The Republicans in Congress are an embarassement.

This thread is an example of why Conservatives are generally so much better than Libs.

Libs are sheep. Stupid sheep. They never criticize Obama, Pelosi, or Reid no matter what stupid crap they do.

This thread is truly healthy.
You wouldn't happen to be one of them Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles turned Teabagger, would you?
We need to bite the bullet and shut down the unneeded government expenditures. I think that would be a good thing.

Well, the Congress has already approved funding for everything except DHS through the end of the FY.

But if you had the option, what would you cut, flash? What expenditures do you see as "unneeded"?

Ron Paul put out a great budget reduction plan in 2012. It cut a trillion dollars out of the Federal budget each year while still increasing defense, funding Medicare and Social Security. I think that budget is a great place to start:
This thread is an example of why Conservatives are generally so much better than Libs.

Libs are sheep. Stupid sheep. They never criticize Obama, Pelosi, or Reid no matter what stupid crap they do.

This thread is truly healthy.

I think Republicans are 1000 times better than Democrats. Unfortunately 1000 X 0 = 0.

Republicans believe in big government and do not have the courage to eliminate the welfare state. They are definitely not fiscal conservatives.

However, on the plus side, they do know how to stimulate capitalism a little better than the stupid Democrats and we usually get a little better economy with them.
This thread is an example of why Conservatives are generally so much better than Libs.

Libs are sheep. Stupid sheep. They never criticize Obama, Pelosi, or Reid no matter what stupid crap they do.

This thread is truly healthy.

I think Republicans are 1000 times better than Democrats. Unfortunately 1000 X 0 = 0.

Republicans believe in big government and do not have the courage to eliminate the welfare state. They are definitely not fiscal conservatives.

However, on the plus side, they do know how to stimulate capitalism a little better than the stupid Democrats and we usually get a little better economy with them.

Why don't we take a moment and compare some numbers on this for POTUS of the past 40 yrs?
These Republicans in this new Congress are going to give us the same bad government as the Democrats.

Pass Obama's $1.1 trillion budget
Fully fund Obamacare
Considering amnesty
Preparing to increase taxes by replenishing Highway Trust Fund

If you are going to vote for idiots then at least vote for the Democrats that run as idiots. It is more intellectually honest that way.

These is no real distinction of substance between the Republicans and the Democrats. They are both parties of big government.

The Democrats run on a platform of bad Liberal government and deliver bad Liberal government when in power.

The Republicans run on a platform of good Conservative government but deliver bad Liberal government when in power.

Keep drinking the kool aid, they did not fully fund maobamacare, they cut the funding for the 16,000 IRS agents as provided by maobamacare and they cut funding for the Independent Payment Advisory Board, the maobamacare rationing body. Both are big deals and got through the commiecrat senate.

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