The Shame of the Never Trumpers


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Shame of the Never Trumpers

25 Aug 2-21 ~~ By Kurt Schlichter
This is on them, those brave and bold MSNBCNN warriors who sold out the conservatives who once took their cruises until Trump exposed the grift; these True Conservatives™ then proceeded to help elect Grandpa Badfinger pseudo-president. Well, at least they are consistent – when they were nominally conservative, the GOP squishes they backed led us to disaster, and the Dem libs they back now are doing the same.
The Conservative, Inc., crew are the smart guys. The moral guys. The experts of expertise. Just ask them. The Never Trumpers are the adults in the room, even if adults aren’t the North American Man-Boy Lincoln Project’s usual target demo.
This Afghanistan disaster, this utter abomination that will lead to tens of thousands of deaths of foreigners who trusted America, the humiliation of our country – country first, right guys? – and a possible hostage crisis to boot that will require us to thaw out and redeploy Ted Koppel, is on them.
But it’s not completely on them. Let’s face it, they don’t have that much influence anymore. Their purpose is solely to pretend that there is a conservative constituency for leftism. No one points to these doofuses and says, “Yeah, let’s harken back to the glory days when these geniuses were managing America’s decline – that was much better.” They failed then, and they are failing now, and when the Silicon Valley suckers funding these turncoat losers wise up and turn off the cash spigot, no one will listen to them at all.
It’s funny – you look at a toad like Bill Kristol and you wonder what bothers him most – the fact that a bunch of conservatives despise him, or the fact that most modern conservatives couldn’t pick him out of a line-up with LTC Bratwurst, Ana Navarro, and Brian Stelter, who is a potato.
You need to understand who these guys are. They are unaccomplished footnote people, whether it’s “Is a hot dog a sandwich or a taco?” dilemma pundit Jonah Goldberg (whose been coasting off his one good book for years), or drag queen story time advocate David French – whose name we once could have made fun of by citing the Gallic stereotype of military ineptness, except it turns out the frogs are courageously going out into Kabul to sweep up their citizens while the demented muppet the Ahoy Crew voted for has ordered our American forces to sit tight.
They are co-owners of this fiasco. They wanted Biden. It was imperative to saving the Republic, or something, we were solemnly informed. Those mean tweets, those damnable mean tweets – we needed the calming, soothing normality of a steady statesman and got a senile cone-licker-in-chief instead.
If these guys weren’t wrong, they’d be nothing.
One might ask why it is important to devote the time to mocking these fudds when they are so manifestly inconsequential. It’s human nature – everyone hates a traitor, but more importantly, treachery should be punished. They should be shamed for their prissy perfidy. And there is a practical reason. There are some among our party who secretly yearn to return to the good-old days of sensible, measured GOP decline, like under Bush. Those simps need to know the fate that awaits Benedict Arnolds. Contempt for the Cruise Ship Cons provides a cautionary example. We want pols who support our America First agenda, but we’ll make do with pols who are too terrified of the base to oppose it. The fate of the Never Trumpers of Conservative, Inc., calumny and exile to the nether reaches of some panel with Don Lemon, must await all who would stab us in the back. Ahoy.

Maybe the disaster of the Bai Dung administration that is unfolding will finally lead to some clarity.
In the United States, we have a two-party system which means a Party system. You can vote for Ranger Jason Crow and think you're getting a moderate, but you aren't. You are getting Nanzy Pelosi.
So, the question for Republicans in 2016 and 2020 was, do you think Hillary! or Bai Dung would be better Presidents than Trump? Any sentient conservative picks Trump.
The reason these Never-trumpers refused to pick Trump is ego. They thought they ran the Republican Party, but they were wrong. Like any political leader, you advocate for your base's cause, or they drop you.
Oh, yeah, Kristol et al. So, you chose out of ego and your boy has screwed everything up? Looks like you are useless to either party, now.
The Kristol Ship has long sailed off into the sunset and sunk like the Titanic.
Anyway, this guy is the most useless of useless commentators ever allowed on Fox News. Thankfully, Roger Ailes had a falling-out with him while he was still in charge of that network. Billy is now seen on CNN and occasionally on MSNBC.
As a kind gesture, I'd notify Bill that there's an iceberg dead ahead.
One cannot dispute was Trump's affection for the U.S. A guy to stand there and say's, "Hey maybe what these guys in D.C. have been doing for decades just isn't working and it's probably screwing you over". A guy who wasn't afraid to say U.S. Nationalism isn't a bad thing, because it isn't. Maybe he wasn't the best at articulating those ideas and surely we can have a discussion over his various statements and tweets, but that man knew how to throw a punch and cause anxiety amongst those who revile him. To me it wasn't about "owning" the left, it is about fighting back and being proud of who we are as Americans. Trump symbolized that yearning for the GOP to take its balls out of the Democrat's purse and stand up for itself.

