The same liberals who laughed at Trump cause they thought he was lying about building a wall.....

Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

While you've been watching Comrade Trumps new EXECUTIVE ORDER reality T.V. show. The reality really is that a WALL has to go through CONGRESS first for approval. They are in charge of the MONEY.


Meaning if they don't want the wall, you won't get the wall. Sanctuary cities would also have to be defined in congress first, and charging them for the wall would also have to be approved by congress first. Ordering two states to investigate voter fraud would also have to go through congress, "if these two states refuse to pay for it themselves." I imagine they will, because they have election laws in their states, that specifically say, if there is no evidence of voter fraud they will not do a recount or investigation.

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.

I am certain that the Senate and Congress is getting very tired of Comrade Trump trying to usurp their constitutional authority to put on his Executive order T.V. reality show.

No one is saying anything except the butthurt left.
Trumpovitch must be forced to undergo an intense, thorough psychiatric examination. The stakes are too high with a potential psychopath at the helm of a ship heading at full speed towards a system of icebergs.

You definitely should show him how it's done by having yourself evaluated first.
For the kind of job I had I was ,,,,,and it wasn't as important as President of the USA
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

While you've been watching Comrade Trumps new EXECUTIVE ORDER reality T.V. show. The reality really is that a WALL has to go through CONGRESS first for approval. They are in charge of the MONEY.


Meaning if they don't want the wall, you won't get the wall. Sanctuary cities would also have to be defined in congress first, and charging them for the wall would also have to be approved by congress first. Ordering two states to investigate voter fraud would also have to go through congress, "if these two states refuse to pay for it themselves." I imagine they will, because they have election laws in their states, that specifically say, if there is no evidence of voter fraud they will not do a recount or investigation.

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.

I am certain that the Senate and Congress is getting very tired of Comrade Trump trying to usurp their constitutional authority to put on his Executive order T.V. reality show.

No one is saying anything except the butthurt left.
Trumpovitch must be forced to undergo an intense, thorough psychiatric examination. The stakes are too high with a potential psychopath at the helm of a ship heading at full speed towards a system of icebergs.

You definitely should show him how it's done by having yourself evaluated first.

You might want to take a CIVICS 101 class to teach you how this government works, who can do what, and who can't.

Comrade Trump is not KING. We don't elect KINGS in this country. There is such a thing as the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, that have CONSTITUTIONAL authority over certain things--such as the MONEY. They will decide what the MONEY will be spent on, and where the MONEY will be spent.


Next he'll sign an executive order for a pony for Ivanka. This is basically what he is doing to send a "tingley feeling" up the legs of his supporters.

LOL YEAH who cares that no terrorists came from countries your dipstick banned Just no banning of countries where the chump has interests Of course to great patriots lol lol like you repubs that doesn't mean anything


No terrorists come from those countries? You are the guy sitting on the park bench drooling, aren't you?
no only from the countries NOT banned that have chumps interests there , conflict of interest?

Go back and review Muslim terror attacks in the US and you will find you are wrong that none of them were committed from the seven countries.

Also, your strategy to wait until the horse gets out of the barn to close it is as stupid as it sounds. How many people do you want to die from terror exporting countries before you deem it worth dealing with? And once they are here, it's pretty much too late to deal with them so a lot more attacks are going to happen
First off,from what I've read in numerous places is they came thru some of those countries but none were citizens of them and 2nd what about the saudis ??15-18 of their citizens were involved in 9/11 Why don't they head the list ?? Or does trump have interests there??

He does indeed. And in Egypt and the UAE, two more home countries of those terrorists. In the forty years 1975-2015 citizens of those countries killed over 2800 Americans on our turf. Meanwhile the total number of killings by citizens from the banned countries is .............. zero.

You don't actually know who picked the seven countries, do you? It was ... wait for it ... Obama. Read Trump's order, it doesn't name any countries.

So basically you're calling Obama a terrorist loving freak. You're right about that
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

Simply pandering is normal.

Why should we take the right wing seriously?

How many foreign countries are appreciating the, "Art of the Deal" so far.

do some Persons or nation-States believe, they are being dealt, from the "bottom of the deck".
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

While you've been watching Comrade Trumps new EXECUTIVE ORDER reality T.V. show. The reality really is that a WALL has to go through CONGRESS first for approval. They are in charge of the MONEY.


Meaning if they don't want the wall, you won't get the wall. Sanctuary cities would also have to be defined in congress first, and charging them for the wall would also have to be approved by congress first. Ordering two states to investigate voter fraud would also have to go through congress, "if these two states refuse to pay for it themselves." I imagine they will, because they have election laws in their states, that specifically say, if there is no evidence of voter fraud they will not do a recount or investigation.

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.

I am certain that the Senate and Congress is getting very tired of Comrade Trump trying to usurp their constitutional authority to put on his Executive order T.V. reality show.

No one is saying anything except the butthurt left.
Trumpovitch must be forced to undergo an intense, thorough psychiatric examination. The stakes are too high with a potential psychopath at the helm of a ship heading at full speed towards a system of icebergs.

You definitely should show him how it's done by having yourself evaluated first.

You might want to take a CIVICS 101 class to teach you how this government works, who can do what, and who can't.

Comrade Trump is not KING. We don't elect KINGS in this country. There is such a thing as the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, that have CONSTITUTIONAL authority over certain things--such as the MONEY. They will decide what the MONEY will be spent on, and where the MONEY will be spent.


Next he'll sign an executive order for a pony for Ivanka. This is basically what he is doing to send a "tingley feeling" up the legs of his supporters.


And you might want to take a remedial reading class. I never said any of that.
You might want to take a CIVICS 101 class to teach you how this government works, who can do what, and who can't.

Comrade Trump is not KING. We don't elect KINGS in this country. There is such a thing as the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, that have CONSTITUTIONAL authority over certain things--such as the MONEY. They will decide what the MONEY will be spent on, and where the MONEY will be spent.

What has Trump done that is not Constitutionally within his power? You don't know what executive orders are, do you? That's OK, Oreo Obama didn't know either

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