The Real Issue Facing America: Political Correctness

Please, my butthurt friends, describe how your life would be different if PC didn't ruin it for you.

I'd love for one of the nutbags who claims that PC is a huge problem to occasion when they were prevented from saying what they wanted to say by the PC police. This description must include an accounting if exactly who the police were and how this event negatively impacted your quality of life.


And.....earmuffs, bitch.
"The Real Issue Facing America: Political Correctness"

Actually it's a fake issue, a non-issue, and just more nonsense from the right.
No, it is not a fake issue.

I can testify from personal experience that I have been on the receiving end of PC hate dozens of times, simply due to public speaking. It is majority based intimidation. There is nothing civil or intellectual about it. The goal is to "protect" minorities from "harmful" speech. Sounds degrading to me.

Please.....describe one of those times with some detail. Thanks.
Please, my butthurt friends, describe how your life would be different if PC didn't ruin it for you.

I'd love for one of the nutbags who claims that PC is a huge problem to occasion when they were prevented from saying what they wanted to say by the PC police. This description must include an accounting if exactly who the police were and how this event negatively impacted your quality of life.


And.....earmuffs, bitch.
If you ever get an answer to this would you do me a favor and send me an alert?
Please, my butthurt friends, describe how your life would be different if PC didn't ruin it for you.

I'd love for one of the nutbags who claims that PC is a huge problem to occasion when they were prevented from saying what they wanted to say by the PC police. This description must include an accounting if exactly who the police were and how this event negatively impacted your quality of life.


And.....earmuffs, bitch.
If you ever get an answer to this would you do me a favor and send me an alert?

I wouldn't hold my breath.
"The Real Issue Facing America: Political Correctness"

Actually it's a fake issue, a non-issue, and just more nonsense from the right.
No, it is not a fake issue.

I can testify from personal experience that I have been on the receiving end of PC hate dozens of times, simply due to public speaking. It is majority based intimidation. There is nothing civil or intellectual about it. The goal is to "protect" minorities from "harmful" speech. Sounds degrading to me.

Please.....describe one of those times with some detail. Thanks.

I wont go into detail. I'll just say that I have gotten into legal trouble, and my reputation had taken a hit. The bigger crime is that people will attack you if you say something un-politically correct when engaging in public speaking, so it has also been used as a way for the majority to bully me into silence.
Most white males over 50 have experienced overt employment discrimination, whether it be in hiring, promotion or work assignments (e.g., doing the work of an incompetent superior or coworker).

The "disparate impact" theory that has been adopted by our liberal courts demonstrates this by requiring that minorities be hired and promoted instead of whites who are clearly more qualified.
I wont go into detail. I'll just say that I have gotten into legal trouble, and my reputation had taken a hit. The bigger crime is that people will attack you if you say something un-politically correct when engaging in public speaking, so it has also been used as a way for the majority to bully me into silence.
And there are plenty of honest liberals out there - and the list continue to grow - who are more than willing to provide myriad examples of the negative ways in which PC manifests.

The Regressive Left/PC Police will never admit it, of course.

They somehow never "see" the growing list of honest liberals I like to provide. Why? Because they are liars.

Recent News Item: President Obama praised student activists, but also said he disagrees with what Stephanopoulos described as “militant political correctness” on campus, whereby some activists seek to shut down opposing viewpoints. “Being a good citizen, being an activist, involves hearing the other side and making sure that you are engaging in a dialogue because that’s also how change happens,” said President Obama.
Most white males over 50 have experienced overt employment discrimination, whether it be in hiring, promotion or work assignments (e.g., doing the work of an incompetent superior or coworker).

The "disparate impact" theory that has been adopted by our liberal courts demonstrates this by requiring that minorities be hired and promoted instead of whites who are clearly more qualified.
Have they? Could you give some legitimate, concrete examples?
Regardless of all the talk about terrorism, the economy, etc. the underlying issue is Political Correctness (PC), which obfuscates nearly every problem we face, thereby preventing any rational solutions to them.

For example, we can't address terrorism without making sure we don't "offend" anyone. We can't address the economy without berating the "one-percenters." We can't discuss race without "black lives matter." We can't discuss law enforcement without "hands up, don't shoot."

As a result, we have been hog-tied into a downward spiral of ineffectiveness and incompetence, presided over by a political class whose only interest is maintaining their power through manipulation of public discourse.

The 2016 election may be one of our last chances to reverse this trend, but which candidates offer that possibility? The Democrats offer little hope, since they seem to specialize in PC rhetoric. The Republicans haven't been much better, simply preaching lower taxes and a bigger military. Who, then, might offer an alternative to these unpalatable choices?

Surprisingly, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump may be the best candidates to lead us out of this political morass. Bernie offers a fairly clear vision of European-style social democracy, which promises a slow, but egalitarian, decline in our economic productivity. Trump, in his flamboyant style, raises discussion of serious issues above the PC fog. (Rand Paul, like Obama, seems to prefer theoretical solutions to practical problems.)

Most of the other candidates offer little hope for changing our existing PC paradigms. Marco Rubio repeats prepared mini-speeches, Ted Cruz delivers closing jury arguments, and Chris Christie promises more government committees.

I am coming to the improbable conclusion that Donald Trump may be the best choice. He seems to have a Reaganesque ability to talk above the media filters and courage to confront issues head-on. Let us remember that would still have to sell any of his ideas to Congress and the public. As a master negotiator, he would be much more likely to end up with real solutions to our problems..
Reagan is turning in his grave with you comparing his class act with someone classless, like Trump... imo.
It's a shame that Seinfeld only made (a well deserved) Billion or so before he discovered political correctness. Ironic is it that the most iconic episodes were ones where political correctness was what made the humor so approachable. Sad is the fact that conservative dimwits are lumping him into their war on decency. I guess when you nominate nice guys and lose elections time and again the reflex is to try and muddy up the discourse with cheap shots and stupidity while trying to claim legitimacy; not that there is anything wrong with that. Lol

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