The Riots, I Predicted, Look Here:


Active Member
May 7, 2020
This Pilgrimage Story is important, because the ATX Festival, My name being Christopher, and New Orleans and March 23rd specifically:

Twas on the 32nd of the Sunth of Bridestide after Yuletide ( ABC/Psi/Fe,Ur,Thorn):

As I listened to Napoleon I by At the Drive In, I thought, does Austin have a Yellow Brick Road? Yes, Austin does have a Yellow Brick Road Shopping Center on Airport Blvd. After finding Austin's Yellow Brick Rd, searching today by the way, I thought, when should I go? Well today is Friday, the day of Freyja, and I'm Mother Nature's Son, so since I thought I should go after work tonight, P.M. Paul McCartney; the Knight of Godmother Nature, the night beIV Aegirsday.

I arrived at around 7:30, and saw Kung Fu and Tai Chi (which I want My children to be trained in), a Hookah Lounge, Chinese Palace, and Arpeggio. I opted to go to Chinese Palace, sat down at a table next to the television while the Miami Heat played the New Orleans Pelicans in New Orleans. There was a large picture of two tigers behind the table. I got two beers, Tsingtao. I explained to the server there, who had a Washington Nationals hat, that I was on a Pilgrimage due to the At the Drive In song, and since New Orleans was on tv, this was special, a magic moment.

I asked for the Bill, and the cost was $8.66. I tipped 2$ on the bill, as I paid with My card, a total of $10.66 and then $2 in cash. $4 tip. I wrote on the invoice about Article 3 of the Adams Onis Treaty, and the Napoleon song. Then I kept one of the Tsingtao bottles and came home, passing a blue genie and lamp, obviously based on Disney's Aladdin, on the way back.

I also kept the fortune cookie message I got, "Go above and beyond you duty. You will benefit from it."

Two weeks later, on the 1st Day of Freystide and Spring (I'll add an extra day to Freystide for the Leap Year, so this year 2 45 day Sunths, and 6 46 day Sunths. Elliptical orbit.) I practiced a very civilized civil disobedience to the closure orders:

I visited a friend, and We talked and discussed the current situation as he told Me he had to close his food operations and file for unemployment. We smoked the sacred herb of Great Communion, and I discussed turning around this commercial down turn with civil disobedience. I stated that I was going to go to the Iron Bear, which still has it's food operations open, and then request to eat there and have a beer, in defiance of the Governor's order.

We picked up another friend, who is also now unemployed, and went into downtown Austin. There were shops on 6th street boarded up as if a hurricane is coming, and I had a sense of impending disaster. As We found a parking place, a former coworker from Punch Bowl Social, Margot, came up to Us and talked about how the Brazilian restaurant was taking care of their employees and with $15/hour pay. I inquired inside for an application, and they stated they were not hiring at the moment.

My friend and I went for his check. As We walked along Austin's Walk of Fame, I thought... oooo... Wouldn't a Yellow Brick Road motif in Austin be cool, with Emerald colored solar paneled skyscapers? A yellow brick road from the Riverside trail up Congress Ave to the State Capitol? Yeah, you're not in Kansas anymore, I'm in Austin, Texas. And as I thought about tourism, I suggested that South by Southwest could be rescheduled and combined with the ATX Festival.

My friend went to pick up his check at a restaurant and I spoke to a manager about turning this around, and she agreed. I encouraged the bar tender to serve patrons if they asked.

After picking up the check, I asked if they wanted to join for the Iron Bear act. They woosed out, and I got dropped off at the Iron Bear. I entered and the employees were eating, and I asked them if I could join. They explained they were employees, and I told them I meant ordering food and eating there. I began to explain that I was unemployed and I worked at a restaurant and want to overturn the business closure decision. I was asked to leave... Shocked and terrified by the response and lack of courage, I walked around to see if Rain, Oilcan Harry's, and Seller's Underground were open. They weren't.

Where could I do this Civil Disobedience Act? I got on the 7 and went back to Austin's Yellow Brick Road Shopping Center. I entered the China Palace, asked if I could be seated, she responded that the restaurant portion was closed to customers at this time, and then I ordered the Triple Mongolian combo, which came with Chicken, Shrimp, Beef and Vegetables, Fried Rice, a Hot and Sour Soup, and a Spring Roll. I also ordered a Tsingtao. She opened the beer, and had Me sit at a table, serving a plate of wantons. I drank the beer, got the meal, and finished eating the food there. Twas delicious. And I thought about a Mongolian Balléteau, no, certainly not a taste one would expect in a burrito, and then I thought, yes, you must see past the burrito (little donkey) to see the Balléteau. When I left, I said, May TAO be with you.

