The smartest guy in the room

Yes Warren Buffet the typical everyone but me guy. Calls for more taxes on the rich while his company Berkshire Hathaway owes the Government about a Billion in back taxes. He's not the smartest guy in the room. He has a shyster PT Barnum kind of smarts because you suckers on the left buy his BS.
you should have got some schooling vet......btw I'm a vet too but don't think that makes me special

Nice how you dodged the info in his post....not really,it was pretty obvious.
what info??that he owes a billion ??You know that's a fact and how much do they pay ? Or maybe the info that Buffet is a shyster?? You people are fn nutz or uneducated on the dole people who can't make it in life

Google it

Buffet is a fucking hypocrite if he thinks he should pay more in taxes then why doesn't he raise his pay from the measly 100K he pays himself to a salary more fitting the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company?

I got in trouble with my accountant for not taking enough of a salary from my business. He informed me that it can raise flags with the IRS and result in some heavy fines

So it seems Warren is scamming the system then telling everyone else they should pony up
Yes Warren Buffet the typical everyone but me guy. Calls for more taxes on the rich while his company Berkshire Hathaway owes the Government about a Billion in back taxes. He's not the smartest guy in the room. He has a shyster PT Barnum kind of smarts because you suckers on the left buy his BS.
you should have got some schooling vet......btw I'm a vet too but don't think that makes me special

Nice how you dodged the info in his post....not really,it was pretty obvious.
what info??that he owes a billion ??You know that's a fact and how much do they pay ? Or maybe the info that Buffet is a shyster?? You people are fn nutz or uneducated on the dole people who can't make it in life

Google it

Buffet is a fucking hypocrite if he thinks he should pay more in taxes then why doesn't he raise his pay from the measly 100K he pays himself to a salary more fitting the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company?

I got in trouble with my accountant for not taking enough of a salary from my business. He informed me that it can raise flags with the IRS and result in some heavy fines

So it seems Warren is scamming the system then telling everyone else they should pony up
I always paid myself peanuts in the business I owned for 40 +years AND NEVER had a problem with the IRS or my CPA
tax cheat?? Like your leader T rump?

Prove it Edward.
afraid to show his tax returns speaks volumes just like romney who showed only one paying 10+%

Trump has been audited for the last 12 years and is in an audit now. If there was something it would be out there

Why would Donald Trump get audited 12 years in a row?
You aren't smart enough sass to answer your own question? BTW in all those audits did he have to pay any fines ???
Yes Warren Buffet the typical everyone but me guy. Calls for more taxes on the rich while his company Berkshire Hathaway owes the Government about a Billion in back taxes. He's not the smartest guy in the room. He has a shyster PT Barnum kind of smarts because you suckers on the left buy his BS.
you should have got some schooling vet......btw I'm a vet too but don't think that makes me special

Nice how you dodged the info in his post....not really,it was pretty obvious.
what info??that he owes a billion ??You know that's a fact and how much do they pay ? Or maybe the info that Buffet is a shyster?? You people are fn nutz or uneducated on the dole people who can't make it in life

Google it

Buffet is a fucking hypocrite if he thinks he should pay more in taxes then why doesn't he raise his pay from the measly 100K he pays himself to a salary more fitting the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company?

I got in trouble with my accountant for not taking enough of a salary from my business. He informed me that it can raise flags with the IRS and result in some heavy fines

So it seems Warren is scamming the system then telling everyone else they should pony up
I always paid myself peanuts in the business I owned for 40 +years AND NEVER had a problem with the IRS or my CPA

It all depends on the business

Sub-Chapter S Corporations: Paying Yourself Enough? |

But it’s really important to make sure that the salary you pay yourself in your Sub-S Corporation is relevant to what you really should be paid. Recently, the IRS won a case against an accountant, with 20 years of experience, in Iowa for only paying himself a wage of $24,000 while receiving distributions amounting to over $200,000. According the IRS, a first year accounting grad can be expected to receive a salary of around $40,000. They determined that the accountant should have paid himself a salary of $91,044. (Okay, I know you’re thinking $91,044? I can understand the $91,000 but how’d they get the $44? Don’t ask me, I haven’t a clue.)