The Shame of the Never Trumpers

25 Aug 2-21 ~~ By Kurt Schlichter
This is on them, those brave and bold MSNBCNN warriors who sold out the conservatives who once took their cruises until Trump exposed the grift; these True Conservatives™ then proceeded to help elect Grandpa Badfinger pseudo-president. Well, at least they are consistent – when they were nominally conservative, the GOP squishes they backed led us to disaster, and the Dem libs they back now are doing the same.
The Conservative, Inc., crew are the smart guys. The moral guys. The experts of expertise. Just ask them. The Never Trumpers are the adults in the room, even if adults aren’t the North American Man-Boy Lincoln Project’s usual target demo.
This Afghanistan disaster, this utter abomination that will lead to tens of thousands of deaths of foreigners who trusted America, the humiliation of our country – country first, right guys? – and a possible hostage crisis to boot that will require us to thaw out and redeploy Ted Koppel, is on them.
But it’s not completely on them. Let’s face it, they don’t have that much influence anymore. Their purpose is solely to pretend that there is a conservative constituency for leftism. No one points to these doofuses and says, “Yeah, let’s harken back to the glory days when these geniuses were managing America’s decline – that was much better.” They failed then, and they are failing now, and when the Silicon Valley suckers funding these turncoat losers wise up and turn off the cash spigot, no one will listen to them at all.
It’s funny – you look at a toad like Bill Kristol and you wonder what bothers him most – the fact that a bunch of conservatives despise him, or the fact that most modern conservatives couldn’t pick him out of a line-up with LTC Bratwurst, Ana Navarro, and Brian Stelter, who is a potato.
You need to understand who these guys are. They are unaccomplished footnote people, whether it’s “Is a hot dog a sandwich or a taco?” dilemma pundit Jonah Goldberg (whose been coasting off his one good book for years), or drag queen story time advocate David French – whose name we once could have made fun of by citing the Gallic stereotype of military ineptness, except it turns out the frogs are courageously going out into Kabul to sweep up their citizens while the demented muppet the Ahoy Crew voted for has ordered our American forces to sit tight.
They are co-owners of this fiasco. They wanted Biden. It was imperative to saving the Republic, or something, we were solemnly informed. Those mean tweets, those damnable mean tweets – we needed the calming, soothing normality of a steady statesman and got a senile cone-licker-in-chief instead.
If these guys weren’t wrong, they’d be nothing.
One might ask why it is important to devote the time to mocking these fudds when they are so manifestly inconsequential. It’s human nature – everyone hates a traitor, but more importantly, treachery should be punished. They should be shamed for their prissy perfidy. And there is a practical reason. There are some among our party who secretly yearn to return to the good-old days of sensible, measured GOP decline, like under Bush. Those simps need to know the fate that awaits Benedict Arnolds. Contempt for the Cruise Ship Cons provides a cautionary example. We want pols who support our America First agenda, but we’ll make do with pols who are too terrified of the base to oppose it. The fate of the Never Trumpers of Conservative, Inc., calumny and exile to the nether reaches of some panel with Don Lemon, must await all who would stab us in the back. Ahoy.

