The 'Science' of Epidemiology???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I mean, really......was there anything.....ANYTHING.....those doctors, scientists, elected officials got right????


Remember this?
"Pool party at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri draws a packed crowd
The gathering violates social distancing measures intended to limit the spread of COVID-19. As part of Missouri's reopening plan announced earlier this month, state officials said restaurants may offer dining-in services but must adhere to social distancing and other precautionary public health measures.
"When we walked up my first words were 'oh my gosh' it was intense for sure!! Social distancing was nonexistent. However everyone was enjoying themselves. It was a very carefree environment but security was heavy!!" she wrote to CNN."


Oh, nozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!

CNN was beside itself with shock....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The gathering violates social distancing measures intended to limit the spread of Covid-19. As part of Missouri's reopening plan announced earlier this month, state officials said restaurants may offer dining-in services but must adhere to social distancing and other precautionary public health measures. "

That was then......this is now:
"No new coronavirus cases reported in Lake of the Ozarks partiers, health official says
There have been no new cases of the novel coronavirus among the hundreds who flouted social distancing guidelines and attended pool parties at Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks over Memorial Day weekend, a state health official said this week."

There was the Collusion Hoax

... the Russia Hoax....

....the White Privilege Hoax....

...the Ukraine Hoax....

....the Charlottesville Hoax....

...the General Flynn Hoax.....

and the Wuhan Hoax........

Epidemiologists cannot be trusted. All that experience and education means nothing.

Why listen to an Epidemiologist when you can listen to someone who says

Vaccines cause autism
Windmills cause cancer
Exercise uses up your energy
We need to study injecting disinfectants to fight COVID 19
"The Lancet retracts large study on hydroxychloroquine
"A first-year statistics major could tell you about major flaws in the design of the analysis," one expert said.

The medical journal The Lancet on Thursday retracted a large study on the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 because of potential flaws in the research data. The study, published two weeks ago, found no benefit to the drug — and suggested its use may even increase the risk of death. "

Remember how valuable the story was when the local arm of the international Left, the Democrat Party, could use it as a weapons against Trump, who brought up the drug?????
I mean, really......was there anything.....ANYTHING.....those doctors, scientists, elected officials got right????


Remember this?
"Pool party at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri draws a packed crowd
The gathering violates social distancing measures intended to limit the spread of COVID-19. As part of Missouri's reopening plan announced earlier this month, state officials said restaurants may offer dining-in services but must adhere to social distancing and other precautionary public health measures.
"When we walked up my first words were 'oh my gosh' it was intense for sure!! Social distancing was nonexistent. However everyone was enjoying themselves. It was a very carefree environment but security was heavy!!" she wrote to CNN."

View attachment 346190

Oh, nozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!

CNN was beside itself with shock....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The gathering violates social distancing measures intended to limit the spread of Covid-19. As part of Missouri's reopening plan announced earlier this month, state officials said restaurants may offer dining-in services but must adhere to social distancing and other precautionary public health measures. "

That was then......this is now:
"No new coronavirus cases reported in Lake of the Ozarks partiers, health official says
There have been no new cases of the novel coronavirus among the hundreds who flouted social distancing guidelines and attended pool parties at Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks over Memorial Day weekend, a state health official said this week."

There was the Collusion Hoax

... the Russia Hoax....

....the White Privilege Hoax....

...the Ukraine Hoax....

....the Charlottesville Hoax....

...the General Flynn Hoax.....

and the Wuhan Hoax........

View attachment 346200

Democrats and their Hegelian masters have set our great nation ablaze with lies, with false narrative after false narrative they have led millions upon millions of Americans closer to the cliff's edge of extinction. The new world epoch the democrats seek to unleash upon all our heads is one of mass chaos, disorder, raping and looting and fires burning the size of Texas from coast to coast. We're in the early phases I fear of great conflagration unmatched anywhere before in the annals of human history. We're speeding down the road to oblivion. Someone should remind the democrats that they cannot take their power and wealth with them to hell.
I mean, really......was there anything.....ANYTHING.....those doctors, scientists, elected officials got right????


Remember this?
"Pool party at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri draws a packed crowd
The gathering violates social distancing measures intended to limit the spread of COVID-19. As part of Missouri's reopening plan announced earlier this month, state officials said restaurants may offer dining-in services but must adhere to social distancing and other precautionary public health measures.
"When we walked up my first words were 'oh my gosh' it was intense for sure!! Social distancing was nonexistent. However everyone was enjoying themselves. It was a very carefree environment but security was heavy!!" she wrote to CNN."

View attachment 346190

Oh, nozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!

CNN was beside itself with shock....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The gathering violates social distancing measures intended to limit the spread of Covid-19. As part of Missouri's reopening plan announced earlier this month, state officials said restaurants may offer dining-in services but must adhere to social distancing and other precautionary public health measures. "

That was then......this is now:
"No new coronavirus cases reported in Lake of the Ozarks partiers, health official says
There have been no new cases of the novel coronavirus among the hundreds who flouted social distancing guidelines and attended pool parties at Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks over Memorial Day weekend, a state health official said this week."

There was the Collusion Hoax

... the Russia Hoax....

....the White Privilege Hoax....

...the Ukraine Hoax....

....the Charlottesville Hoax....

...the General Flynn Hoax.....

and the Wuhan Hoax........

View attachment 346200

Democrats and their Hegelian masters have set our great nation ablaze with lies, with false narrative after false narrative they have led millions upon millions of Americans closer to the cliff's edge of extinction. The new world epoch the democrats seek to unleash upon all our heads is one of mass chaos, disorder, raping and looting and fires burning the size of Texas from coast to coast. We're in the early phases I fear of great conflagration unmatched anywhere before in the annals of human history. We're speeding down the road to oblivion. Someone should remind the democrats that they cannot take their power and wealth with them to hell.

Nighty, they just don't care.

They are nihilists, and are willing to destroy the nation, even if they go down with it.

"A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, both would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog then agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion points out that this is its nature."

--Fable of the Scorpion and the Frog


The Scorpion and the Frog is an animal fable which teaches that vicious people often cannot resist hurting others even when it is not in their interests. This fable seems to have emerged in Russia in the early 20th century, although it was likely inspired by more ancient fables.
Here is CNN's braintrust scolding the sheriff for not arresting those bad Americans who ignored their political masters.


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