The fortune cookie said... A sign of return to regularity. As is the Commonwealth Pearl I saw on the way back, as at the intersection of 45th and Duval, the Shell Gas station, the Australian flag was flying upside down. So I called the station and requested them to correct the Australian flag, Jack side up. Australians took to the beach in order to defy the social distancing and beach closures that same week.


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This Pilgrimage Story is important, because the ATX Festival, My name being Christopher, and New Orleans and March 23rd specifically:

Twas on the 32nd of the Sunth of Bridestide after Yuletide ( ABC/Psi/Fe,Ur,Thorn):

As I listened to Napoleon I by At the Drive In, I thought, does Austin have a Yellow Brick Road? Yes, Austin does have a Yellow Brick Road Shopping Center on Airport Blvd. After finding Austin's Yellow Brick Rd, searching today by the way, I thought, when should I go? Well today is Friday, the day of Freyja, and I'm Mother Nature's Son, so since I thought I should go after work tonight, P.M. Paul McCartney; the Knight of Godmother Nature, the night beIV Aegirsday.

I arrived at around 7:30, and saw Kung Fu and Tai Chi (which I want My children to be trained in), a Hookah Lounge, Chinese Palace, and Arpeggio. I opted to go to Chinese Palace, sat down at a table next to the television while the Miami Heat played the New Orleans Pelicans in New Orleans. There was a large picture of two tigers behind the table. I got two beers, Tsingtao. I explained to the server there, who had a Washington Nationals hat, that I was on a Pilgrimage due to the At the Drive In song, and since New Orleans was on tv, this was special, a magic moment.

I asked for the Bill, and the cost was $8.66. I tipped 2$ on the bill, as I paid with My card, a total of $10.66 and then $2 in cash. $4 tip. I wrote on the invoice about Article 3 of the Adams Onis Treaty, and the Napoleon song. Then I kept one of the Tsingtao bottles and came home, passing a blue genie and lamp, obviously based on Disney's Aladdin, on the way back.

I also kept the fortune cookie message I got, "Go above and beyond you duty. You will benefit from it."

Two weeks later, on the 1st Day of Freystide and Spring (I'll add an extra day to Freystide for the Leap Year, so this year 2 45 day Sunths, and 6 46 day Sunths. Elliptical orbit.) I practiced a very civilized civil disobedience to the closure orders:

I visited a friend, and We talked and discussed the current situation as he told Me he had to close his food operations and file for unemployment. We smoked the sacred herb of Great Communion, and I discussed turning around this commercial down turn with civil disobedience. I stated that I was going to go to the Iron Bear, which still has it's food operations open, and then request to eat there and have a beer, in defiance of the Governor's order.

We picked up another friend, who is also now unemployed, and went into downtown Austin. There were shops on 6th street boarded up as if a hurricane is coming, and I had a sense of impending disaster. As We found a parking place, a former coworker from Punch Bowl Social, Margot, came up to Us and talked about how the Brazilian restaurant was taking care of their employees and with $15/hour pay. I inquired inside for an application, and they stated they were not hiring at the moment.

My friend and I went for his check. As We walked along Austin's Walk of Fame, I thought... oooo... Wouldn't a Yellow Brick Road motif in Austin be cool, with Emerald colored solar paneled skyscapers? A yellow brick road from the Riverside trail up Congress Ave to the State Capitol? Yeah, you're not in Kansas anymore, I'm in Austin, Texas. And as I thought about tourism, I suggested that South by Southwest could be rescheduled and combined with the ATX Festival.

My friend went to pick up his check at a restaurant and I spoke to a manager about turning this around, and she agreed. I encouraged the bar tender to serve patrons if they asked.

After picking up the check, I asked if they wanted to join for the Iron Bear act. They woosed out, and I got dropped off at the Iron Bear. I entered and the employees were eating, and I asked them if I could join. They explained they were employees, and I told them I meant ordering food and eating there. I began to explain that I was unemployed and I worked at a restaurant and want to overturn the business closure decision. I was asked to leave... Shocked and terrified by the response and lack of courage, I walked around to see if Rain, Oilcan Harry's, and Seller's Underground were open. They weren't.