Maybe the disaster of the Bai Dung administration that is unfolding will finally lead to some clarity.
In the United States, we have a two-party system which means a Party system. You can vote for Ranger Jason Crow and think you're getting a moderate, but you aren't. You are getting Nancy Pelosi.
So, the question for Republicans in 2016 and 2020 was, do you think Hillary! or Bai Dung would be better Presidents than Trump? Any sentient conservative picks Trump.
The reason these Never-trumpers refused to pick Trump is ego. They thought they ran the Republican Party, but they were wrong. Like any political leader, you advocate for your base's cause, or they drop you.
Oh, yeah, Kristol et al. So, you chose out of ego and your boy has screwed everything up? Looks like you are useless to either party, now.
The Kristol Ship has long sailed off into the sunset and sunk like the Titanic.
Anyway, this guy is the most useless of useless commentators ever allowed on Fox News. Thankfully, Roger Ailes had a falling-out with him while he was still in charge of that network. Billy is now seen on CNN and occasionally on MSNBC.
As a kind gesture, I'd notify Bill that there's an iceberg dead ahead.
One cannot dispute was Trump's affection for the U.S. A guy to stand there and say's, "Hey maybe what these guys in D.C. have been doing for decades just isn't working and it's probably screwing you over". A guy who wasn't afraid to say U.S. Nationalism isn't a bad thing, because it isn't. Maybe he wasn't the best at articulating those ideas and surely we can have a discussion over his various statements and tweets, but that man knew how to throw a punch and cause anxiety amongst those who revile him. To me it wasn't about "owning" the left, it is about fighting back and being proud of who we are as Americans. Trump symbolized that yearning for the GOP to take its balls out of the Democrat's purse and stand up for itself.

The Shame of the Never Trumpers

25 Aug 2-21 ~~ By Kurt Schlichter
This is on them, those brave and bold MSNBCNN warriors who sold out the conservatives who once took their cruises until Trump exposed the grift; these True Conservatives™ then proceeded to help elect Grandpa Badfinger pseudo-president. Well, at least they are consistent – when they were nominally conservative, the GOP squishes they backed led us to disaster, and the Dem libs they back now are doing the same.
The Conservative, Inc., crew are the smart guys. The moral guys. The experts of expertise. Just ask them. The Never Trumpers are the adults in the room, even if adults aren’t the North American Man-Boy Lincoln Project’s usual target demo.
This Afghanistan disaster, this utter abomination that will lead to tens of thousands of deaths of foreigners who trusted America, the humiliation of our country – country first, right guys? – and a possible hostage crisis to boot that will require us to thaw out and redeploy Ted Koppel, is on them.
But it’s not completely on them. Let’s face it, they don’t have that much influence anymore. Their purpose is solely to pretend that there is a conservative constituency for leftism. No one points to these doofuses and says, “Yeah, let’s harken back to the glory days when these geniuses were managing America’s decline – that was much better.” They failed then, and they are failing now, and when the Silicon Valley suckers funding these turncoat losers wise up and turn off the cash spigot, no one will listen to them at all.
It’s funny – you look at a toad like Bill Kristol and you wonder what bothers him most – the fact that a bunch of conservatives despise him, or the fact that most modern conservatives couldn’t pick him out of a line-up with LTC Bratwurst, Ana Navarro, and Brian Stelter, who is a potato.
You need to understand who these guys are. They are unaccomplished footnote people, whether it’s “Is a hot dog a sandwich or a taco?” dilemma pundit Jonah Goldberg (whose been coasting off his one good book for years), or drag queen story time advocate David French – whose name we once could have made fun of by citing the Gallic stereotype of military ineptness, except it turns out the frogs are courageously going out into Kabul to sweep up their citizens while the demented muppet the Ahoy Crew voted for has ordered our American forces to sit tight.
They are co-owners of this fiasco. They wanted Biden. It was imperative to saving the Republic, or something, we were solemnly informed. Those mean tweets, those damnable mean tweets – we needed the calming, soothing normality of a steady statesman and got a senile cone-licker-in-chief instead.
If these guys weren’t wrong, they’d be nothing.
One might ask why it is important to devote the time to mocking these fudds when they are so manifestly inconsequential. It’s human nature – everyone hates a traitor, but more importantly, treachery should be punished. They should be shamed for their prissy perfidy. And there is a practical reason. There are some among our party who secretly yearn to return to the good-old days of sensible, measured GOP decline, like under Bush. Those simps need to know the fate that awaits Benedict Arnolds. Contempt for the Cruise Ship Cons provides a cautionary example. We want pols who support our America First agenda, but we’ll make do with pols who are too terrified of the base to oppose it. The fate of the Never Trumpers of Conservative, Inc., calumny and exile to the nether reaches of some panel with Don Lemon, must await all who would stab us in the back. Ahoy.

