The Reality: ObamaCare Isn't Healthcare


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY's redistribution of the wealth of Americans by reducing our healthcare to that of a third world nation.

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschiā€™s motto is that of liberals today: ā€œthat all life is "political."

That includes health care.

1. To understand where ObamaCare takes this nation, one must understand the deep hatred that Obama has for America. Anti-colonialism is a cornerstone of Western liberalism, and, tied to anti-American views, a major direction of teaching at most leading colleges and universities.

2. ā€œThe wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,ā€ writes Franz Fanon in ā€œThe Wretched of the Earth.ā€ Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French;Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon.ā€œor in a very concrete way Europe has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countriesā€¦.Europe is literally the creation of the Third worldā€¦.wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.ā€
Dinesh Dā€™Souza, ā€œObamaā€™s America,ā€ p. 11.

Anti-colonialists demand that ā€˜stolenā€™ wealth be redistributed from the people of the rich countries to those in the poor.

3. Obama was the scion of anti-colonialists, and read Fanon and Chinweizu in college. So, what to expect from this President?

a. Chinweizu: : ā€œEuropean rule was entrenchedā€¦by means of a western Christian culture, a western political power structure, and a colonial economy,ā€ anti-colonialism ā€œinvolves measures against all three.ā€

b. ā€œRedistributionā€¦make the fruits of the earth available to all right hear on earth.ā€
Chinweizu, ā€œThe West and the Rest of Us,ā€., p.137.

4. Need one look any further to understand our President? Redistributionā€¦.globally. This doesnā€™t mean just millionaires and billionairesā€¦.this means all Americans, requiring a diminution in the standard of living of every American. Further, power must be distributed, until America is no longer preeminent, and not any more than any other nation.
Dinesh Dā€™Souza, ā€œObamaā€™s America,ā€ p.12-13.

ObamaCare: both a huge tax on the middle class....after all, that's where the wealth is,....and, worse....seeing to it that the once finest healthcare system in the world becomes no more than that of the third world.
Gawd how stupid..Oblama didn't write the law....the tax ruling came later after it passed...The main reason for the law was...medical corporate profits...Just like Auto insurance requirements...oh my and just think if you own a home, you are forced by corporations to have insurance ....
Big surprise. A Obama bashing thread in the form of a poorly disguised hate rant full of misinformation from a hack.
Big surprise. A Obama bashing thread in the form of a poorly disguised hate rant full of misinformation from a hack.


It's a give-away from you apologists for the unforgivable that your mouth writes checks that your intellect can't cash.

Case in point: you couldn't come up with any examples of 'misinformation.'

In effect, you've verified what I posted.
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Gawd how stupid..Oblama didn't write the law....the tax ruling came later after it passed...The main reason for the law was...medical corporate profits...Just like Auto insurance requirements...oh my and just think if you own a home, you are forced by corporations to have insurance ....
I own a home and have no insurance.

What is fucked up is that people put down a bit on a home, owe hundreds of thousands to the bank, and bitch about insuring the bank's home.

Sorry, one does not own a home until the last note is paid.

Just like one does not own an automobile until the last note is paid.
Gawd how stupid..Oblama didn't write the law....the tax ruling came later after it passed...The main reason for the law was...medical corporate profits...Just like Auto insurance requirements...oh my and just think if you own a home, you are forced by corporations to have insurance ....

"....Oblama didn't write the law.."
Who is it named for?
Who signed it into law?
"Obama: 'I have become fond of this term, Obamacare'"
Obama I have become fond of this term Obamacare Video

5. Now the reality:
ObamaCare is based on anti-colonialism, and anti-colonialism is hatred of America and Americans.

The concept of colonialism is blanketed on naĆÆve college students and to receptive academics, intellectuals, activists, community organizers precisely because it validates envy and resentment of those with lower incomes toward those with higher incomes. As a bonus, it removes the stigma from implications of lesser ability and/or lesser performance on the part of those with lower incomes.

a. Further, it shifts the need for change from those who wish to rise, to others, and replaces any such burdensome task with a morally uplifting sense of entitlement.
Thomas Sowell, ā€œEconomic Facts and Fallacies.ā€

6. Michael Savage writes, in "Stop The Coming Civil War:"
"I've told my radio audiences over and over that Obama is intent on reducing the United States to just another third-world country through his attempts to destroy our capitalist economy. Finally, one of Obama's- the leader of software development, no less- validates me!"