Where could I do this Civil Disobedience Act? I got on the 7 and went back to Austin's Yellow Brick Road Shopping Center. I entered the China Palace, asked if I could be seated, she responded that the restaurant portion was closed to customers at this time, and then I ordered the Triple Mongolian combo, which came with Chicken, Shrimp, Beef and Vegetables, Fried Rice, a Hot and Sour Soup, and a Spring Roll. I also ordered a Tsingtao. She opened the beer, and had Me sit at a table, serving a plate of wantons. I drank the beer, got the meal, and finished eating the food there. Twas delicious. And I thought about a Mongolian Balléteau, no, certainly not a taste one would expect in a burrito, and then I thought, yes, you must see past the burrito (little donkey) to see the Balléteau. When I left, I said, May TAO be with you.

The fortune cookie said... A sign of return to regularity. As is the Commonwealth Pearl I saw on the way back, as at the intersection of 45th and Duval, the Shell Gas station, the Australian flag was flying upside down. So I called the station and requested them to correct the Australian flag, Jack side up. Australians took to the beach in order to defy the social distancing and beach closures that same week.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: C.L. G.
Date: Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 12:22 PM
Subject: What right does the Governor have?
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

I ask, what right does Governor Abbot or Mayor Adler have in their orders of business closures, and festival cancellations, limitations and restrictions on how many people may peaceably gather together? The answer is that they have no right. Government may not close businesses without due or just cause, such as being a criminal or terroristic front and the viral spanish "crown" is not a just cause.

Here in Texas, as the United States of America has no jurisdiction by Article 3 of the Adams Onis Treaty, and Canada having jurisdiction the Canadian Charter Section 2c, guarantees the fundamental freedom of people to peaceable assemble, for work, for sport, for fun.

I understand that these safety precautions may be in response to terrorism at home, here in Acadia, and abroad. In this past year, We have seen a spike in mass shootings, many, if not all of which, have had some close relation to the Axis powers, rome and spain, and mexico's brown skin party, particularly. Tis true that We have intercepted a real madrid spanish "crown" message about a military gang directive as their official communication. One can see that if there are mass riots, starving people, desperate for money because of these forced business closures; a spanish national socialist military gang could be a very dangerous force, especially when all those who are loyal to the spanish crown would be coordinating with each other.

But, there is a force that is greater than the spanish national socialism, a force of liberty and egalitarianism, loving one's neighbor, or at least tolerating your neighbors in general. Not hating because of linguistic, ethnic, or genetic differences; but instead living as one People (Volk) from one planet (Volcan), one Volcan Civilization. And here in towns, cities, and suburbs, on rural farms across a great many and diversity of provincial states as one Acadian People in the land and seas of a Greater Canadian plenty, Acadia. That is what is greater than axis spanish or roman or mexican national socialism and terrorism.

Now, ATX and SxSW... and every business here in Texas to the Fremont founded Calfornias, to Hawaii and the Polynesian Islands, and yes, even in the Halls of Montezuma. In the Oregon Territory, in Canadian Louisiana, and First National Siouxane; which has been closed, the people forcibly separated by law; there is Section 2c of the Canadian Charter. For the rest of the United States, there is Article 3 of the Bill of Rights.

Of course, 2c is 2 (3); and We can also take this time to enter into a full, functional, and fundamentally free Acadian Union for both the United States and Canada, if you are ready. Are you? Because I am.

Amen, yes. Que c'est bon.
This is My response to the #Blacklivesmatter protests and riots from today:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: C.L. G.
Date: Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 1:06 PM
Subject: The Red Voice is what you need to hear
To: <[email protected]>

I'll be staying away from the protests today, as I support the police and actually would prefer if they were better funded and augmented with National Guard deployment on a more permanent basis; being that they would uphold the laws of the Canadian Constitution in Texas (without the oath to Elizabeth Windsor, because she's not the legitimate successor). Adams Onis Treaty, Article 3. Treaty of Santa Maria Calatrava, Article 1. The United States and Spain renounced Texas forever. So, that's why Canada, I actually filed a Federal lawsuit before this all happened.

That being said, that I support and want to strengthen and militarize the police to uphold a Libertine and Good Federal Constitution; the #BlackLivesMatter movement is aiming at the opposite goal. What effect would defunding police have? What is needed to be remembered is what the Blood gang declared war on the police in general; so their goals are terrorist and criminal at their core. Defunding police would cause most cities to have the urban character of the slums of Rio Dejaniero, where criminal gangs, such as the Bloods and the Nation of Islam would have much less hinderance in their criminal and terrorist activities; which are genocidal. There would be no police to protect citizens against their terror tactics of murder, robbery, property seizure, and destruction.

