The Road to Auschwitz Ran Through American Genocide. Part III

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
Christian blessed hypocrisy and diabolical statistics

“In whatever direction you turn, nothing but sad wrecks of mortality meet the eye; lodges standing on every hill, but not a streak of smoke rising from them. Not a sound can be heard to break the awful stillness, save the ominous croak of ravens, and the mournful howl of wolves fettering on the human carcasses that lie strewed around. It seems as if the very genius of desolation has stalked through the prairies, and wreaked his vengeance on everything bearing the shape of humanity”.

(In H.R. Schoolcraft. Historical and Statistical Information Respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States).

They say that one cannot live in a cemetery. It is for the Departed ... But we are born, we live, we love, we give new life, we walk, we drive through one huge cemetery where the remains of the owners of this land rest… Those were our Christian ancestors, who turned the whole supercontinent into surreal cemetery. I will talk about them in the next two-three chapters.

Our supercontinent is cracking. Scientists predict that 3 to 5 percent of the population will survive as a result of a planetary catastrophe in the Americas.

Isn't this a retribution for the heinous crimes committed by our ancestors??? And why should we be responsible for their crimes?

Maybe because we continue to honor the memory of the bastards, who blessed, legally backed up, organized and carried out genocide?

Maybe because monuments were erected to them, cities, squares, streets and districts were named after them and we do not demand to damn the memory of them???

Should our children go through the horror which the children of the owners of this land went through ???


Between the late seventeenth and late eighteenth (this is for those who say that “it was all a very long time ago”, that “they have nothing to do with it” and “in general, all this is“ the machinations of atheists and anti-Semites»» century the number of Illinois Native Americans fell by about 96 percent; that is, for every one hundred Illinois Native Americans alive in 1680, only four were alive a century later. That massive instinction was the result of war, decease, and despair.


Kansa people of northern Kansas suffered almost the same level of devastation as the Illinois. The only difference – it took Kansa Native Americans a century and a half – from the early eighteenth century to the late nineteenth the Kansa population fall to 4 percent of the former size.

Oregon, Willamette Valley.

For every hundred Kalapuya Native Americans prior to Western contact, 25 – 30 remained alive in the late eighteenth century; five were left by the late 1830 and only one – at the close of the nineteenth century.

California, Baja.

60, 000 Baja Native Americans were alive at the end of the seventeenth century. By the end middle of the nineteenth century there were none

Further north, Tolowa people.

After fifty years of Western contact the Tolowa people’s population collapsed by … 92 percent.

North-Western Mexico.

In fifty years after Western contact two out of three Native Americans died out.

Western Arizona and Eastern New Mexico

In fifty years half of Zuni people and two thirds of the Acoma, 80 percent of Hopi people had been liquidated.


The Munsee tribe. Wiped out in thirty five years between 1680 and 1715.

New York

Huron nation. Two thirds were killed in less than a single decade


Kiowa people. 50 percent were killed just in two years.

Upper Missouri River

Mandan people. 90 percent were killed or died of genocide reasons within a year

Lower Mississippi and Arkansas River Valleys

The Quapaw people. Of population of 20,000 in 1682 by 1685 were reduced to 26599 percent destruction rate.


Alaska Natives were a little more fortunate due to the length of the territory, the remoteness of their habitats and the harsh climate. White invaders didn’t yet know about oil or it was enough of it in Texas, extermination of the Aleut and the others was not so fast, but detailed recent exploration shows the Native Americans were systematically exterminated there too.

In general, figures 98 and 99 percent do not show the real magnitude of the American genocide. Many entire tribes are not mentioned in a list of Native American population because they died out of the European “biological weapon of mass destruction” BEFORE the whites came to record their existence.

In 1828 the French biologist Jean Louis Berlandier travelled through Texas and noted that of fifty-two Indian nations recorded by the La Salle expedition a century and a half earlier only three or four nations remained. And we do not know how many tribes, peoples, nations were wiped out by swarms of violence and the “biological weapon of mass destruction” before the La Salle expedition…

They say that one may not live in a cemetery. But we are born, we live, we love, we give new life, we walk, we ride, not even suspecting that under our feet there is a huge mournful cemetery of the size of a supercontinent ...

We do not suspect, because the truth about the shameful, criminal past of our ancestors is hidden from us ... And the retribution that awaits us all ...



Curse of North American Natives
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The trouble with most Americans is that they laugh where they need to sob.It is hypocrisy to go to church, to listen to sermons about good and evil and not to recognize the evil committed in their history, including not in a so distant one...
Russians killed many millions people.

O, now we’ ll talk about Trump - "Putin’s agent." Well, you can’t lead a discussion THIS way!!
Homo sapiens is - the only animal that kills its those of his own kind .

In human history rivers of blood have been shed.

I do not understand, what has Russia to do with the AMERICAN genocide.
The Russians did not deceive their people regarding the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
They didn’t make provocations against North Vietnam. They did not barbeque within a few seconds, hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in a hell fire of nuclear weapons ...

No need to talk about others. It is necessary to cleanse YOUR country from the veneration of scoundrels and murderers!
Russians killed many millions people.

O, now we’ ll talk about Trump - "Putin’s agent." Well, you can’t lead a discussion THIS way!!
Homo sapiens is - the only animal that kills its those of his own kind .

In human history rivers of blood have been shed.

I do not understand, what has Russia to do with the AMERICAN genocide.
The Russians did not deceive their people regarding the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
They didn’t make provocations against North Vietnam. They did not barbeque within a few seconds, hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in a hell fire of nuclear weapons ...

No need to talk about others. It is necessary to cleanse YOUR country from the veneration of scoundrels and murderers!
So your premise is, "look here, don't look over there." Got it!

Good conversation, dude. :auiqs.jpg:
How does the 20th century Nazi plan to exterminate Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and presumably the American Indians from the face of the earth coincide with the Mt. Baker Snoqualmie Indians?
The trouble with most Americans is that they laugh where they need to sob.It is hypocrisy to go to church, to listen to sermons about good and evil and not to recognize the evil committed in their history, including not in a so distant one...

Who said we didn't recognize what we have done in the past

We just dont dwell on it or use it to push a moronic half assed totalitarian agenda
Russians killed many millions people.

Its cruelity how has happen.

Of history Egyptian has slaves.

And terrorists existing between 1972 and 2019.

Still Americans hate Europeans and Communists.

It is completely incomprehensible to me what you wanted to say.
Have you been to Europe where a jar of the best jam costs not 4 dollars 50 cents, but 99 cents?
Have you seen their cultural monuments?
Did you hear their music?
And what, did your pastor said, that Europeans and Communists are the same thing?

Will you not be so kind as to explain what "communism" is?


Is this a "communism"???

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