The PROMIS of Government


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"NSA can spy on offline computers wirelessly, says security expert"
NSA can spy on offline computers wirelessly, says security expert - CBS News

The idea that NSA information gathering is a new thing is remarkably uninformed. Consider the technological ability of the intelligence community, much less its value, and be amazed...and the possible harm.

1. The Prosecutor's Management Information System (PROMIS) is a database system developed by Inslaw Inc., a Washington, D.C.-based,information technology company....during the 1970s.... PROMIS has the ability to track people... with a staggering 570,000 lines of computer code, PROMIS can integrate innumerable databases without requiring any reprogramming... information, when wielded with finesse, begets power. Converted to use by intelligence agencies, as has been alleged in interviews by ex-CIA and Israeli Mossad agents, PROMIS can be a powerful tracking device capable of monitoring intelligence operations, agents and targets, instead of legal cases.
There's a Department of Justice database, a CIA database, an Attorney's General database, an IRS database, and so on, but none of them can share information. That makes tracking multiple offenders pretty darn difficult, and building cases against them a long and bureaucratic task.Along comes a computer program that can integrate all these databases.
Prosecutor's Management Information System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Since its inception, software programs have progressed substantially with the addition of artificial intelligence, allowing the program to actually anticipate, using the information it acquires.

"...adept at accessing proprietary corporate databases like those of banks, credit card companies, and electric, water and gas utilities. ...building amazing relationship trees outlining exactly who knows or who interacts with whom.

For example, if you were the subject of an investigations and you started using more water or electricity, it would suspect that you had people staying with you.

It would then search through all your phone records and emails, looking for any of your contacts that had suddenly stopped or reduced their usage of specific utilities, and suggest that they might be the ones at your house.

This would be backed up with credit card transactions showing train or plane ticket purchases, gasoline, et cetera.

PROMIS would then focus on these people and pull up all of their records,....all hints of a conspiracy that might exist..."
From the novel "Full Black," by Brad Thor.

3. "What would you do if you possessed software that could think, understand every language in the world, that provided peep holes into everyone else's computer "dressing rooms," that could insert data into computers without people's knowledge, that could fill in blanks beyond human reasoning and also predict what people would do - before they did it?

“Mated with artificial intelligence it is capable of analyzing not only an individual’s, but also a community’s entire life, in real time. It is also capable of issuing warnings when irregularities appear and of predicting future movements based upon past behavior.” THE WAR ON YOU: U.S. GOVERNMENT TARGETING OF AMERCIAN DISSIDENTS - Part II

4. Targets of inquiries "couldn't move anywhere without Big Brother watching them. Even if they traveled under a false name, various characteristics, such as height, hair color, age, were fed into roadside terminals and Promis searched through its database looking for a common denominator. It would be able to tell an army commander that a certain dissident who was in the north three days before had caught a train, then a bus, stayed at a friend's house, and was now on the road under a different name." What is PROMIS? - CKA

Gives a whole new meaning to " Oh, you better watch out, you better not cry
You better not pout, I'm telling you why... making a list and checking it twice He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice..."
Related to the above is the overreaching government plans to control your home temperatures.
It is disguised as follows:

"( - The Energy Department on Tuesday is rolling out new, improved software to help Americans measure the energy efficiency of their homes.

DOE says its energy-scoring software -- called the Home Energy Scoring Tool -- is like a vehicle's mile-per-gallon rating because it allows homeowners to compare the energy performance of their homes to other homes nationwide. It also provides homeowners with suggestions for improving their homes' efficiency.

The software is part of the government's effort to reduce the nation's energy consumption; but it's also billed as a way to keep home-retrofitting going, at a time when stimulus funds for weather-proofing have run out.
DOE Plugs Energy Rating for Homes, Similar to MPG Rating for Cars | CNS News

Of course....homeowners currently have a way of 'comparing their energy usage'....'s called 'the monthly bill.'

Note that the feds are reaching into, spying on, every aspect of one's life.

Is this what you voted for?
Dont ask me how I know this -- but the NSA is one of the few bastions of EXTREME scientific COMPETENCE in the US Govt. Until the FBI proved to be totally inadequate in handling anything more complex than a rolodex and a rotary phone, the NSA was SEVERELY restricted from using those talents in any DOMESTIC programs. Which was fine if you wanted to know exactly how many bottles of vodka the Kremlin was ordering or to break the encryption coding of one of their spy satellites.