Maybe the disaster of the Bai Dung administration that is unfolding will finally lead to some clarity.
In the United States, we have a two-party system which means a Party system. You can vote for Ranger Jason Crow and think you're getting a moderate, but you aren't. You are getting Nanzy Pelosi.
So, the question for Republicans in 2016 and 2020 was, do you think Hillary! or Bai Dung would be better Presidents than Trump? Any sentient conservative picks Trump.
The reason these Never-trumpers refused to pick Trump is ego. They thought they ran the Republican Party, but they were wrong. Like any political leader, you advocate for your base's cause, or they drop you.
Oh, yeah, Kristol et al. So, you chose out of ego and your boy has screwed everything up? Looks like you are useless to either party, now.
The Kristol Ship has long sailed off into the sunset and sunk like the Titanic.
Anyway, this guy is the most useless of useless commentators ever allowed on Fox News. Thankfully, Roger Ailes had a falling-out with him while he was still in charge of that network. Billy is now seen on CNN and occasionally on MSNBC.
As a kind gesture, I'd notify Bill that there's an iceberg dead ahead.
One cannot dispute was Trump's affection for the U.S. A guy to stand there and say's, "Hey maybe what these guys in D.C. have been doing for decades just isn't working and it's probably screwing you over". A guy who wasn't afraid to say U.S. Nationalism isn't a bad thing, because it isn't. Maybe he wasn't the best at articulating those ideas and surely we can have a discussion over his various statements and tweets, but that man knew how to throw a punch and cause anxiety amongst those who revile him. To me it wasn't about "owning" the left, it is about fighting back and being proud of who we are as Americans. Trump symbolized that yearning for the GOP to take its balls out of the Democrat's purse and stand up for itself.

No, the reason these never Trumpers rail against Trump is because they don't want to see an opportunistic, corrupt grifter co-opt their ideology for his selfish, personal interests. Trump wouldn't know a conservative policy if it ran up and stole his nightly Quarter Pounder with Cheese. He's a constant media whore. He knows what sells and how to manipulate the willing sheep. The man is a marketing and revenue raising genius. I'll give him that. He knows who the saps are.

That being said, I have been trying for six years to decode the mystery of the Trump supporter. Trying to find out why they supported this man. I've had my suspicions, but your last paragraph comes as close as I've seen. You liked a guy who was your kindred spirit. A man who grew up with the same type of Silent Generation/Baby Boomer parents passing down generations of bigotry and bile. That's why you use phrases like "fighting back" and why you resort to silly fifth grade playground insults referring to the names of Democrats whom you don't like. Finally, this man came along and made it OK for you to voice all of your bigotry and grievances out loud with no repercussions.

So this is what "conservatives" like you have come down to? waging war against immigrants (shithole countries), denigrating people of color (too many examples on these boards to list), vilifying scientists, doctors, and public health officials because they espouse viewpoints that you believe impinge on your personal freedoms, diving into the realm of belief in fanciful conspiracy theories..just because the man you thought was going to return your country to you....lost an election..because he was a lousy President.

He was like you. And ultimately, THAT'S why you liked and supported him.