You may be wondering, why bother paying a salary out of the S Corp and taking the rest of the profits as a distribution in the first place? Isn’t it all just profit anyway? Well yes, but there’s a difference. In the Iowa case, the man paid himself a wage of $24,000 plus he had distributions of $200,000. In essence, his company had a profit of $224,000. (I’m rounding, okay?) If he were to receive all of that income as self employment income, he’d pay regular income tax on the $224,000 (less his deductions of course) plus he’d pay 12.4% social security tax on $106,800 of that income, plus another 2.9% on the whole $224,000. That’s $19, 739 over and above his regular income tax. By paying himself a wage of $24,000, his employment taxes are $3,672. Although it doesn’t work out that cleanly, he basically saved himself about $16,000 in taxes. That is until the IRS stepped in.
you should have got some schooling vet......btw I'm a vet too but don't think that makes me special

Nice how you dodged the info in his post....not really,it was pretty obvious.
what info??that he owes a billion ??You know that's a fact and how much do they pay ? Or maybe the info that Buffet is a shyster?? You people are fn nutz or uneducated on the dole people who can't make it in life

Google it

Buffet is a fucking hypocrite if he thinks he should pay more in taxes then why doesn't he raise his pay from the measly 100K he pays himself to a salary more fitting the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company?

I got in trouble with my accountant for not taking enough of a salary from my business. He informed me that it can raise flags with the IRS and result in some heavy fines

So it seems Warren is scamming the system then telling everyone else they should pony up
I always paid myself peanuts in the business I owned for 40 +years AND NEVER had a problem with the IRS or my CPA

It all depends on the business

Sub-Chapter S Corporations: Paying Yourself Enough? |

But it’s really important to make sure that the salary you pay yourself in your Sub-S Corporation is relevant to what you really should be paid. Recently, the IRS won a case against an accountant, with 20 years of experience, in Iowa for only paying himself a wage of $24,000 while receiving distributions amounting to over $200,000. According the IRS, a first year accounting grad can be expected to receive a salary of around $40,000. They determined that the accountant should have paid himself a salary of $91,044. (Okay, I know you’re thinking $91,044? I can understand the $91,000 but how’d they get the $44? Don’t ask me, I haven’t a clue.)

You may be wondering, why bother paying a salary out of the S Corp and taking the rest of the profits as a distribution in the first place? Isn’t it all just profit anyway? Well yes, but there’s a difference. In the Iowa case, the man paid himself a wage of $24,000 plus he had distributions of $200,000. In essence, his company had a profit of $224,000. (I’m rounding, okay?) If he were to receive all of that income as self employment income, he’d pay regular income tax on the $224,000 (less his deductions of course) plus he’d pay 12.4% social security tax on $106,800 of that income, plus another 2.9% on the whole $224,000. That’s $19, 739 over and above his regular income tax. By paying himself a wage of $24,000, his employment taxes are $3,672. Although it doesn’t work out that cleanly, he basically saved himself about $16,000 in taxes. That is until the IRS stepped in.
I suppose that one can go too far ,,as your example did I didn't have a sub chapter s and like I said no problems in all my years and we grossed over 1.5 million btw very nice post ,,and I appreciate your time Thanks
tax cheat?? Like your leader T rump?

Prove it Edward.
afraid to show his tax returns speaks volumes just like romney who showed only one paying 10+%

So when's your messiah going to open his history for evaluation?
Yes Obama hasn't been perfect but I'm pretty sure his taxes are in and were in gonna play trump and say he isn't a citizen too?

Hard to say.....
I guess that would depend on whether he was lying for college money or he was telling the truth when he said he was from Indonesia.
And he's spent a crapload of money making sure we never know for sure.
tax cheat?? Like your leader T rump?

Prove it Edward.
afraid to show his tax returns speaks volumes just like romney who showed only one paying 10+%

So when's your messiah going to open his history for evaluation?
Yes Obama hasn't been perfect but I'm pretty sure his taxes are in and were in gonna play trump and say he isn't a citizen too?

Hard to say.....
I guess that would depend on whether he was lying for college money or he was telling the truth when he said he was from Indonesia.
And he's spent a crapload of money making sure we never know for sure.

so you don't believe his life has been an open book ,,,that every important item about his life was gone over and over before he became president?
tax cheat?? Like your leader T rump?

Prove it Edward.
afraid to show his tax returns speaks volumes just like romney who showed only one paying 10+%

Trump has been audited for the last 12 years and is in an audit now. If there was something it would be out there

Why would Donald Trump get audited 12 years in a row?
You aren't smart enough sass to answer your own question? BTW in all those audits did he have to pay any fines ???