But now that BOTH political parties have changed the rules, We had better worry a lot. The recent dustup about metadata is not about DIRECT SPYING, but rather that the techniques and abilities you hinted at that NSA retains includes the ability to train systems to recognize suspicious patterns of association, behaviour and communication.. And to develop such a system, you need TONS of "training data". Data that shows MOSTLY innocent activities and patterns with the rare "target" signature of a threat situation. The FISA subpoenas and the various conflicts with the ISProviders are evidence that NSA is training systems capable of extracting threats from the background sum total of Communications in America. That huge new building in Utah is likely for them to bring in real-time data encompassing every domestic communication.. And the capability to STORE large amounts of that data to verify that recognition COULD HAVE picked up a trace on a KNOWN terror event after the truth is out and the plot unwinds. So you need training data --- and THEN you need TRUTH. The ability to recreate the data flow from a known episode of terror threat. Now you know "innocent" and you've seen a "target". You've validated the system if it could "catch" the plot --- after it occurred. From then on -- you can go operational and fine tune..

Better solution?? Put NSA back into the box.. International intelligience only. Allow Homeland Security to borrow techniques from NSA that would allow domestic tracing ONLY ONCE an International threat has been identified. And then follow any domestic connections to that threat.

If the threat is already among us and unidentified -- so be it. Risk versus reward. Liberty versus potential abuse and tyranny. Our leaders felt enough fear to believe we wanted this. I don't think we should EVER be that fearful...
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Dont ask me how I know this -- but the NSA is one of the few bastions of EXTREME scientific COMPETENCE in the US Govt. Until the FBI proved to be totally inadequate in handling anything more complex than a rolodex and a rotary phone, the NSA was SEVERELY restricted from using those talents in any DOMESTIC programs. Which was fine if you wanted to know exactly how many bottles of vodka the Kremlin was ordering or to break the encryption coding of one of their spy satellites.

But now that BOTH political parties have changed the rules, We had better worry a lot. The recent dustup about metadata is not about DIRECT SPYING, but rather that the techniques and abilities you hinted at that NSA retains includes the ability to train systems to recognize suspicious patterns of association, behaviour and communication.. And to develop such a system, you need TONS of "training data". Data that shows MOSTLY innocent activities and patterns with the rare "target" signature of a threat situation. The FISA subpoenas and the various conflicts with the ISProviders are evidence that NSA is training systems capable of extracting threats from the background sum total of Communications in America. That huge new building in Utah is likely for them to bring in real-time data encompassing every domestic communication.. And the capability to STORE large amounts of that data to verify that recognition COULD HAVE picked up a trace on a KNOWN terror event after the truth is out and the plot unwinds. So you need training data --- and THEN you need TRUTH. The ability to recreate the data flow from a known episode of terror threat. Now you know "innocent" and you've seen a "target". You've validated the system if it could "catch" the plot --- after it occurred. From then on -- you can go operational and fine tune..

Better solution?? Put NSA back into the box.. International intelligience only. Allow Homeland Security to borrow techniques from NSA that would allow domestic tracing ONLY ONCE an International threat has been identified. And then follow any domestic connections to that threat.

If the threat is already among us and unidentified -- so be it. Risk versus reward. Liberty versus potential abuse and tyranny. Our leaders felt enough fear to believe we wanted this. I don't think we should EVER be that fearful...

1. " identify terrorist activity before it took place. Without permission, the device scanned the physiology of each person who unknowingly passed by its sensor array, recording, storing, and analyzing their respiration, pheromone secretion, "electodermal" activity, and cardiovascular signature in an attempt to recognize "malintent" and alert authorities.

2. A secondary "tagging" system worked to establish the subject's identity via the FBI's new NGI or Next Generation Identification database. It was like iPhoto tagging on steroids.

a. NGI was an all-encompassing billion-dollar up-grade of the Bureau's fingerprint database,...including face-recognition technology, iris scans, fingerprints, palm prints, DNA, voice-print recordings, measures of gait, and detailed analysis of scars and tattoos.