I have heard enough of the #Blacklivesmatter voice, and I dislike what I heard. So, now hear the Red Voice of Red Lives Matter. These black activists were careless when Justine Damond was murdered by a black Somalian police officer. They were careless when Jeremy Mardis was killed in New Orleans. George Floyd's case is more similar to Ariel Roman's shooting, less violent and painful I feel.

The problem is corruption in the Police forces and organized crime both within and outside the Departments, partisan and religious politics; because the answers to Was George Floyd a Trump supporter? And was former officer Chauvin a Roman catholic? will shed light on the Biden campaign. I think the militarization of the police will keep the police departments under better oversight and scrutiny. Imagine, all National Guard troops deployed to aid Police Departments.

I might change My mind and go to the protests today, and hold up a sign with Justine Damond's and Jeremy Mardis' names. Or maybe something about Section 25 of the South African Constitution. The wind needs to be taken out of the pirates' sails. And peaceful protesters need to leave their posts as the terrorists' Human shields. With the Moral Highground, could be a Victory like the Battle of Littlebighorn.

This Pilgrimage Story is important, because the ATX Festival, My name being Christopher, and New Orleans and March 23rd specifically:

Twas on the 32nd of the Sunth of Bridestide after Yuletide ( ABC/Psi/Fe,Ur,Thorn):

As I listened to Napoleon I by At the Drive In, I thought, does Austin have a Yellow Brick Road? Yes, Austin does have a Yellow Brick Road Shopping Center on Airport Blvd. After finding Austin's Yellow Brick Rd, searching today by the way, I thought, when should I go? Well today is Friday, the day of Freyja, and I'm Mother Nature's Son, so since I thought I should go after work tonight, P.M. Paul McCartney; the Knight of Godmother Nature, the night beIV Aegirsday.

I arrived at around 7:30, and saw Kung Fu and Tai Chi (which I want My children to be trained in), a Hookah Lounge, Chinese Palace, and Arpeggio. I opted to go to Chinese Palace, sat down at a table next to the television while the Miami Heat played the New Orleans Pelicans in New Orleans. There was a large picture of two tigers behind the table. I got two beers, Tsingtao. I explained to the server there, who had a Washington Nationals hat, that I was on a Pilgrimage due to the At the Drive In song, and since New Orleans was on tv, this was special, a magic moment.

I asked for the Bill, and the cost was $8.66. I tipped 2$ on the bill, as I paid with My card, a total of $10.66 and then $2 in cash. $4 tip. I wrote on the invoice about Article 3 of the Adams Onis Treaty, and the Napoleon song. Then I kept one of the Tsingtao bottles and came home, passing a blue genie and lamp, obviously based on Disney's Aladdin, on the way back.

I also kept the fortune cookie message I got, "Go above and beyond you duty. You will benefit from it."

Two weeks later, on the 1st Day of Freystide and Spring (I'll add an extra day to Freystide for the Leap Year, so this year 2 45 day Sunths, and 6 46 day Sunths. Elliptical orbit.) I practiced a very civilized civil disobedience to the closure orders:

I visited a friend, and We talked and discussed the current situation as he told Me he had to close his food operations and file for unemployment. We smoked the sacred herb of Great Communion, and I discussed turning around this commercial down turn with civil disobedience. I stated that I was going to go to the Iron Bear, which still has it's food operations open, and then request to eat there and have a beer, in defiance of the Governor's order.

We picked up another friend, who is also now unemployed, and went into downtown Austin. There were shops on 6th street boarded up as if a hurricane is coming, and I had a sense of impending disaster. As We found a parking place, a former coworker from Punch Bowl Social, Margot, came up to Us and talked about how the Brazilian restaurant was taking care of their employees and with $15/hour pay. I inquired inside for an application, and they stated they were not hiring at the moment.

My friend and I went for his check. As We walked along Austin's Walk of Fame, I thought... oooo... Wouldn't a Yellow Brick Road motif in Austin be cool, with Emerald colored solar paneled skyscapers? A yellow brick road from the Riverside trail up Congress Ave to the State Capitol? Yeah, you're not in Kansas anymore, I'm in Austin, Texas. And as I thought about tourism, I suggested that South by Southwest could be rescheduled and combined with the ATX Festival.