The Shame of the Never Trumpers

25 Aug 2-21 ~~ By Kurt Schlichter
This is on them, those brave and bold MSNBCNN warriors who sold out the conservatives who once took their cruises until Trump exposed the grift; these True Conservatives™ then proceeded to help elect Grandpa Badfinger pseudo-president. Well, at least they are consistent – when they were nominally conservative, the GOP squishes they backed led us to disaster, and the Dem libs they back now are doing the same.
The Conservative, Inc., crew are the smart guys. The moral guys. The experts of expertise. Just ask them. The Never Trumpers are the adults in the room, even if adults aren’t the North American Man-Boy Lincoln Project’s usual target demo.
This Afghanistan disaster, this utter abomination that will lead to tens of thousands of deaths of foreigners who trusted America, the humiliation of our country – country first, right guys? – and a possible hostage crisis to boot that will require us to thaw out and redeploy Ted Koppel, is on them.
But it’s not completely on them. Let’s face it, they don’t have that much influence anymore. Their purpose is solely to pretend that there is a conservative constituency for leftism. No one points to these doofuses and says, “Yeah, let’s harken back to the glory days when these geniuses were managing America’s decline – that was much better.” They failed then, and they are failing now, and when the Silicon Valley suckers funding these turncoat losers wise up and turn off the cash spigot, no one will listen to them at all.
It’s funny – you look at a toad like Bill Kristol and you wonder what bothers him most – the fact that a bunch of conservatives despise him, or the fact that most modern conservatives couldn’t pick him out of a line-up with LTC Bratwurst, Ana Navarro, and Brian Stelter, who is a potato.
You need to understand who these guys are. They are unaccomplished footnote people, whether it’s “Is a hot dog a sandwich or a taco?” dilemma pundit Jonah Goldberg (whose been coasting off his one good book for years), or drag queen story time advocate David French – whose name we once could have made fun of by citing the Gallic stereotype of military ineptness, except it turns out the frogs are courageously going out into Kabul to sweep up their citizens while the demented muppet the Ahoy Crew voted for has ordered our American forces to sit tight.
They are co-owners of this fiasco. They wanted Biden. It was imperative to saving the Republic, or something, we were solemnly informed. Those mean tweets, those damnable mean tweets – we needed the calming, soothing normality of a steady statesman and got a senile cone-licker-in-chief instead.
If these guys weren’t wrong, they’d be nothing.
One might ask why it is important to devote the time to mocking these fudds when they are so manifestly inconsequential. It’s human nature – everyone hates a traitor, but more importantly, treachery should be punished. They should be shamed for their prissy perfidy. And there is a practical reason. There are some among our party who secretly yearn to return to the good-old days of sensible, measured GOP decline, like under Bush. Those simps need to know the fate that awaits Benedict Arnolds. Contempt for the Cruise Ship Cons provides a cautionary example. We want pols who support our America First agenda, but we’ll make do with pols who are too terrified of the base to oppose it. The fate of the Never Trumpers of Conservative, Inc., calumny and exile to the nether reaches of some panel with Don Lemon, must await all who would stab us in the back. Ahoy.

Maybe the disaster of the Bai Dung administration that is unfolding will finally lead to some clarity.
In the United States, we have a two-party system which means a Party system. You can vote for Ranger Jason Crow and think you're getting a moderate, but you aren't. You are getting Nanzy Pelosi.
So, the question for Republicans in 2016 and 2020 was, do you think Hillary! or Bai Dung would be better Presidents than Trump? Any sentient conservative picks Trump.
The reason these Never-trumpers refused to pick Trump is ego. They thought they ran the Republican Party, but they were wrong. Like any political leader, you advocate for your base's cause, or they drop you.
Oh, yeah, Kristol et al. So, you chose out of ego and your boy has screwed everything up? Looks like you are useless to either party, now.
The Kristol Ship has long sailed off into the sunset and sunk like the Titanic.
Anyway, this guy is the most useless of useless commentators ever allowed on Fox News. Thankfully, Roger Ailes had a falling-out with him while he was still in charge of that network. Billy is now seen on CNN and occasionally on MSNBC.
As a kind gesture, I'd notify Bill that there's an iceberg dead ahead.
One cannot dispute was Trump's affection for the U.S. A guy to stand there and say's, "Hey maybe what these guys in D.C. have been doing for decades just isn't working and it's probably screwing you over". A guy who wasn't afraid to say U.S. Nationalism isn't a bad thing, because it isn't. Maybe he wasn't the best at articulating those ideas and surely we can have a discussion over his various statements and tweets, but that man knew how to throw a punch and cause anxiety amongst those who revile him. To me it wasn't about "owning" the left, it is about fighting back and being proud of who we are as Americans. Trump symbolized that yearning for the GOP to take its balls out of the Democrat's purse and stand up for itself.
Trump was not only bad at articulating ideas, he was bad at following through. Whatever happened with the plan to replace the ACA that would be “so easy”, since he was such a “great negotiator”?
Kurt is a hell of an author. I have quite a few of his Red/Blue books. Good reading for anyone who is interested.