3. With no concern paid to unreasonable searches, FAST also scanned your person to ascertain whether you were carrying any mobile devices. If you were, the FAST machine would establish a "handshake" with your devices and copy whatever readily available data they contained. FAST also looked for any RFID tags you might be carrying and copied the information from those as well."
All of this was filed in DHS and NSA databases and a file created for each person who walked by."
From the novel "Black List," by Brad Thor
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Dont ask me how I know this -- but the NSA is one of the few bastions of EXTREME scientific COMPETENCE in the US Govt. Until the FBI proved to be totally inadequate in handling anything more complex than a rolodex and a rotary phone, the NSA was SEVERELY restricted from using those talents in any DOMESTIC programs. Which was fine if you wanted to know exactly how many bottles of vodka the Kremlin was ordering or to break the encryption coding of one of their spy satellites.

But now that BOTH political parties have changed the rules, We had better worry a lot. The recent dustup about metadata is not about DIRECT SPYING, but rather that the techniques and abilities you hinted at that NSA retains includes the ability to train systems to recognize suspicious patterns of association, behaviour and communication.. And to develop such a system, you need TONS of "training data". Data that shows MOSTLY innocent activities and patterns with the rare "target" signature of a threat situation. The FISA subpoenas and the various conflicts with the ISProviders are evidence that NSA is training systems capable of extracting threats from the background sum total of Communications in America. That huge new building in Utah is likely for them to bring in real-time data encompassing every domestic communication.. And the capability to STORE large amounts of that data to verify that recognition COULD HAVE picked up a trace on a KNOWN terror event after the truth is out and the plot unwinds. So you need training data --- and THEN you need TRUTH. The ability to recreate the data flow from a known episode of terror threat. Now you know "innocent" and you've seen a "target". You've validated the system if it could "catch" the plot --- after it occurred. From then on -- you can go operational and fine tune..

Better solution?? Put NSA back into the box.. International intelligience only. Allow Homeland Security to borrow techniques from NSA that would allow domestic tracing ONLY ONCE an International threat has been identified. And then follow any domestic connections to that threat.

If the threat is already among us and unidentified -- so be it. Risk versus reward. Liberty versus potential abuse and tyranny. Our leaders felt enough fear to believe we wanted this. I don't think we should EVER be that fearful...

1. " identify terrorist activity before it took place. Without permission, the device scanned the physiology of each person who unknowingly passed by its sensor array, recording, storing, and analyzing their respiration, pheromone secretion, "electodermal" activity, and cardiovascular signature in an attempt to recognize "malintent" and alert authorities.

2. A secondary "tagging" system worked to establish the subject's identity via the FBI's new NGI or Next Generation Identification database. It was like iPhoto tagging on steroids.

a. NGI was an all-encompassing billion-dollar up-grade of the Bureau's fingerprint database,...including face-recognition technology, iris scans, fingerprints, palm prints, DNA, voice-print recordings, measures of gait, and detailed analysis of scars and tattoos.

3. With no concern paid to unreasonable searches, FAST also scanned your person to ascertain whether you were carrying any mobile devices. If you were, the FAST machine would establish a "handshake" with your devices and copy whatever readily available data they contained. FAST also looked for any RFID tags you might be carrying and copied the information from those as well."
All of this was filed in DHS and NSA databases and a file created for each person who walked by."
From the novel "Black List," by Brad Thor

So what is the background of Brad Thor? -- because he pretty much nailed the toolbox that is available for "Unauthorized search of a person". I've actually worked on some this. For COMMERCIAL applications of course. :lol:

And I have no faith that the Supreme Court KNOWS enough about technology to handle this kind of widespread secret pat down.. I watched them struggle with merely putting a GPS tracker on a suspects car.. Whether THAT constituted "illegal search" and I was frustrated because the esteemed judges didn't realize for MOST of the argument -- that GPS tracking required a PHONE LINK to report back in real time. So simply -- the car with the tracker was "BUGGED" without a warrant.

The false positive hits from smelling a persons fear or anxiety makes this ALONE a weak detector. But the deal is --- if you combine enough WEAK detectors, you can get pretty good results. That's why so many different types of biometrics are required to be teamed together.
Dont ask me how I know this -- but the NSA is one of the few bastions of EXTREME scientific COMPETENCE in the US Govt. Until the FBI proved to be totally inadequate in handling anything more complex than a rolodex and a rotary phone, the NSA was SEVERELY restricted from using those talents in any DOMESTIC programs. Which was fine if you wanted to know exactly how many bottles of vodka the Kremlin was ordering or to break the encryption coding of one of their spy satellites.