My friend went to pick up his check at a restaurant and I spoke to a manager about turning this around, and she agreed. I encouraged the bar tender to serve patrons if they asked.

After picking up the check, I asked if they wanted to join for the Iron Bear act. They woosed out, and I got dropped off at the Iron Bear. I entered and the employees were eating, and I asked them if I could join. They explained they were employees, and I told them I meant ordering food and eating there. I began to explain that I was unemployed and I worked at a restaurant and want to overturn the business closure decision. I was asked to leave... Shocked and terrified by the response and lack of courage, I walked around to see if Rain, Oilcan Harry's, and Seller's Underground were open. They weren't.

Where could I do this Civil Disobedience Act? I got on the 7 and went back to Austin's Yellow Brick Road Shopping Center. I entered the China Palace, asked if I could be seated, she responded that the restaurant portion was closed to customers at this time, and then I ordered the Triple Mongolian combo, which came with Chicken, Shrimp, Beef and Vegetables, Fried Rice, a Hot and Sour Soup, and a Spring Roll. I also ordered a Tsingtao. She opened the beer, and had Me sit at a table, serving a plate of wantons. I drank the beer, got the meal, and finished eating the food there. Twas delicious. And I thought about a Mongolian Balléteau, no, certainly not a taste one would expect in a burrito, and then I thought, yes, you must see past the burrito (little donkey) to see the Balléteau. When I left, I said, May TAO be with you.

The fortune cookie said... A sign of return to regularity. As is the Commonwealth Pearl I saw on the way back, as at the intersection of 45th and Duval, the Shell Gas station, the Australian flag was flying upside down. So I called the station and requested them to correct the Australian flag, Jack side up. Australians took to the beach in order to defy the social distancing and beach closures that same week.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: C.L. G.
Date: Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 12:22 PM
Subject: What right does the Governor have?
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

I ask, what right does Governor Abbot or Mayor Adler have in their orders of business closures, and festival cancellations, limitations and restrictions on how many people may peaceably gather together? The answer is that they have no right. Government may not close businesses without due or just cause, such as being a criminal or terroristic front and the viral spanish "crown" is not a just cause.

Here in Texas, as the United States of America has no jurisdiction by Article 3 of the Adams Onis Treaty, and Canada having jurisdiction the Canadian Charter Section 2c, guarantees the fundamental freedom of people to peaceable assemble, for work, for sport, for fun.

I understand that these safety precautions may be in response to terrorism at home, here in Acadia, and abroad. In this past year, We have seen a spike in mass shootings, many, if not all of which, have had some close relation to the Axis powers, rome and spain, and mexico's brown skin party, particularly. Tis true that We have intercepted a real madrid spanish "crown" message about a military gang directive as their official communication. One can see that if there are mass riots, starving people, desperate for money because of these forced business closures; a spanish national socialist military gang could be a very dangerous force, especially when all those who are loyal to the spanish crown would be coordinating with each other.

But, there is a force that is greater than the spanish national socialism, a force of liberty and egalitarianism, loving one's neighbor, or at least tolerating your neighbors in general. Not hating because of linguistic, ethnic, or genetic differences; but instead living as one People (Volk) from one planet (Volcan), one Volcan Civilization. And here in towns, cities, and suburbs, on rural farms across a great many and diversity of provincial states as one Acadian People in the land and seas of a Greater Canadian plenty, Acadia. That is what is greater than axis spanish or roman or mexican national socialism and terrorism.

Now, ATX and SxSW... and every business here in Texas to the Fremont founded Calfornias, to Hawaii and the Polynesian Islands, and yes, even in the Halls of Montezuma. In the Oregon Territory, in Canadian Louisiana, and First National Siouxane; which has been closed, the people forcibly separated by law; there is Section 2c of the Canadian Charter. For the rest of the United States, there is Article 3 of the Bill of Rights.

Of course, 2c is 2 (3); and We can also take this time to enter into a full, functional, and fundamentally free Acadian Union for both the United States and Canada, if you are ready. Are you? Because I am.

Amen, yes. Que c'est bon.

