the "seating" scam


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Democrats created a fake issue where freshmen (majority) republicans in Congress would have to sit next to democrats during the "state of the union" address or face liberal media outrage. The issue didn't resonate with Americans but you have to give democrats credit for trying.
The applause was subdued, and the humor lines failed to get but a few laughers ,with Obama's smile signaling the punch lines.

I personally thought that had the audience done the standard bobbing up and down that it would've constituted an insult to the American people.

Peggy Noonan:
"Response in the chamber was so muted as to be almost Xanax-like. Did you see how bored and unengaged they looked? The applause was merely courteous. A senator called the mood on the floor "flat." This is the first time the press embargo on the speech was broken, by National Journal, which printed the text more than an hour before the president delivered it. Maybe members had already read it and knew what they were about to face."

An Unserious Speech Misses the Mark -

I'm sorry, what are you complaining about? You do realize that if we force republicans to sit next to democrats, it ALSO means we are forcing democrats to sit next to republicans, right? You realize it goes both ways? Honestly, what's your point?
I'm sorry, what are you complaining about? You do realize that if we force republicans to sit next to democrats, it ALSO means we are forcing democrats to sit next to republicans, right? You realize it goes both ways? Honestly, what's your point?

I beg your pardon. What's your issue? I spoke plainly.
I don't think anyone was contaminated with cooties by sitting next to a member of the opposite party.

I do believe that it did not work out as planned. The Dems expected their president to give an inspiring oration of historical significance, and it was flat. They were saved by the date night from over exhuberance in a partisan display, I presume by the calming effect of sitting next to the Republicans.

It was expected that the Republicans would look like dour lackluster sore losers, by comparison, but it just didn't work out that way.

I believer the Senator to the far left in the image I posted is Mark Udall, the man with the "date night" idea.

I would like to see it done this way from now on.

That's my point.
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I think you're reading into things too much. They behaved as mature adults for the first time in a long time, instead of raving/booing high school cheerleaders.
It seems as if everything the democrat does these days is a scam, that hcr bill was a giant scam from start to finish. so no, they don't surprise me a bit.

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