But now that BOTH political parties have changed the rules, We had better worry a lot. The recent dustup about metadata is not about DIRECT SPYING, but rather that the techniques and abilities you hinted at that NSA retains includes the ability to train systems to recognize suspicious patterns of association, behaviour and communication.. And to develop such a system, you need TONS of "training data". Data that shows MOSTLY innocent activities and patterns with the rare "target" signature of a threat situation. The FISA subpoenas and the various conflicts with the ISProviders are evidence that NSA is training systems capable of extracting threats from the background sum total of Communications in America. That huge new building in Utah is likely for them to bring in real-time data encompassing every domestic communication.. And the capability to STORE large amounts of that data to verify that recognition COULD HAVE picked up a trace on a KNOWN terror event after the truth is out and the plot unwinds. So you need training data --- and THEN you need TRUTH. The ability to recreate the data flow from a known episode of terror threat. Now you know "innocent" and you've seen a "target". You've validated the system if it could "catch" the plot --- after it occurred. From then on -- you can go operational and fine tune..

Better solution?? Put NSA back into the box.. International intelligience only. Allow Homeland Security to borrow techniques from NSA that would allow domestic tracing ONLY ONCE an International threat has been identified. And then follow any domestic connections to that threat.

If the threat is already among us and unidentified -- so be it. Risk versus reward. Liberty versus potential abuse and tyranny. Our leaders felt enough fear to believe we wanted this. I don't think we should EVER be that fearful...

1. " identify terrorist activity before it took place. Without permission, the device scanned the physiology of each person who unknowingly passed by its sensor array, recording, storing, and analyzing their respiration, pheromone secretion, "electodermal" activity, and cardiovascular signature in an attempt to recognize "malintent" and alert authorities.

2. A secondary "tagging" system worked to establish the subject's identity via the FBI's new NGI or Next Generation Identification database. It was like iPhoto tagging on steroids.

a. NGI was an all-encompassing billion-dollar up-grade of the Bureau's fingerprint database,...including face-recognition technology, iris scans, fingerprints, palm prints, DNA, voice-print recordings, measures of gait, and detailed analysis of scars and tattoos.

3. With no concern paid to unreasonable searches, FAST also scanned your person to ascertain whether you were carrying any mobile devices. If you were, the FAST machine would establish a "handshake" with your devices and copy whatever readily available data they contained. FAST also looked for any RFID tags you might be carrying and copied the information from those as well."
All of this was filed in DHS and NSA databases and a file created for each person who walked by."
From the novel "Black List," by Brad Thor

So what is the background of Brad Thor? -- because he pretty much nailed the toolbox that is available for "Unauthorized search of a person". I've actually worked on some this. For COMMERCIAL applications of course. :lol:

And I have no faith that the Supreme Court KNOWS enough about technology to handle this kind of widespread secret pat down.. I watched them struggle with merely putting a GPS tracker on a suspects car.. Whether THAT constituted "illegal search" and I was frustrated because the esteemed judges didn't realize for MOST of the argument -- that GPS tracking required a PHONE LINK to report back in real time. So simply -- the car with the tracker was "BUGGED" without a warrant.

The false positive hits from smelling a persons fear or anxiety makes this ALONE a weak detector. But the deal is --- if you combine enough WEAK detectors, you can get pretty good results. That's why so many different types of biometrics are required to be teamed together.

"In an interview with the Daily Caller, Thor revealed that he is a participant in a Department of Homeland Security program designed to identify targets for terrorism.[18] Described by Thor as the "Analytical Red Cell Unit", the program uses creative thinkers from outside of Washington, D.C. to create possible terrorism scenarios for the government. The creative individuals work with members of the government, military, and intelligence community. Thor describes Red Cell as the "Las Vegas" of government programs, saying "what happens in Red Cell, stays in Red Cell."
Brad Thor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I allow myself to read fiction as a treat...and if you read any, try to pick up Thor's 'Black List,' "Full Black," and "Foreign Influence."
The Red Cell Unit eh?? Do you remember the outrage when the Office of Total Awareness (OTA) was brought out by the new-born DHSecurity?


That was not a hoax.. It gives a glimpse of our new Security State mindset.. Check out the Latin motto..
So PC --- are you a NEW convert to absolute Civil Liberties and good old fashioned Liberal distrust of Government power --- Or have you always been a security deficient Conservative with Libertarian tendencies??? Because SOME of US didn't like the tune when it first got played...

BTW: I know what you mean about the nutrition of fiction. I generally don't.. Some Sophomore English teacher killed my appetite in college..
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