ā€œThe time for debating about the size of text on the screen or the color or is it a world-class user experience, thatā€™s what we used to talk about two years ago,ā€ Henry Chao, an official at the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services who is overseeing the technology of the exchanges said at a recent conference. ā€œLetā€™s just make sure itā€™s not a third-world experience.ā€
Obamacare official Let s just make sure it s not a third-world experience

But....third-world......that it is.
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ObamaCare: both a huge tax on the middle class....after all, that's where the wealth is,....and, worse....seeing to it that the once finest healthcare system in the world becomes no more than that of the third world.
America has never had the "finest health care system in the world" and it has never been nor is now that of "third world".
The claim by the OP is total misinformation. For a price, the best medical attention in the world is available in the United States. Those who can afford the best, can get the best. That is not the same as "the best system". Comparing the American health care system to "third world" is beyond ridiculous and in fact, a bold faced blatant lie.
ObamaCare: both a huge tax on the middle class....after all, that's where the wealth is,....and, worse....seeing to it that the once finest healthcare system in the world becomes no more than that of the third world.
America has never had the "finest health care system in the world" and it has never been nor is now that of "third world".
The claim by the OP is total misinformation. For a price, the best medical attention in the world is available in the United States. Those who can afford the best, can get the best. That is not the same as "the best system". Comparing the American health care system to "third world" is beyond ridiculous and in fact, a bold faced blatant lie.
It's third world if you can't afford it....
ObamaCare: both a huge tax on the middle class....after all, that's where the wealth is,....and, worse....seeing to it that the once finest healthcare system in the world becomes no more than that of the third world.
America has never had the "finest health care system in the world" and it has never been nor is now that of "third world".
The claim by the OP is total misinformation. For a price, the best medical attention in the world is available in the United States. Those who can afford the best, can get the best. That is not the same as "the best system". Comparing the American health care system to "third world" is beyond ridiculous and in fact, a bold faced blatant lie.
It's third world if you can't afford it....
I have been to third world where a bottle of iodine or sterile dressing were hard or almost impossible to get. Antibiotics were only available at the danger of risky travel that may or may not be productive. Children died from foul water.
Gawd how stupid..Oblama didn't write the law....the tax ruling came later after it passed...The main reason for the law was...medical corporate profits...Just like Auto insurance requirements...oh my and just think if you own a home, you are forced by corporations to have insurance ....
I own a home and have no insurance.

What is fucked up is that people put down a bit on a home, owe hundreds of thousands to the bank, and bitch about insuring the bank's home.

Sorry, one does not own a home until the last note is paid.

Just like one does not own an automobile until the last note is paid.

Okay then - buy insurance after you have the deed/title in your hand.

ObamaCare: both a huge tax on the middle class....after all, that's where the wealth is,....and, worse....seeing to it that the once finest healthcare system in the world becomes no more than that of the third world.
America has never had the "finest health care system in the world" and it has never been nor is now that of "third world".
The claim by the OP is total misinformation. For a price, the best medical attention in the world is available in the United States. Those who can afford the best, can get the best. That is not the same as "the best system". Comparing the American health care system to "third world" is beyond ridiculous and in fact, a bold faced blatant lie.

1. "America has never had the "finest health care system in the world" ....


How to judge healthcare: life expectancy: many people die for reasons that canā€™t be controlled the medical profession, such as auto accidents, murder, etc., and once you factor out care crashes and homicides, the US ranks number one in worldwide life expectancy!

In "The Business of Health," Robert Ohsfeldt and John Schneider factor out intentional and unintentional injuries from life-expectancy statistics and find that Americans who don't die in car crashes or homicides outlive people in any other Western country.