A, I found the email about the day after March 23rd:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: C.L. G.
Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 4:10 PM
Subject: Today's Constitutional Story
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <fubar[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,


Today, I endeavored to aid in reopening Austin for business by going for a walk about town. I hopped on the bus and headed to Police HQ first. I used the call box and asked to speak with an officer about Constitutional Law. He said no one were there, and I said he was, and asked to talk to him through the box. So, I did, and I advised that Constitutional Law supersedes the governor's and the mayor's business closure and crowd limit restrictions. And businesses have the right to peaceably assemble their employees to work, and for patrons to gather. There was no response.

So, I walked on over towards the Capitol building, and stopped by Hoboken Pie along the way. I spoke to an employee there and told him the constitutional information and that I informed Austin Police about the constitutional right to be open under the peaceable assembly law. He said they were practicing social distancing. I quipped that a lot of desperate hungry and homeless people might riot because of lack of work and money. He then patted what sounded like a gun on his hip and said, "That's why I have this," which sounds dislike a bad ending.

I walked up to the Texas Capitol building after speaking the Chi'Lantro and telling them their constitutional right to open the downtown restaurant for business, si ils plait. I found State Trooper Jackson on the grounds and had a discussion on him on the matter. After a short discussion, he said that legally there was a grey area in terms of Constitutional Law and Gov. or Mayor orders. And I said, "not to Me, that's as clear as the bright blue sky" and I looked up and there was not a cloud visible in the sky at the time.

So, I then told other restaurants along the way back home, De Sano's, Chipotle, and Maiko's as I passed by many other closed restaurants... informing them of their constitutional right to open and serve patrons in their restaurant.
This Pilgrimage Story is important, because the ATX Festival, My name being Christopher, and New Orleans and March 23rd specifically:

Twas on the 32nd of the Sunth of Bridestide after Yuletide ( ABC/Psi/Fe,Ur,Thorn):

As I listened to Napoleon I by At the Drive In, I thought, does Austin have a Yellow Brick Road? Yes, Austin does have a Yellow Brick Road Shopping Center on Airport Blvd. After finding Austin's Yellow Brick Rd, searching today by the way, I thought, when should I go? Well today is Friday, the day of Freyja, and I'm Mother Nature's Son, so since I thought I should go after work tonight, P.M. Paul McCartney; the Knight of Godmother Nature, the night beIV Aegirsday.

I arrived at around 7:30, and saw Kung Fu and Tai Chi (which I want My children to be trained in), a Hookah Lounge, Chinese Palace, and Arpeggio. I opted to go to Chinese Palace, sat down at a table next to the television while the Miami Heat played the New Orleans Pelicans in New Orleans. There was a large picture of two tigers behind the table. I got two beers, Tsingtao. I explained to the server there, who had a Washington Nationals hat, that I was on a Pilgrimage due to the At the Drive In song, and since New Orleans was on tv, this was special, a magic moment.

I asked for the Bill, and the cost was $8.66. I tipped 2$ on the bill, as I paid with My card, a total of $10.66 and then $2 in cash. $4 tip. I wrote on the invoice about Article 3 of the Adams Onis Treaty, and the Napoleon song. Then I kept one of the Tsingtao bottles and came home, passing a blue genie and lamp, obviously based on Disney's Aladdin, on the way back.

I also kept the fortune cookie message I got, "Go above and beyond you duty. You will benefit from it."

Two weeks later, on the 1st Day of Freystide and Spring (I'll add an extra day to Freystide for the Leap Year, so this year 2 45 day Sunths, and 6 46 day Sunths. Elliptical orbit.) I practiced a very civilized civil disobedience to the closure orders:

I visited a friend, and We talked and discussed the current situation as he told Me he had to close his food operations and file for unemployment. We smoked the sacred herb of Great Communion, and I discussed turning around this commercial down turn with civil disobedience. I stated that I was going to go to the Iron Bear, which still has it's food operations open, and then request to eat there and have a beer, in defiance of the Governor's order.

We picked up another friend, who is also now unemployed, and went into downtown Austin. There were shops on 6th street boarded up as if a hurricane is coming, and I had a sense of impending disaster. As We found a parking place, a former coworker from Punch Bowl Social, Margot, came up to Us and talked about how the Brazilian restaurant was taking care of their employees and with $15/hour pay. I inquired inside for an application, and they stated they were not hiring at the moment.

My friend and I went for his check. As We walked along Austin's Walk of Fame, I thought... oooo... Wouldn't a Yellow Brick Road motif in Austin be cool, with Emerald colored solar paneled skyscapers? A yellow brick road from the Riverside trail up Congress Ave to the State Capitol? Yeah, you're not in Kansas anymore, I'm in Austin, Texas. And as I thought about tourism, I suggested that South by Southwest could be rescheduled and combined with the ATX Festival.

