The Racial Issue of Tomorrow?

I'm not against it but i don't promote it. People r free to do as they choose, but I also have the right to want my grandbabies to look like their grandparents. I feel diversity is starting to b shoved down socities throat. Let people decide who they choose to associate with.

Well, actually mixed race babies DO look like their grand parents. unless they were adopted. the color may be different, but they still look like them, I have several mixed race kids in my family, their all great kids. No one would ever question whether or not they should have been born mixed race, the whole fear of this is just silly
I don't fear it, n like I said do what u wAnt. Whether they're good kids or not has nothing to do with what I said. The left wAnts n is slowly forcing diversity, wouldn't u agree? All I'm saying is I should be able to associate with whoever without being labeled racist. I should have the right to pass these values down to my kids without being labeled racist. There r many blacks, Hispanics,asians, whatever that feel the same way N it's accepted. Ur right I used the phrase look like my grandparents to loosely, I stand corrected. I should have said I have the right to want my grandbabies to remain Caucasian.

Im all for letting diversity happen on its own naturally neither Forced or Impeded. Yes, you have the right to want whatever you want for your grandkids. And other people have the same right to want what they want for theirs. That in itself is diversity I suppose. Thing is we dont always get what we want, hopefully as human beings we all have the 'Versatility' to deal with these things in a good way. Well, you say you dont fear having mixed race babies in your family, so Ill just take your word for that. There are some that do however, or feel they really need to protect the purity of their race on a larger scale, I think thats all a waste of time to worry over, but thats just me
So it's ok with u to stand by n let rights b taken away? Fear has nada to do with it n I don't want anyone n my family to b interracial, but if it happens I will love that child as if it were my own. There's no big conspiracy at least not within my family, we r just simple people that want big government to stay out of our lives n quit taking our rights away, that's what I worry about.
Race like g
.... Believe it or not i dont like putting people in little neat boxes of definitions of what they are. ...

The point of the thread is that increasingly there are no such boxes that fit.
Race like gender in the US is claimed by the person. You can be lily white and claim to be black or visa versa. It's up the person. However, others will form their own opinion. So what does race really mean today in America?
N this is where we're at in America, sad.
I'm not against it but i don't promote it. People r free to do as they choose, but I also have the right to want my grandbabies to look like their grandparents. I feel diversity is starting to b shoved down socities throat. Let people decide who they choose to associate with.

Well, actually mixed race babies DO look like their grand parents. unless they were adopted. the color may be different, but they still look like them, I have several mixed race kids in my family, their all great kids. No one would ever question whether or not they should have been born mixed race, the whole fear of this is just silly
I don't fear it, n like I said do what u wAnt. Whether they're good kids or not has nothing to do with what I said. The left wAnts n is slowly forcing diversity, wouldn't u agree? All I'm saying is I should be able to associate with whoever without being labeled racist. I should have the right to pass these values down to my kids without being labeled racist. There r many blacks, Hispanics,asians, whatever that feel the same way N it's accepted. Ur right I used the phrase look like my grandparents to loosely, I stand corrected. I should have said I have the right to want my grandbabies to remain Caucasian.

Im all for letting diversity happen on its own naturally neither Forced or Impeded. Yes, you have the right to want whatever you want for your grandkids. And other people have the same right to want what they want for theirs. That in itself is diversity I suppose. Thing is we dont always get what we want, hopefully as human beings we all have the 'Versatility' to deal with these things in a good way. Well, you say you dont fear having mixed race babies in your family, so Ill just take your word for that. There are some that do however, or feel they really need to protect the purity of their race on a larger scale, I think thats all a waste of time to worry over, but thats just me
So it's ok with u to stand by n let rights b taken away? Fear has nada to do with it n I don't want anyone n my family to b interracial, but if it happens I will love that child as if it were my own. There's no big conspiracy at least not within my family, we r just simple people that want big government to stay out of our lives n quit taking our rights away, that's what I worry about.

No actually I want the government to stay out of US demographics, they cant even handle the VA medical system, what makes them think they can handle any other life changing ideas? As I said, Im all for mixed race families happening naturally on their own, no interference from the government. the only thing they should be doing is enforcing legal immigration. But if these families are US citizens, the tent is big enough for all of us no matter what the color or race. Im not sure what rights being taken away, you think im for
I agree, skin color is just a substitute for culture. However, as intermarriage increases, cultures will merge. Eventually we will end up with a darker skin color and more Asian attributes. Culture will then have little connection to skin color. People with think of themselves as having ethnicity, not race. The terms White, Black, Asian, and American Indian will refer only to culture which will be intermixed. People will look back at the 20th and 21st century as a strange time in which people were judge by the color of their skin.