Eddie you may very well be the dumbest person presently posting on this forum. As for fines IDK....Google it.
I'm a vet too
On which side?
the same as kerry the vet you nitwits bashed out of the presidency with your swift boat liars
So you trust Kerry and call the vets liars because ....?
it's the republican way lie bash demean any dem ,,,, believe those paid for vet liars ?? No way ,,I'll believe the vets who stood with him
I didn't know any vets stood with Kerry, they all seem to confirm he was there for a medal. But thanks for admitting you are prejudiced.
Warren Buffett the Oracle likes Hillary,,,,,and says America has NEVER BEEN GREATER
so which of you democrat haters here think you're smarter than him?....speak up lol

Edds, I am smarter than Buffett on any number of areas and I would love the opportunity to have a "sit down" debate with him on any number of issues like the unfair trade agreements, the foreign owned Federal Reserve bank, his seat on the CFR and the Committee of 300. His pals, the globalist Clintons and Bush crime families are on those same "committees" and what their goal is. America is not "great"'s people are indentured debt slaves and the power of this corporation has been used to steal the resources of any country that doesn't have the fire power to fight back against it. 71 percent of the people that even have a job make less than 50K a year and 50K isn't diddly squat when you take into consideration on how badly the dollar has lost purchasing power. You know me pretty well, Edds.... repub or demo, both are controlled by the Fed bankers and Wall Street. The "president" is nothing but the figure head of USA.INC and he does the bidding of the ones that put him in there....presidents are not elected, they are selected. What I see are people waking up to this incredible fraud of a system that has been foisted upon them. I would vote for you to be president in a heart beat before I would anyone currently in the running because you have heart and you are pretty damn smart as well...but please don't try and sell me on a Hillary presidency......she is all about herself and she treats the underlings that "serve" her like shit.....if she thinks of her servants like you really think she would do anything but the banking oligarchs agenda???? I sure as hell don't......
tax cheat?? Like your leader T rump?

Prove it Edward.
afraid to show his tax returns speaks volumes just like romney who showed only one paying 10+%

Trump has been audited for the last 12 years and is in an audit now. If there was something it would be out there

Why would Donald Trump get audited 12 years in a row?
You aren't smart enough sass to answer your own question? BTW in all those audits did he have to pay any fines ???

Eddie you may very well be the dumbest person presently posting on this forum. As for fines IDK....Google it.

No, Edds is a very smart man and a very successful one at that....blinded by ideology? Perhaps....but you will never come across a more genuine person than Edds...I have known him personally for 15 years from another forum and we talk regularly. We may not always agree on things, but "dumb", he isn't....not by a long shot.....
Prove it Edward.
afraid to show his tax returns speaks volumes just like romney who showed only one paying 10+%

Trump has been audited for the last 12 years and is in an audit now. If there was something it would be out there

Why would Donald Trump get audited 12 years in a row?
You aren't smart enough sass to answer your own question? BTW in all those audits did he have to pay any fines ???

Eddie you may very well be the dumbest person presently posting on this forum. As for fines IDK....Google it.

No, Edds is a very smart man and a very successful one at that....blinded by ideology? Perhaps....but you will never come across a more genuine person than Edds...I have known him personally for 15 years from another forum and we talk regularly. We may not always agree on things, but "dumb", he isn't....not by a long shot.....

I've read his comments.....dumb as a sack of hammers
Prove it Edward.
afraid to show his tax returns speaks volumes just like romney who showed only one paying 10+%

So when's your messiah going to open his history for evaluation?
Yes Obama hasn't been perfect but I'm pretty sure his taxes are in and were in gonna play trump and say he isn't a citizen too?

Hard to say.....
I guess that would depend on whether he was lying for college money or he was telling the truth when he said he was from Indonesia.
And he's spent a crapload of money making sure we never know for sure.

so you don't believe his life has been an open book ,,,that every important item about his life was gone over and over before he became president?

The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues | Obama Social Security Numbers
afraid to show his tax returns speaks volumes just like romney who showed only one paying 10+%

Trump has been audited for the last 12 years and is in an audit now. If there was something it would be out there

Why would Donald Trump get audited 12 years in a row?
You aren't smart enough sass to answer your own question? BTW in all those audits did he have to pay any fines ???

Eddie you may very well be the dumbest person presently posting on this forum. As for fines IDK....Google it.

No, Edds is a very smart man and a very successful one at that....blinded by ideology? Perhaps....but you will never come across a more genuine person than Edds...I have known him personally for 15 years from another forum and we talk regularly. We may not always agree on things, but "dumb", he isn't....not by a long shot.....

I've read his comments.....dumb as a sack of hammers

Like I have said, I have known Edds for 15 years...we talk regularly. He likes to tweak noses and though you may not agree with him? He is just trying to get some discussion going....he is one the finest human beings that I will ever know....and we disagree on quite a few things but he has also opened my eyes to a lot of shit that I believed in. He is good people......

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