My friend went to pick up his check at a restaurant and I spoke to a manager about turning this around, and she agreed. I encouraged the bar tender to serve patrons if they asked.

After picking up the check, I asked if they wanted to join for the Iron Bear act. They woosed out, and I got dropped off at the Iron Bear. I entered and the employees were eating, and I asked them if I could join. They explained they were employees, and I told them I meant ordering food and eating there. I began to explain that I was unemployed and I worked at a restaurant and want to overturn the business closure decision. I was asked to leave... Shocked and terrified by the response and lack of courage, I walked around to see if Rain, Oilcan Harry's, and Seller's Underground were open. They weren't.

Where could I do this Civil Disobedience Act? I got on the 7 and went back to Austin's Yellow Brick Road Shopping Center. I entered the China Palace, asked if I could be seated, she responded that the restaurant portion was closed to customers at this time, and then I ordered the Triple Mongolian combo, which came with Chicken, Shrimp, Beef and Vegetables, Fried Rice, a Hot and Sour Soup, and a Spring Roll. I also ordered a Tsingtao. She opened the beer, and had Me sit at a table, serving a plate of wantons. I drank the beer, got the meal, and finished eating the food there. Twas delicious. And I thought about a Mongolian Balléteau, no, certainly not a taste one would expect in a burrito, and then I thought, yes, you must see past the burrito (little donkey) to see the Balléteau. When I left, I said, May TAO be with you.

The fortune cookie said... A sign of return to regularity. As is the Commonwealth Pearl I saw on the way back, as at the intersection of 45th and Duval, the Shell Gas station, the Australian flag was flying upside down. So I called the station and requested them to correct the Australian flag, Jack side up. Australians took to the beach in order to defy the social distancing and beach closures that same week.

Atlantis, Namor, Adrian Grenier. Atlanta. I'm cyan eyed.

My cousin Matthew Smith, who died in a car "accident", was a big Bjork fan. Seti, the search for intelligent life. "Me and Matthew." Human Behaviour, Habsburg Bonaparte.
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Appears the Aztec Empire was much larger than taught in the History classes I was taught. There very well could be an Aztec Temple underneath Austin's Yellow Brick Road.

View attachment 354258

Appears the Aztec Empire was much larger than taught in the History classes I was taught. There very well could be an Aztec Temple underneath Austin's Yellow Brick Road.


View attachment 354258

Appears the Aztec Empire was much larger than taught in the History classes I was taught. There very well could be an Aztec Temple underneath Austin's Yellow Brick Road.

View attachment 354285


View attachment 354258

Appears the Aztec Empire was much larger than taught in the History classes I was taught. There very well could be an Aztec Temple underneath Austin's Yellow Brick Road.

View attachment 354285

View attachment 354725

Tis possible that when I went to the China Palace at Austin's Yellow Brick Road, I met the woman who is of the spirit of Hsi Wang Mu. These events, upon reflection, seem so surreal now... but they happened and what has happened since then appears magical... Perfect timing.

6 Days that shook the earth.
two tigers

On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 10:08 AM C.L. G. <[email protected]> wrote to Matt Lauria:

Wow, I had some greatly vivid morning dreams. If you were asleep between like 6 and 9 today, maybe you were actually psychically in them. So, it started out by loudly hearing Mickey Mouse in the speaker next to My ear as I slept. I don't remember the specifics, but something about getting something started and meeting someone. Then I went out somewhere, social gathering, and you were there. You had... short hair, but slightly shaggier... only slightly though, stubble on your face. We engaged in conversation and you said you wanted to come back to My place with Me, which is a wee bit more than a little messy. When I'm depressed and alone, I don't really care about keeping up appearances.

You spent the night, think just sleeping; then We spoke in the morning at length, and I was like, wow, here's still here, and I did My best not to give star-struck stare because I was self-conscious about it. We discussed that you had two cats, one named Ivan and another named Ryan. Ivan was more black with white markings and Ryan was an orange tiger striped cat. We went to some like apartment complex center for breakfast, and your cats were there. I was introduced to a friend, and I had to ask her name twice. Her name was Laura Vonna, which I think is a pretty name, just flows. Then you left and We continued the conversation and Laura was preparing Me to meet your parents.

And then I woke up, and wrote.


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