Yes, but don't be so quick to assume that all cultures are liberally oriented to the point where they will drop their bad attributes and replace them with positive ones learned from others. Multiculturism, after all, is a unicultural phenomenon. There are alpha and beta cultures, and all too often people who consider themselves open minded get overrun by peoples who are culturally conservative, that is to say, will not even drop the negatives of their culture (In fact, will defend their negative behavior). For example, blacks are more likely to defend the negative behavior of blacks than whites are their own. Whites will not riot over a white thug who got shot, no matter if the shooting was justified or not. Blacks, even when the shooting is justified, will bitterly cling to the innocence of their cultural kinfolk and demand a redress of their grievances when there was no grievance to be had. I don't see cultures with such a different outlook and different behaviors mating for a better future, and if they do, the culturally conservatives are the most likely to prevail: leading to a regression in cultural advancement.
Yes, but what happens when there is no color divide between people? Cultures will be intermixed. It seems that we will have to judge people based on their own merits.
Interestingly enough I think the goal posts will simply be moved. I have heard that white people are now trying to claim that Ethiopians are caucasians. I know for a fact that if you imigrated from Egypt to the US you are legally white no matter how Black you are.

So what is the definition of a caucasian? I just dont focus enough on these things enough but heres a couple links i quickly found regarding caucasians and emmigration into Ethiopia

Difference Between White and Caucasian

Ethiopian DNA studies and sundries.
I didnt look at your first link because I know for a fact the original definition of caucasian is where the term "white" in regards to race came from.

I didnt get the importance of your second link even if you allowed for the fact that caucasian and white are the same term if you disregard moving the goal posts as I mentioned. For example your POTUS is more than 40% white and he is considered Black.
Skin color will be like hair color which comes in many shades. I expect people will alter their skin color medically like people change their hair color depending on styles and fads.

When there's sufficient intermarriage, skin color will no longer be a reliable measure of cultures associated with skin color. Race as an identifier becomes no more valuable than hair color, eye color, height and weight in physical or cultural identification. Race then would have no more meaning than class in classless structure.
I'm not against it but i don't promote it. People r free to do as they choose, but I also have the right to want my grandbabies to look like their grandparents. I feel diversity is starting to b shoved down socities throat. Let people decide who they choose to associate with.

Well, actually mixed race babies DO look like their grand parents. unless they were adopted. the color may be different, but they still look like them, I have several mixed race kids in my family, their all great kids. No one would ever question whether or not they should have been born mixed race, the whole fear of this is just silly
I don't fear it, n like I said do what u wAnt. Whether they're good kids or not has nothing to do with what I said. The left wAnts n is slowly forcing diversity, wouldn't u agree? All I'm saying is I should be able to associate with whoever without being labeled racist. I should have the right to pass these values down to my kids without being labeled racist. There r many blacks, Hispanics,asians, whatever that feel the same way N it's accepted. Ur right I used the phrase look like my grandparents to loosely, I stand corrected. I should have said I have the right to want my grandbabies to remain Caucasian.

Im all for letting diversity happen on its own naturally neither Forced or Impeded. Yes, you have the right to want whatever you want for your grandkids. And other people have the same right to want what they want for theirs. That in itself is diversity I suppose. Thing is we dont always get what we want, hopefully as human beings we all have the 'Versatility' to deal with these things in a good way. Well, you say you dont fear having mixed race babies in your family, so Ill just take your word for that. There are some that do however, or feel they really need to protect the purity of their race on a larger scale, I think thats all a waste of time to worry over, but thats just me
So it's ok with u to stand by n let rights b taken away? Fear has nada to do with it n I don't want anyone n my family to b interracial, but if it happens I will love that child as if it were my own. There's no big conspiracy at least not within my family, we r just simple people that want big government to stay out of our lives n quit taking our rights away, that's what I worry about.

No actually I want the government to stay out of US demographics, they cant even handle the VA medical system, what makes them think they can handle any other life changing ideas? As I said, Im all for mixed race families happening naturally on their own, no interference from the government. the only thing they should be doing is enforcing legal immigration. But if these families are US citizens, the tent is big enough for all of us no matter what the color or race. Im not sure what rights being taken away, you think im for
There are two reasons why government collect race as a demographic.
  • As identification - This has largely been replaced by picture ids.
  • For statistical purposes - race is not associated with a person's name and the information is often voluntary.
Race has mostly disappeared from all types licenses, drivers, fishing and hunting, and marriage licenses. You also won't find it on birth and death certificates. One might think that this is just part of political correctness but it ism't. There is no legally accepted definition of race. With 1 every 12 marriages being mixed marriages. People choose their race or just ignore it since it's rarely required and when it is it's left to the person to choose their race. In other words race as a demographic is becoming more like religion. One chooses it or just ignores it.
With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism
Yes, but don't be so quick to assume that all cultures are liberally oriented to the point where they will drop their bad attributes and replace them with positive ones learned from others. Multiculturism, after all, is a unicultural phenomenon. There are alpha and beta cultures, and all too often people who consider themselves open minded get overrun by peoples who are culturally conservative, that is to say, will not even drop the negatives of their culture (In fact, will defend their negative behavior). For example, blacks are more likely to defend the negative behavior of blacks than whites are their own. Whites will not riot over a white thug who got shot, no matter if the shooting was justified or not. Blacks, even when the shooting is justified, will bitterly cling to the innocence of their cultural kinfolk and demand a redress of their grievances when there was no grievance to be had. I don't see cultures with such a different outlook and different behaviors mating for a better future, and if they do, the culturally conservatives are the most likely to prevail: leading to a regression in cultural advancement.
Yes, but what happens when there is no color divide between people? Cultures will be intermixed. It seems that we will have to judge people based on their own merits.
Interestingly enough I think the goal posts will simply be moved. I have heard that white people are now trying to claim that Ethiopians are caucasians. I know for a fact that if you imigrated from Egypt to the US you are legally white no matter how Black you are.