The Shame of the Never Trumpers

25 Aug 2-21 ~~ By Kurt Schlichter
This is on them, those brave and bold MSNBCNN warriors who sold out the conservatives who once took their cruises until Trump exposed the grift; these True Conservatives™ then proceeded to help elect Grandpa Badfinger pseudo-president. Well, at least they are consistent – when they were nominally conservative, the GOP squishes they backed led us to disaster, and the Dem libs they back now are doing the same.
The Conservative, Inc., crew are the smart guys. The moral guys. The experts of expertise. Just ask them. The Never Trumpers are the adults in the room, even if adults aren’t the North American Man-Boy Lincoln Project’s usual target demo.
This Afghanistan disaster, this utter abomination that will lead to tens of thousands of deaths of foreigners who trusted America, the humiliation of our country – country first, right guys? – and a possible hostage crisis to boot that will require us to thaw out and redeploy Ted Koppel, is on them.
But it’s not completely on them. Let’s face it, they don’t have that much influence anymore. Their purpose is solely to pretend that there is a conservative constituency for leftism. No one points to these doofuses and says, “Yeah, let’s harken back to the glory days when these geniuses were managing America’s decline – that was much better.” They failed then, and they are failing now, and when the Silicon Valley suckers funding these turncoat losers wise up and turn off the cash spigot, no one will listen to them at all.
It’s funny – you look at a toad like Bill Kristol and you wonder what bothers him most – the fact that a bunch of conservatives despise him, or the fact that most modern conservatives couldn’t pick him out of a line-up with LTC Bratwurst, Ana Navarro, and Brian Stelter, who is a potato.
You need to understand who these guys are. They are unaccomplished footnote people, whether it’s “Is a hot dog a sandwich or a taco?” dilemma pundit Jonah Goldberg (whose been coasting off his one good book for years), or drag queen story time advocate David French – whose name we once could have made fun of by citing the Gallic stereotype of military ineptness, except it turns out the frogs are courageously going out into Kabul to sweep up their citizens while the demented muppet the Ahoy Crew voted for has ordered our American forces to sit tight.
They are co-owners of this fiasco. They wanted Biden. It was imperative to saving the Republic, or something, we were solemnly informed. Those mean tweets, those damnable mean tweets – we needed the calming, soothing normality of a steady statesman and got a senile cone-licker-in-chief instead.
If these guys weren’t wrong, they’d be nothing.
One might ask why it is important to devote the time to mocking these fudds when they are so manifestly inconsequential. It’s human nature – everyone hates a traitor, but more importantly, treachery should be punished. They should be shamed for their prissy perfidy. And there is a practical reason. There are some among our party who secretly yearn to return to the good-old days of sensible, measured GOP decline, like under Bush. Those simps need to know the fate that awaits Benedict Arnolds. Contempt for the Cruise Ship Cons provides a cautionary example. We want pols who support our America First agenda, but we’ll make do with pols who are too terrified of the base to oppose it. The fate of the Never Trumpers of Conservative, Inc., calumny and exile to the nether reaches of some panel with Don Lemon, must await all who would stab us in the back. Ahoy.

Maybe the disaster of the Bai Dung administration that is unfolding will finally lead to some clarity.
In the United States, we have a two-party system which means a Party system. You can vote for Ranger Jason Crow and think you're getting a moderate, but you aren't. You are getting Nanzy Pelosi.
So, the question for Republicans in 2016 and 2020 was, do you think Hillary! or Bai Dung would be better Presidents than Trump? Any sentient conservative picks Trump.
The reason these Never-trumpers refused to pick Trump is ego. They thought they ran the Republican Party, but they were wrong. Like any political leader, you advocate for your base's cause, or they drop you.
Oh, yeah, Kristol et al. So, you chose out of ego and your boy has screwed everything up? Looks like you are useless to either party, now.
The Kristol Ship has long sailed off into the sunset and sunk like the Titanic.
Anyway, this guy is the most useless of useless commentators ever allowed on Fox News. Thankfully, Roger Ailes had a falling-out with him while he was still in charge of that network. Billy is now seen on CNN and occasionally on MSNBC.
As a kind gesture, I'd notify Bill that there's an iceberg dead ahead.
One cannot dispute was Trump's affection for the U.S. A guy to stand there and say's, "Hey maybe what these guys in D.C. have been doing for decades just isn't working and it's probably screwing you over". A guy who wasn't afraid to say U.S. Nationalism isn't a bad thing, because it isn't. Maybe he wasn't the best at articulating those ideas and surely we can have a discussion over his various statements and tweets, but that man knew how to throw a punch and cause anxiety amongst those who revile him. To me it wasn't about "owning" the left, it is about fighting back and being proud of who we are as Americans. Trump symbolized that yearning for the GOP to take its balls out of the Democrat's purse and stand up for itself.
Now I hope every Biden supporter stranded there becomes an Islamic sex slave or worse

