The Russian Facebook and Twitter Troll accounts and posts

Has any USMB Progressive gone on record with their "how Putin flipped their vote" tale?

Do you think that Russians should be trying to persuade Americans on which way to vote?

We're supposed to believe that you withstood Uncle Vlads mind control vote flip devise.


Well, I don't eat McDonalds, drink Coca-Cola or any of the other trash many Americans like because they've been advertised to hell.


So, in the US an average of 403 Coca-Cola's per person per year.

Now this doesn't include Pepsi or the other drinks.

Now, add on McDonalds and all the other crap where they spend a high amount of money on advertising and you see Americas are, like people everywhere, susceptible to advertising massively.

Politics is no different.

Why do you think they spend massive amounts of money. One senator who won a race in PA spent more money than the CDU political party in Germany, and they won the WHOLE election and their country has a LOT MORE PEOPLE.
Has any USMB Progressive gone on record with their "how Putin flipped their vote" tale?

Do you think that Russians should be trying to persuade Americans on which way to vote?

It is the people that run for President who Americans decide to vote for, outside persuasion does not change Americans vote.
If you think that, then they helped get Obama and Bush elected.
Facebook has about one billion using it worldwide. There are 7.5 billion in the world.
Americans vote on issues not political persuasion by others.
Millennial ages 15 to 34 use it the most. Most of them don't vote.
There are over 76 million baby boomers who don't use a lot of social media.
Do the math people.
Oh yeah, I forgot math is now racist. :)
Has that stupid thought influenced you?
Americans have more people that agree on issues, who are moderate, not the far left or far right.

Doesn't it? Are you such an expert on this and have the evidence to show this is the case?

Americans don't vote on issues, they vote on how they're told to vote, how they're manipulated to vote.

Come on.

Maybe the 20 year olds, who don't vote much in large numbers.
I am no expert but have seen most vote on issues.
What was Hillary's issues?
Many did not want she ran on in both of her presidential runs.

Okay, when I mean people don't vote on issues, what I mean is that the issues aren't the issues that are actually important, they're the issues that people tell them are important, issues that separate the two parties.

Really, if people actually used their brains, the issues at the elections would be very different.
Here they are!

The Facebook ones:

These Are the Ads Russia Bought on Facebook in 2016

The Twitter ones:

This space is a repository for content from the Russian Twitter account ‘Blacks 4 Blacks’.

IMO, it appears the goal was to play both ends against the middle. :dunno:

Maybe someone else can share a different perspective.
Entirely stupid of THE LEFT to make an issue of this, since, this was not even one group.
The adverstisements were for and AGAINST Donald Trump.

Facebook and Twitter KNOWINGLY accepted these advertisements, and THE MONEY, and it's NOT ILLEGAL to do so.

If it is an issue, then have CONGRESS pass a law that states American Social Media Companies cannot accept Advertisement Revenue from ANY FOREIGN NATION.

Mueller cannot even investigate this because NO LAWS WERE BROKEN.
Instead he is IGNORING The Uranium One and Fusion GPS Bribery and Money Laundering Schemes where ACTUAL COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA OCCURRED AND nearly $200 Million Dollars exchanged hands, as well as 20% of our strategic Uranium.

Oh and some kid named Papa who was a failure as an informant, the FBI said lied to them about the date of events when they occurred that he already admitted to and which were entirely LEGAL.

Mueller is a Marxist Mule, until he proves to me otherwise.

In what universe is only the left bothered by this? The Republicans in Congress have an issue with this, too. You might want to read up a bit before commenting again.

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