The Real 'Collusion'

11. The single greatest evidence as to whom Putin wanted to see as President is not even the cases of bribes that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and John Podesta are known to have accepted..... is this speech:

"President Trump delivered a speech in Warsaw, Poland, in July that Putin and other Russian leaders certainly took note of. “We are committed to securing your access to alternate sources of energy,” President Trump said, “so Poland and its neighbors are never again held hostage to a single supplier of energy.” It is exactly this sort of cooperation, enabling East European nations to wriggle out of Russian economic and political pressure, that has motivated Russia’s disinformation and destabilization efforts."
The REAL Russia Scandal

"...alternate sources of energy,..."
Against whose exports do you suppose that was aimed?

"The state-run Russian media outlet RT ran at least 62 different anti-fracking television stories and news reports in 2015. And a U.S. Senate report found that the Sea Change Foundation funneled more than $43 million to anti-fracking organizations..."

That's right....Putin wanted Bill's wife, the Queen of Corruption, as President.
He 'bought' the Clinton's before....he knew he could do it again.
12. If one is not yet convinced of the successful machinations of Communists, see how their actions in various nations is echoed in what we see in contemporary America:

"In Soviet times, the Kremlin developed the subversion of a nation into a multistep science.

First, intelligence operatives spent 15 to 20 years demoralizing a nation by pumping Communist ideology into the heads of at least one generation of students.

Once the sizable numbers of youth were converted, these operatives moved on to stage two: destabilization. They spent two to five years destabilizing the nation by encouraging civil unrest and domestic division. If destabilization proved successful, the nation would plunge into chaos and civil war. " The REAL Russia Scandal

And this....

"The Kremlin has also employed a strategy of “disaggregation” against several nations. Disaggregation is the process of identifying social and economic splits in rival nations, exacerbating these splits with propaganda, then taking advantage of the civil unrest that results. This is a classic divide-and-conquer strategy."


Of course, this is identical to the Democrat Party's 'Identity Politics' regimen.
After all, it's only fitting.

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