than the American rabble. Plus they know these kinder gentler people will be much much more greatful and forever in the debt of their saviors.

Heaven forbid, they had stayed in their own countries and struggled to bring about, and to force the reform of their own societies.
Headed for? We are already there. They can't hear you. They think they are out there slaying racist bastards. They cannot seem to think outside of that.

It's either going to get bloody......or it's over.

I hear that more and more. I drive all sorts of people as a LYFT driver and more and more I am hearing all walks of life saying a revolution is coming. It's scary.

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