The non Biden supporters we must get out. They are vital to our country. The rest a needed carbon reduction
Trump was not only bad at articulating ideas, he was bad at following through. Whatever happened with the plan to replace the ACA that would be “so easy”, since he was such a “great negotiator”?
Or the "I alone can fix it". The problem was, he never had the slightest clue of what actual policy was. He just knew what sold to his fawning masses. "Repeal and Replace"...then "Repeal and Think About It"..finally, just "Repeal"..with no plan in place to replace.

He was never interested in the job. Just the adoration and adulation that came along with it.
It was his four year reality TV show..paid for by the American taxpayer.
Trump was not only bad at articulating ideas, he was bad at following through. Whatever happened with the plan to replace the ACA that would be “so easy”, since he was such a “great negotiator”?
You had to vote him in to find out and seeing China with Hugo Chavez Ghost along with us at Albino Space Alien Chimp Central stole the election you will be denied the glorious Healthcare replacement Donald “ The Marvelous “ Trump had in his shirt pocket…

Anyhoo, my dislike for Trump was way before he ran for President, so I was a never Trumper before the word was created!

The Shame of the Never Trumpers

25 Aug 2-21 ~~ By Kurt Schlichter
This is on them, those brave and bold MSNBCNN warriors who sold out the conservatives who once took their cruises until Trump exposed the grift; these True Conservatives™ then proceeded to help elect Grandpa Badfinger pseudo-president. Well, at least they are consistent – when they were nominally conservative, the GOP squishes they backed led us to disaster, and the Dem libs they back now are doing the same.
The Conservative, Inc., crew are the smart guys. The moral guys. The experts of expertise. Just ask them. The Never Trumpers are the adults in the room, even if adults aren’t the North American Man-Boy Lincoln Project’s usual target demo.
This Afghanistan disaster, this utter abomination that will lead to tens of thousands of deaths of foreigners who trusted America, the humiliation of our country – country first, right guys? – and a possible hostage crisis to boot that will require us to thaw out and redeploy Ted Koppel, is on them.
But it’s not completely on them. Let’s face it, they don’t have that much influence anymore. Their purpose is solely to pretend that there is a conservative constituency for leftism. No one points to these doofuses and says, “Yeah, let’s harken back to the glory days when these geniuses were managing America’s decline – that was much better.” They failed then, and they are failing now, and when the Silicon Valley suckers funding these turncoat losers wise up and turn off the cash spigot, no one will listen to them at all.
It’s funny – you look at a toad like Bill Kristol and you wonder what bothers him most – the fact that a bunch of conservatives despise him, or the fact that most modern conservatives couldn’t pick him out of a line-up with LTC Bratwurst, Ana Navarro, and Brian Stelter, who is a potato.
You need to understand who these guys are. They are unaccomplished footnote people, whether it’s “Is a hot dog a sandwich or a taco?” dilemma pundit Jonah Goldberg (whose been coasting off his one good book for years), or drag queen story time advocate David French – whose name we once could have made fun of by citing the Gallic stereotype of military ineptness, except it turns out the frogs are courageously going out into Kabul to sweep up their citizens while the demented muppet the Ahoy Crew voted for has ordered our American forces to sit tight.
They are co-owners of this fiasco. They wanted Biden. It was imperative to saving the Republic, or something, we were solemnly informed. Those mean tweets, those damnable mean tweets – we needed the calming, soothing normality of a steady statesman and got a senile cone-licker-in-chief instead.
If these guys weren’t wrong, they’d be nothing.
One might ask why it is important to devote the time to mocking these fudds when they are so manifestly inconsequential. It’s human nature – everyone hates a traitor, but more importantly, treachery should be punished. They should be shamed for their prissy perfidy. And there is a practical reason. There are some among our party who secretly yearn to return to the good-old days of sensible, measured GOP decline, like under Bush. Those simps need to know the fate that awaits Benedict Arnolds. Contempt for the Cruise Ship Cons provides a cautionary example. We want pols who support our America First agenda, but we’ll make do with pols who are too terrified of the base to oppose it. The fate of the Never Trumpers of Conservative, Inc., calumny and exile to the nether reaches of some panel with Don Lemon, must await all who would stab us in the back. Ahoy.