So what is the definition of a caucasian? I just dont focus enough on these things enough but heres a couple links i quickly found regarding caucasians and emmigration into Ethiopia

Difference Between White and Caucasian

Ethiopian DNA studies and sundries.
I didnt look at your first link because I know for a fact the original definition of caucasian is where the term "white" in regards to race came from.

I didnt get the importance of your second link even if you allowed for the fact that caucasian and white are the same term if you disregard moving the goal posts as I mentioned. For example your POTUS is more than 40% white and he is considered Black.
Skin color will be like hair color which comes in many shades. I expect people will alter their skin color medically like people change their hair color depending on styles and fads.

When there's sufficient intermarriage, skin color will no longer be a reliable measure of cultures associated with skin color. Race as an identifier becomes no more valuable than hair color, eye color, height and weight in physical or cultural identification. Race then would have no more meaning than class in classless structure.
The vast majority of the world will still be comprised of nations which are only one color.

Your vision of the future is nothing but a pipe dream.
Yes, but what happens when there is no color divide between people? Cultures will be intermixed. It seems that we will have to judge people based on their own merits.
Interestingly enough I think the goal posts will simply be moved. I have heard that white people are now trying to claim that Ethiopians are caucasians. I know for a fact that if you imigrated from Egypt to the US you are legally white no matter how Black you are.

So what is the definition of a caucasian? I just dont focus enough on these things enough but heres a couple links i quickly found regarding caucasians and emmigration into Ethiopia

Difference Between White and Caucasian

Ethiopian DNA studies and sundries.
I didnt look at your first link because I know for a fact the original definition of caucasian is where the term "white" in regards to race came from.

I didnt get the importance of your second link even if you allowed for the fact that caucasian and white are the same term if you disregard moving the goal posts as I mentioned. For example your POTUS is more than 40% white and he is considered Black.
Skin color will be like hair color which comes in many shades. I expect people will alter their skin color medically like people change their hair color depending on styles and fads.

When there's sufficient intermarriage, skin color will no longer be a reliable measure of cultures associated with skin color. Race as an identifier becomes no more valuable than hair color, eye color, height and weight in physical or cultural identification. Race then would have no more meaning than class in classless structure.
The vast majority of the world will still be comprised of nations which are only one color.

Your vision of the future is nothing but a pipe dream.
The vast majority of the world will still be comprised of nations which are only one color.[/QUOTE]

Your statement doesn't make much sense unless you define what you mean by one color. Today the population in most places goes from pitch black to snow white with every shade in between.
My kids are mixed white and filipino. They look Latino or maybe slightly asian or sometimes they look Italian, depending on the day, how their hair is styled, etc.

Definitely, sometimes people have a rxn to them, but for the most part, I think that they like who they are and have learned that they don't have to own other people's issues.
Despite your screeds here, you aren't very tolerant or understanding, are you? Rhetorical question, kiddo. You are not a closeted anti white bigot, are YOU? Bashing racist, tilting at windmills, it's what you DO. but they are always white people that need a beat down and you are there it do it.

Omg, you old bat, do you really think that whites suffer from racism in the same way that non-whites do? Shut up.
I'm not against it but i don't promote it. People r free to do as they choose, but I also have the right to want my grandbabies to look like their grandparents. I feel diversity is starting to b shoved down socities throat. Let people decide who they choose to associate with.

Well, actually mixed race babies DO look like their grand parents. unless they were adopted. the color may be different, but they still look like them, I have several mixed race kids in my family, their all great kids. No one would ever question whether or not they should have been born mixed race, the whole fear of this is just silly
So it's ok with u to stand by n let rights b taken away? Fear has nada to do with it n I don't want anyone n my family to b interracial, but if it happens I will love that child as if it were my own. There's no big conspiracy at least not within my family, we r just simple people that want big government to stay out of our lives n quit taking our rights away, that's what I worry about.

Why would the government be involved in who your kids choose to have sex with? whack post is whack.
With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism

You will take it up the ass right to the end. Is that why you have an avatar image of some Japanese homo? If only I were allowed to debate you. But I can't. Because I would get banned for being "offensive." But I will just say that you are wrong. According to what I have heard, "latonos" are the fastest growing segiment of our population.
My kids are mixed white and filipino. They look Latino or maybe slightly asian or sometimes they look Italian, depending on the day, how their hair is styled, etc.

Definitely, sometimes people have a rxn to them, but for the most part, I think that they like who they are and have learned that they don't have to own other people's issues.

Was it a case of "Awwww! She love you long time!"

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