And if we measure a health care system by how well it serves its sick citizens, American medicine excels.
That's right: before Obama, America had the finest healthcare in the world.

If you voted for voted to destroy healthcare.
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ObamaCare: both a huge tax on the middle class....after all, that's where the wealth is,....and, worse....seeing to it that the once finest healthcare system in the world becomes no more than that of the third world.
America has never had the "finest health care system in the world" and it has never been nor is now that of "third world".
The claim by the OP is total misinformation. For a price, the best medical attention in the world is available in the United States. Those who can afford the best, can get the best. That is not the same as "the best system". Comparing the American health care system to "third world" is beyond ridiculous and in fact, a bold faced blatant lie.


2. "... For a price, the best medical attention in the world is available in the United States. Those who can afford the best, can get the best. That is not the same as "the best system".

Let's look at the way communists rate healthcare:


a. So we have been told that the United States is listed at number 37 in world ranking for health care. Here is why only fools and America-bashers attribute any significance to this rating: WHO/UN states that their data ā€œis hampered by the weakness of routine information systems and insufficient attention to researchā€ and when they couldnā€™t find data, they ā€œdeveloped [data] through a variety of techniques.ā€ WHO accepts whatever governments tell them, including reputable regimes such as Castroā€™s Cuba.
WHO Message from the Director-General

b. The oh-so-political WHO/UN is not thrilled with governments like the US, as they have determined that we do not have a progressive-enough tax system. This is one of the criteria for judging our healthcare.

WHO, ā€œWorld Health Organization Assesses the Worldā€™s Health Systems,ā€ press release, undated,
WHO World Health Organization Assesses the World s Health Systems

1. Health Level: 25 percent

2. Health Distribution: 25 percent

3. Responsiveness: 12.5 percent

4. Responsiveness Distribution: 12.5 percent

5. Financial Fairness: 25 percent

c. After an intensive survey of over 1000 respondents, half of whom were members of UN staff, they designed a measurement of healthcare in which 62.5% of the criteria of their healthcare study on some type of ā€œequality!ā€
WHO The world health report 2000 - Health systems improving performance

d. Note that the United States suffers in the WHO/UN healthcare ratings due to a definition of fairness which reads: ā€œthe smallest feasible differences between individuals and groups.ā€ Therefore a poor nation that does not have our level of expensive or experimental treatment, and therefore lets all suffers die, would have a higher rating than the US.

This is not to imply that only the rich in America can get the ā€˜expensiveā€™ treatment, since there are many options such as
a)getting a loan,
b) asking a family member or a charity for help,
c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate. All are common.

e. And because we have rich people who pay a great deal for the best healthcare, enabling research and development, the end result is that this brings costs down and makes treatment affordable for everyone, even in socialist countries.

Beating the heck out of you has become de rigueur.
ObamaCare: both a huge tax on the middle class....after all, that's where the wealth is,....and, worse....seeing to it that the once finest healthcare system in the world becomes no more than that of the third world.
America has never had the "finest health care system in the world" and it has never been nor is now that of "third world".
The claim by the OP is total misinformation. For a price, the best medical attention in the world is available in the United States. Those who can afford the best, can get the best. That is not the same as "the best system". Comparing the American health care system to "third world" is beyond ridiculous and in fact, a bold faced blatant lie.
It's third world if you can't afford it....

ObamaCare: both a huge tax on the middle class....after all, that's where the wealth is,....and, worse....seeing to it that the once finest healthcare system in the world becomes no more than that of the third world.
America has never had the "finest health care system in the world" and it has never been nor is now that of "third world".
The claim by the OP is total misinformation. For a price, the best medical attention in the world is available in the United States. Those who can afford the best, can get the best. That is not the same as "the best system". Comparing the American health care system to "third world" is beyond ridiculous and in fact, a bold faced blatant lie.
It's third world if you can't afford it....

Have you ever tried it?

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