Maybe the disaster of the Bai Dung administration that is unfolding will finally lead to some clarity.
In the United States, we have a two-party system which means a Party system. You can vote for Ranger Jason Crow and think you're getting a moderate, but you aren't. You are getting Nanzy Pelosi.
So, the question for Republicans in 2016 and 2020 was, do you think Hillary! or Bai Dung would be better Presidents than Trump? Any sentient conservative picks Trump.
The reason these Never-trumpers refused to pick Trump is ego. They thought they ran the Republican Party, but they were wrong. Like any political leader, you advocate for your base's cause, or they drop you.
Oh, yeah, Kristol et al. So, you chose out of ego and your boy has screwed everything up? Looks like you are useless to either party, now.
The Kristol Ship has long sailed off into the sunset and sunk like the Titanic.
Anyway, this guy is the most useless of useless commentators ever allowed on Fox News. Thankfully, Roger Ailes had a falling-out with him while he was still in charge of that network. Billy is now seen on CNN and occasionally on MSNBC.
As a kind gesture, I'd notify Bill that there's an iceberg dead ahead.
One cannot dispute was Trump's affection for the U.S. A guy to stand there and say's, "Hey maybe what these guys in D.C. have been doing for decades just isn't working and it's probably screwing you over". A guy who wasn't afraid to say U.S. Nationalism isn't a bad thing, because it isn't. Maybe he wasn't the best at articulating those ideas and surely we can have a discussion over his various statements and tweets, but that man knew how to throw a punch and cause anxiety amongst those who revile him. To me it wasn't about "owning" the left, it is about fighting back and being proud of who we are as Americans. Trump symbolized that yearning for the GOP to take its balls out of the Democrat's purse and stand up for itself.
Anyone who needs Trump to show their love for America has more problems that can be solved here.

Seek help.
Now I hope every Biden supporter stranded there becomes an Islamic sex slave or worse

The non Biden supporters we must get out. They are vital to our country. The rest a needed carbon reduction
You mean a sex slave for the Taliban who Trump praised a few days ago as "great fighters"?

If ISIS & El Queida praised Trump he'd be ranting about how "nice" they were to him.

There's your boy. A slithering, narcissistic self serving lowlife praising the Taliban just like he did with Putin & Kim Jong Un who played him for the fucktwit that he is.
You mean a sex slave for the Taliban who Trump praised a few days ago as "great fighters"?

If ISIS & El Queida praised Trump he'd be ranting about how "nice" they were to him.

There's your boy. A slithering, narcissistic self serving lowlife praising the Taliban just like he did with Putin & Kim Jong Un who played him for the fucktwit that he is.
They are great fighters, they kicked our fucking ass you dick sucker. God how fucking stupid you alarm clock pushers are

Again. if one is a Biden supporter stuck in that shit hole, I hope you have a long life as an Afghan.

The tragedy is the people stuck there because of your murdering vote you pathetic thimble dicked gender confused idiot
I wonder how long it will take Mika to throw Xiden under the bus? Never-Trumper Joe finally grew a brain.
“The president can say that he planned for every contingency, but he knows that’s not true, the White House knows that’s not true and the American people know that’s not true,” fumed the “Morning Joe” host of Biden’s decision to pull U.S. troops from the country.

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